Friday, April 27, 2012

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

cause you thought there was a bug crawling on your face, but really it was just a stray piece of hair?

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

nope, bugs dont really scare me. but when i worked as a security guard on the night shift a rat did come running out of nowhere once and almost gave me a heartattack-it was a pitch dark basement and it kinda bolted from nowhere and ran between my legs.

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?


Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?


Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

i am sure i have i hate bugs on me...

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

no but i flipped out b4 jus cuz had to much stress

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

Oh Yeah!!

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

Yeah, in the middle of the night. Everyone thought I was being murdered and I wasn't treated too nicely the next day.

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

I just did that like 10 minutes ago!

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

omfg! yes!

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

all the time! i hate that, but i don't jump but i do scream sometimes ha

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

yes i thought it was a spider and slapped my own face to get it off

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?


Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

when I was younger...

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

Yes i have.


Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

Many times, even if I have my hair in a ponytail there's always one stray hair that has to get me.

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

I didn't but my friend did. I pointed to a mole on his face (which had some dark facial hairs growing out of it) He freaked. It was so d@mn funny.

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

its worse when you discover it really is a big hairy bug ......;)

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?


Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

Yes, but when I looked around me I didn't see anyone watching so I was I need to know -- did you see me do that?

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

no but I did freak out when she stuck her finger was a shocker!

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?


I'm pretty laid back

unless your semi is out of control and coming right at me

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

Happens to all, sometime or the other.

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

did you spill your beer again? calm down girl, there's no point in spilling good alcohol even if there is a real bug on your face.

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

Just today at the park.. And ppl started staring.. i couldnt care less... There wasnt even a thing on my head..

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?


all the time

I even have my kids doing the same thing

it is truly funny

especially when a bug is near them or they want me to get rid of it

We'll all be running and screaming

it is soo funny

i holla ;P

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

yea thats funny too

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

Looks like someone took a hit of the brown acid : O

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

Yup, and when I do that in public people look at me weird and think I'm some mental psycho.

Ever completely FREAK out, yelling, jumping...?

see what happens when you put your pretzels near the pap smears

how many times do i have to tell you KEEP YOUR MUNCHIES AWAY

i don't know whats worse with you

sleeping on your arm and getting wrinkle face with drool marks or doing the BUG ON MY FACE DANCE

ahhhhhhh you lead such a routine life hehehehe

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