Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How do you bleach hair with hydrogen peroxoxide?

i just want to bleach a very small piece. how would i go about doing this?

How do you bleach hair with hydrogen peroxoxide?

buy a highlighting kit, and use tin foil...that worked for me!

How do you bleach hair with hydrogen peroxoxide?

Just keep putting the peroxide on the piece of hair you want to lighten. It will take a few days, but it will work.

How do you bleach hair with hydrogen peroxoxide?

peroxide by itself won't work

How do you bleach hair with hydrogen peroxoxide?

You risk ending up with orange hair or worse, having it break off. Why not buy a proper blonding product. It will have instructions and rubber gloves. Whatever you do, don't forget to do a patch test in case you have an allergy.

My daughter ended up with bright orange, very weakened hair when she tried using peroxide.

How do you bleach hair with hydrogen peroxoxide?

Don't use hydrogen peroxide! It's too high of a concentration of the peroxide so your hair ends up turning orange.

Go to WalMart or Walgreens and buy a bleaching kit (Herbal Essences bleach works great and has never turned my hair orange) and make sure you condition afterwards so your hair doesn't break.

Good luck. :)

How do you bleach hair with hydrogen peroxoxide?

Get a lightning kit, peroxide is made to activate a solution.

How do you bleach hair with hydrogen peroxoxide?

um it is best to just go the a beauty salon than burn your hair with the permanently damages your hair from root to tips. Get highlights.

How do you bleach hair with hydrogen peroxoxide?

what, i do is section off piece of hair that , i , wish to bleach, be careful and use a small spray bottle , to put the peroxide in oil around area with petroleum jelly, to insure ,protection to any an all of the surrounding hair , to be sprayed.

complete spraying process, be sure to oil with vitamin -e liquid oil periodiocally.

peroxide tends to dry out hair and breakage is tremendous, oil hair when youthful does not get teribly dry, but it will frizz up.

How do you bleach hair with hydrogen peroxoxide?

dont do that , it will turn orange and it will take forever , i am a stylist so i would suggest that you have a pro do it , it wont take long at all and it shouldnt cost that much

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