Monday, April 23, 2012

Pulled out a full piece of... out of my EYE!?

Ok, this is weird... but most of all- PAINFUL. After taking a good shower, I thought I had gotten a scratch on my eye from my contacts. I could not even open my left eye. I swore it felt like a huuuuuge rock under my eyelid.

So I call my boyfriend to check out my eye. I was going hysterical.

Bf comes home and tells me to tip my head back...

Pulls out whatever's sticking out my eye...

It's the looooooooongest piece of hair EVER! (I have hair that falls right above my rear) SO THAT WAS A FULL 2 MINUTES OF EXCRUTIATING PAIN!

Does anyone have any idea how that happened? Has this happened to any of you?

Pulled out a full piece of... out of my EYE!?

omg. that is wierd.. i havee no idea how that could have happened. are you sure it was a hair? it could have been a worm

Pulled out a full piece of... out of my EYE!?

Oh my!

Like ouch!

Once i got a pen stuck in my eye and when i pulled it out, my eye constantly watered for 5 minutes! It was like a tap! Moral: don't rok on chairs with pens in hands.

Pulled out a full piece of... out of my EYE!?

Weird! I have really long hair too, and I'm always finding hair all over the place. But my eye has never been one. Are you ok now? If you are fine, don't worry about it. If it still hurts, maybe call your dr's office and have a nurse call you back.

Pulled out a full piece of... out of my EYE!?

Omg I hope that doesn't happen again but how in the world did it all get inside your eye? I never had that happen to me ..This is the first time I ever hear about this. I only get eyelashes in there %26amp; i hope it doesn't happen because my hair is kinda long but not as long as yours. Hope its all better now.

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