Friday, April 27, 2012

Toxic mold????

how can you tell if a person has been in the presence of toxic mold? besides going to the dr. are there any other places that can test humans for toxic mold ? ive heard that lead test includes taking a piece of hair or something like that and it will tell you how bad its the presence in your body! any ideas????

Toxic mold????

I think that toxic mold is tested on the surface of wherever the mold grew.. not in a person as in "lets test him for toxic mold" because the mold will settle in your lungs and cause the problems... so first you will know that the person is sick... and then they trace it back to the mold.

Once someone is sick there are a couple of tests they can do. First they would do a blood culture to see if there was anything growing in the blood (it takes 72 hours to get a negative test). Also, in serious cases they will do a bronchoscopy and squirt water into your lungs. They then take the water and culture it... if mold grows... then they know.

Hope that helps.

Toxic mold????

There are certain blood tests that can be done to look for certain anti-bodies. IF the toxic mold gets into your body its called mycotoxins or mycotoxicosis. Tell your doctor about this. You can also get swabs of the mold and send it into a lab to get it tested for toxic mold. If you have any other mold questions let me know. im me or email me. im the mold expert from unfortunate happenstance to put it in euphemistic manner

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