Friday, April 27, 2012

Can anyone help me please?

I know it's normal to lose hair after you've showered or blow dried your hair, but I think I lose alot more hairs than I should...there's always so many pieces on the floor and in the tub. Hair just falls out all the time. I find them everywhere...and I'm kind of scared. I'm only eighteen! This whole thing freaks me out. I'm not sure if I'm balding...because I don't have bald spots...and I know baldness doesn't run in the family. My dad says it is because I wash my hair everyday, so now I only wash my hair every other day, but hair still falls out! I'm so jealous of my little sister who is 16, she washes her hair every single day and doesn't lose hair like I do!

Also, whenever I find a piece of my hair, I examine it just so I can see why it fell out, and I've found that most of my hairs--the root part is thinned out. Usually the bottom of your hair is supposed to be weaker than the top where the root is--mine is the opposite.

Can someone please tell me what is wrong?

Can anyone help me please?

If you can run your hands through your hair without noticing a dramatic difference in its density, I wouldn't worry about it. Serious hair loss is not limited to shampooing and showering. If in fact you were experiencing hair loss, you would notice it in your bed, on your pillow, in your hats... everywhere. On average we lose anywhere from 50-100 hairs a day, however, during certain times of the year you may lose more or less. I wouldn't worry about it, honey.

Can anyone help me please?

See a doctor. It could be anything from radiation poisoning to female baldness to a high turn over of hair to a whole slew of things.

Can anyone help me please?

Well I can tell you from experiance that your hair will grow back. Do you die your hair a lot???? I have died my hair quite a few times and strands fall out, but it grows back that probably why you dont see balding. also when you have dead ends form what i hear your hair falls out more if you have a lot of dead ends or just need a hair cut you should vut your hair, or if you due your hair take a break from that for a while.

Can anyone help me please?

Your hair is damaged from something. Go toy your hairdresser and have her analyze it and fix it for you.

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