Thursday, April 26, 2012

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

One of my teachers keep on flirting with me ,

It all started when he kept on looking over at me

And smiling, then it turned into a hug when i said

i was moving .. He came up to me and was talking to me

and he pushed a piece of hair out of my eyes, every time in the

hall way he will ALWAYS say hi to me. Today at lunch

he saw me in the office because i was talking to my friends

that had to work there for that lunch, and he goes and goes

to the intercom thing, and makes an announcement about

Band students. Then he looked over at me and winked.

I am not sure what to do , i like him as a teacher, but if

i were to tell somebody he will get fired..

I try my best not to flirt back, but it sometime i have like

know choice .

Would you call this flirting ?

Do you know what i should do?

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

First of all: I believe you, I really think that you'd be the one to know if he was flirting with you. If it doesn't bother you terribly, you're probably not in too much danger.

It's an embarrassing subject. Because if you ever made your case public, he'd deny the claims, making you look like you just wanted attention. If he found out that you were accusing him of anything, your remaining school days with him would always be bitter. It's VERY difficult for a young girl in your situation to solve it. If you're going to make any claims to a school administrator, make sure you have plenty of friends to back you up.

In your case, this is what I'd do: I'd play him off. Whenever you think he might be "flirting" with you or giving you any hints toward that direction, react negatively. Give him the "Ok, whatever..." face or the perplexed "what was that?" face. I hope you understand what I'm talking about. You can still be nice to him, since he is a nice guy. But when he does something that makes you uncomfortable, make sure you show it somehow without directly saying it. He should get the hint to back off.

The point is, he's a grown man and you're a young female. It's wrong in every sense, even if he wasn't a teacher. He should know better than to even give the slightest hint of flirtation with his students. Don't feel too bad for him if you have to hurt his feelings a little bit to get him to back off.

Good luck, I hope this works out well for you and that this will no longer remain a problem.

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

Please turn this over to Your Parents and cancel the Band Trip Report It

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

first i hope you're 18

second, i would tell your guidance counselor or something

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

Ok, go to your principal. That's completely inappropriate behavior for a teacher.

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

he's probably just being nice, but you're reading it as flirtation. you might be flirting back, though.

and you should probably just look at it as a friendship. i do similar stuff with some of my teachers, but i don't think they're flirting with me, i just look at them as friends instead of a teacher.

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

Yes, but you always have a choice. Instead of letting him brush your hair out of your face, pull away or turn away. He'll get the idea.

You should give him cold signals by not letting him hug you, roll your eyes when he winks, and don't let him touch your face.

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

I think thats flirting , that would be though to avoid all I can say is I would talk to the counselor in privative maybe she can do something

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

Are you sure he's really flirting or just being nice? Alot of men wink @ girls, it's a sign of sincerity not always flirting. But, if he crosses the line, you need to tell your parents and your principal. Don't provoke it, if he does something, ignore it.

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

Sadly reporting him is probably what you need to do. He may continue to make bolder moves on other girls when you are gone.

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

You know you should tell. Talk to your principal, talk to your parents, to your pastor.

Maybe you think he's a nice guy, but he's not. He should not be around young girls.

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

well you're moving aren't you? so you can forget about it if it made you feel uncomfortable

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

Same sort of thing happened with me and I ignored it. Sometimes it will go away, talk to someone you really trust about this and don't follow his lead. You do not need to feel like you have to flirt with him just because he flirts with you. If you need to ask him something, never go by yourself, always go with at least two friends so that nothing bad will happen. I did that after I realized what he was doing and it worked.

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

Um if your not 18 its illegal. They made it wrong by law.

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

Ignore him!! And to cover your own back if s$%^ hits the fan, start a secret diary.. Start recording the things he's doing.. If he makes more advances, then that's when you get some1 lyk your counsellor or parents involved.. P.S. Write as much details as you can about w@eva makes you feel uncomfy - lyk dates/times/w@ he done etc.. U neva no gurly, ur teacher myt actually be a paedofile - 4REAL!! (No offence)!

