Monday, April 16, 2012

Should I....?

Should I worry about getting a hair-piece or transplant? I keep my head shaved clean.

Should I....?

Neither, some men look goood bald headed ( the Rock)

Should I....?

shaved clean dude

Should I....?

no those things are just too itchy

Should I....?

Bald can be hottt, unless you have an odd shaped head, then splurge on many hats!

Should I....?

Just be who you are! You are enough!

Should I....?

Fight the insecurity. Unless you look terrible bald or have health issues, stay off the rogaine.

Should I....?

No clean is NEAT!!!!

Should I....?

Nope keep it clean shaved

Should I....?

there is nothing tackier than a rug....never a turn on always a turn off.........i prefer clean shaved

Should I....?

I wouldn't worry about it.......lots of women find bald men sexy

Should I....?

worry about the hair-piece, you never know about a bad windy day and you'd be chasing all over it. All of that expense down the drain, or it could go down a drain.

Should I....?

no just keep the glare down

Should I....?

Bald is beautiful!

Should I....?


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