Thursday, April 26, 2012

How to tell if weed is laced?

if u find a sort of long piece of hair in your weed can it be laced? (like a long piece of hair sticking out)

How to tell if weed is laced?

Wow - well the answer is no! "Laced" usually means sprayed (w/ insecticides), and the weed most likely to be sprayed is "reggies" or "non-hydroponic" - in other words - grown outdoors instead of in. Anyhoo - "laced" also means putting another drug on the weed - like cocaine. People who do this usually tell you since they are proud of the fact they are donating an expensive drug to your weed. Drugdealers usually don't fare well when they "lace" the weed with expensive cocaine for kicks. So, as you can see - a "hair" just isn't relevant (not even a curly dark one).

How to tell if weed is laced?

I don't know...........if you think it's laced, don't smoke it. Trust me.

How to tell if weed is laced?

smoke it and if it gives you a different feeling you know that it could be laced. but Ive never heard of anyone lacing it with hair

How to tell if weed is laced?

Either by a police field chem identifier kit, send it to a lab, someone tells you or you wait a while and let other people smoke first...if they start acting mad strange, then you may have laced weed

Sometimes it has an odd texture (like if it is laced with a cocaine based drug it is a little velvety and your tongue goes numb).

How to tell if weed is laced?

Smoke it.

How to tell if weed is laced?

smoke it and see if you hallucinate

How to tell if weed is laced?

When they pulled the stems and seeds out of the bud, they might have dropped it on a counter or a table. When they rolled it, the hair from the counter or table probably got rolled, too. It's quite common actually.

Believe me, you could tell by the different smell and taste that the weed was laced. It's very uncommon to come across laced weed, anyway. It's much too costly.

How to tell if weed is laced?

Laced weed is pretty rare. Why? Because people who buy weed don't like the things it could be laced with, and any dealer who laces his weed will soon go out of business.

If it is laced with something like heroin, there will be a distinctly different taste and the person will probably start throwing up. That's hard to miss.

If it is laced with cocaine, the person's mouth would go numb. Again, hard to miss.

If it is laced with PCP, it will probably have a chemical taste and the effects will be distinctly different than regular marijuana. Again, hard to miss.

If it was laced with meth, there would be a different taste and the effects would be different. Again, hard to miss.

If it was laced with LSD, it would probably be useless because LSD is destroyed by heat.

Hairs are everywhere. If you go to restaurants enough, you may find a hair in your food even though they usually require food workers to wear hair nets. Finding a hair in something means nothing more than that it was handled by humans.

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