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

Um, best thing to do, is uh, ask him about it, and if you cant and you feel shy, just get a boyfriend.

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

You really need to contact a teacher or your local guidance counselor. He might be dangerous i wouldnt take any chances. Im sorry but it is the truth.. I dont want to see your name in the news paper and the title "( your name) Raped by Local teacher "

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

go with whatever feels right...if u find him attractive

"alls fair in love and war"

-not sure

but umm you can exploit him too

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

make him a lucky guy

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

Dont Worry, i think hes just being super nice!

a few of my teachers are like that, but i know they are just fond of me [ hell, they told my mum i was a favourite pupil ]

so hes probrably just being nice

you wouldnt want to report it and it turns out a huge misunderstanding.. and then he gets fired.. would you?

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

I think you should tell another adult, since this is a little weird. Although you might feel bad, it's the right thing to do.

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

I would try switching out of the class since u don't want him fired, then avoid him as best u can; he's definitely flirting with ya so this is the only way to bail without getting him fired. If he's still flirting with you after that, you have to tell another teacher or administrator because you'll be in danger and what if he's doing this to other kids in the same situation? It's too risky to just let it resolve itself

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

ask him out on a date or give him your number or invite him to your yahoo messenger .......if he says yes, phones or messeges you then you should report it. If you like him back and are flirting back then its your own damn fault and you must report him.

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

I had a teacher like that before. I liked it! haha

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

i think you should avoid him if you can and if he walks up to you, just answer his questions/statements. you should start to worry if he starts asking if you need a ride afterschool.

thanx for answering my question! :D

hope i helped!

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

seriously tell him how you feel. if you like the man tell him....if you don't then tell him

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

Complain to his wife

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

thats a hard one ,

umm well honestly if you younger then 18 it is wrong , i know what you mean though if one of my teachers i thought was attractive did it to me i wouldnt know what to do either , i would want people telling me to go for it but the truth comes down to whats right and whats wrong . and thats wrong what he is doing is very wrong and inapropriate. and i know you dont want to hear that because i wouldnt either if i was in your postion. You also have to think if you did persue it he would expect more and he could be doing this to other girls to which makes him a pedophile if he does this to girls under 18. i do consider him flirting with you because no teacher i know does this to any girls. So what i think you should do is ignore it and im sorry because i know you dont want to hear that i understnad that but its the right thing to do. Trust me you will find other great guys. If your teacher was a respectable he would know not to hit on a girl your age there are teachers at my school that wouldnt even hug a student because they think thats inapropraite. I honestly just think you should ignore him and be on the safe side

Gooodluck :) i hope everything goes alright !

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

There is a difference between liking him and being flirtatious which, by the way, you do have a choice. There is no reason to feel like you have to flirt back at him which you need to quit doing because all you're doing is encouraging him. What he is doing is over stepping his professional boundaries and he is begging to get fired. If that would happen it wouldn't be your fault as he brought this on himself where he should have had better sense to have more control over himself. That is even more reason to make it a point to keep your distance and keep things cool between him and you. This doesn't mean that you need to be rude or uncivil toward him. It just means to use some discretion when he gives you attention that goes beyond the guidelines of protocol even if you have to back away from him when he puts his hands on you or look away when he makes some facial gestures.

There's probably been others in his past that he's been carrying on with but has been getting away with it because they've been too intimated to say anything. Since he likes to flirt, then he's flirting with disaster and it's just a matter of time before others take notice by the unnecessary attention he's giving and therefore attracting to himself.

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

Everytime he asks you something politely ask him," Why does that interest you?" Put him on the spot. You take control of the situation. Just give him the cold shoulder, you're way to beautiful for a loser like that.

Help asap, Male Teacher plus me .?

Milk it for all that its worth!!!! You can get an easy A out of that class. Whats wrong with you?

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