Thursday, April 26, 2012

My little sister is a b****!?

my little sister is pretty much the only person i can hang out with this summer because all of my close friends are going on vacation for a long time. my parents are both at work. so, i really want to do something with her! she gets mad at practically anything i say or do. for example (what just happened): i said, "sheila, you have a piece of hair sticking up." so she got it and i guess she took it like i was trying to be mean so she told me i had tons of little hairs on my head sticking up. (my hair is kinda frizzy today) anyway, she starts making fun of me for no reason. then i just sat there quiet and she said "now you're all mad!" i was just a little sad because she was making fun of me. so she went to her room and slammed the door. im telling you she gets mad over every little thing and im sick of it!! what should i do??

My little sister is a b****!?

well it sounded like you got mad first. That is silly that you guys are bickering like that. Try making things into a joke instead of taking things personally. one can frown at a smile. Just stay positive and it will rub off on her.. good luck!

My little sister is a b****!?

lol. next time just say, hey you want to fix each other's hair? or something like that, that you think might be fun. Preteens take everything you say to them as criticism.

My little sister is a b****!?

Talk to her and let her know how you feel.

My little sister is a b****!?

Sounds like your sister needs some kind of anger management.

My little sister is a b****!?

Oh my jeeze. I am so happy I don't have sisters. Well I guess it would be better than 4 brothers.....Get out of the house!! Make some friends.

My little sister is a b****!?

I dont know live her to herself for a while and see how she likes that. Try it and see what happens.

My little sister is a b****!?

are you completely against ending both of your lives?

My little sister is a b****!?

Tell her that her hair looks really nice, but she has a hair sticking up. Make a "negative" part of a bigger positive.

As for spending time with her, find something that she likes to do and ask if she will explain it or show you how to do it. Show interest in her activities, and she might open up more.

My little sister is a b****!?



My little sister is a b****!?

ignore her %26amp; make other friends or just chat on IM.. or tell her since you guys are going to be the only ones home you want to hang out.. depending on her age you could have run ways where she will dress up in your clothes %26amp; model.. or make a tent.. but make sure she knows you really want to

My little sister is a b****!?

I know it will be hard but IGNORE it lol..When she gets mad just act like you heard nothing at all..walk away pretend to be getting a snack or something...she'll eventually stop trust me i have 2 younger siblings lol and don't bring the topic up again just act like nothing ever happened

My little sister is a b****!?

Get over it. Siblings fight. Just don't tell her stuff like that anymore. Let her walk outside and have strangers tell her her hair is sticking up. She'll begin to appreciate you soon enough.

My little sister is a b****!?

little sisters are like that. she just doesnt really like when people tell her something is wrong

My little sister is a b****!?

Well this is easy

Be Mature

She wont be able to stand you no matter what you do, just let her know that you care about her that's all.

My little sister is a b****!?

She sounds just like my niece. Although, she is a little younger than me, I've always treated her like a sister. But she since she got older, she coops an attitude if you tell no about anything or even if you stare at her the "wrong way." You can't live with them, but you can't live without them.

My little sister is a b****!?

Tell her to shut up.And tell her that stupidity makes you laugh.And just ignore her belive me when you ignore her she say to herself she's not lisening and she'll just shut up and do something byherself.

My little sister is a b****!? go give her some...............

My little sister is a b****!?

You should probably talk to her, ask her why the things that you said to her bothered her. Tell her that you don't understand what happened but you really don't want to get in fights with her and ask her to tell you what it is that you say that makes her angry.

She may also just be a little mood swingey if she's on her period. Or else something totally unrelated to you may be bothering her and she's taking her frustration out on you. You could offer to talk to her if she's feeling sad or angry about something.

Just be very pacient with her, let her know that you are trying to help her and not trying to make her angry.

My little sister is a b****!?

Try to do things you both like and try to communicate, do each others hair! Oh, yeah, try to make other friends aswell lol

My little sister is a b****!?

First of all, Is she your only sister? If so then I would tell her that you only have one sister that she can count on, and also when every-ones has left this world then we are to rely on each-other. The petty stuff has to stop! Just let her know that you love her very much and that you would do anything for her, but you are not going to take the abuse from her anymore. Then just leave it alone, she will come around to getting back to you..

Good Luck !!!!!!

My little sister is a b****!?

It sounds like your sister is very sensitive, but that she hides it. Be careful with what you say. It may not seem like it to you, but what you said about her hair can be considered very critical and somewhat rude to a person who has low self esteem. It is as if you are telling her that her hair is not fixed well enough, so she retaliated by showing you how much of your hair is sticking up. She may have felt attacked and her only line of defense was to make you feel really bad.

I recommend trying to have her teach you something. Find out something that she's really good at and that you are interested in and ask her about it. This could be a great bonding experience for you two. Also, be sure to try and not be clingy. That would only make her want to push you away.

My little sister is a b****!?

sound too me you both are a bit ragged- neither one of you won't to be around the other the feeling is mutual so seance you have to baby sit then why don't you have her invite one of her friends over to hang out and you do the same . just check up on them to make sure they are alright and try to get alone .

My little sister is a b****!?

she sounds immature! you need to have a heart to heart talk with her about respecting you without pointing out faults. Tell her to stop being so short tempered, and you want the best for her.

My little sister is a b****!?

I think both of you need to get out of your house and just go to the mall or something. Little brothers, sisters, and cousins are always going to be a pain in the butt (I use butt for lack of a better word). In the end, you both will probably be nice to each other later in the day. Don't take it personally!

My little sister is a b****!?

She is set in her ways now, she will always have a bad attitude, there is nothing you can do. I had a sister the same and then a daughter like it too. I have tried, I really have, but at the end of the day THEY have a real problem with you and they won't stop it, so your only choice as you get older is to see them less and less so that at least they try to be amicable when you are together. Sorry you are in for a rough holiday....

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