Saturday, April 14, 2012

Really worried about looks - getting me down a little - plz help me out here.?

Hiya, Okay I'm 18 now, and to be honest I'm usually quite shy around most girls, like when they come and speak to me/ ask me out etc I usually find I had an important place to be, or that there is an incredibly interesting piece of carpet that needs to be looked at. Anyway, I admit this freely - I think its cos I went to an all boys school you see. Well, I can walk around and have "staring contests" with girls - as I like to call it - with confidence usually, and I am talking about looking at each other in the eyes for a bit - nowhere else - I'm not a pig lol! Anyway, I am really worried now. Before say when I was 15 or so I usually managed this with about 75% probably of girls walking by, which is nothing special but not too bad either. But now, it seems to have been gradually decreasing, until I kid you not, on average its prob about 25%. On a really really good day, maybe 60%, on a bad day much much less. Anyway I need tips on improving. E.G. do girl's like long hair and stuff.Thx

Really worried about looks - getting me down a little - plz help me out here.?

It's what that's in your heart that matters, Just be yourself, Quit worring, Quit trying and it will happen.

Really worried about looks - getting me down a little - plz help me out here.?

Dude looking into there eye's plays well so you are up on most guy's your age. the thing you need is to be confident in yourself which you are not so get practicing get some confidence, be yourself. and look her in the eye's when you talk!

Really worried about looks - getting me down a little - plz help me out here.?

looks don't matter think bout tha hurt and tha feeling forget tha rest but if you picky o well

Really worried about looks - getting me down a little - plz help me out here.?

Why are you having staring contests? Go over and talk to her! I think that is it messed up to show interest like that in a girl and then don't even have the balls to go over and talk to her. You missing out on a whole lot.

Really worried about looks - getting me down a little - plz help me out here.?

"and I am talking about looking at each other in the eyes for a bit - nowhere else - I'm not a pig lol!"

complete honesty my a$$ dude.

Confidence is everything. Suck it up bro.

Really worried about looks - getting me down a little - plz help me out here.?

Hey.. i went to an all guys school too.. i understand where u are coming from.. anyways man.. dont worry about your own looks.. just ask girls (that are mainly friends) of what type of styles would make you look good... they wont steer you wrong... and if a girl sometimes doesnt like the way you look... oh well bro just move on.. the trick is not to be soo worried aobut your looks that its noticable.. but dont get too cocky if ur average goes up.. just relax..and be urself...

hopefully this was helpful

Really worried about looks - getting me down a little - plz help me out here.?

So when you had all the women interested, you did nothing and now that you don't have many interested, you want to do something? For what, so you can do nothing again? Do you see how you are getting in your own way here?

Really worried about looks - getting me down a little - plz help me out here.?

Personally, I don't think you should change yourself AT ALL!

I LIKE SHY GUYS! I find them humble and CUTE! I hate guys with far too much pride, arrogance and an ego the size of a.. well.. A mOuNtaIn..!

Just be yourself: and confidence comes with experience ;)

P.S: try to be comedic, smile KINDLY, and socialize with the girls you like (or want to be with)..

Really worried about looks - getting me down a little - plz help me out here.?

ok, advice from a guy probably isnt what you are looking for, but i thought the same about me... then i asked this girl i really liked out. just thought i should give it a go... so i was shocked as hell when she sed yes! so, yeah, moral of story... we got no hope of knowing what girls r thinkin unless they tell us. just go for what makes u feel good, an hope they agree! (she says long hair is awesome, btw, if that helps...)

Really worried about looks - getting me down a little - plz help me out here.?

When you were 15 the girls you most likely stared at were also around that age group also, but now that you are 18 years of age, you are now staring at girls who are older than 15, this is part of your answer. Girls change as they get older and they feel this staring game a little forward and immature. You need to get an older girls attention in a more mature, subtle way. I feel you will be ok, most young people grow through different stages in their life where what worked in the past seems not to work so well in the present. Try and relax a bit, girls can sense if you are trying too hard. Your shyness will vanish with time and experience.

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