Saturday, April 14, 2012

For all the moms who were nervous or scared...?

Am I ready?

to take this on?

a small new person

who needs me to lean on...

can I be patient,

caring and kind

to give this little one

piece of mind?

my daughter in diapers,

still so young

but 2 kids growing up

they'll have so much fun!

I watch her play

her innocent sleep

late at night

in her room I do creep

a hand on my womb

the other on her face

a smile on her lips,

brush her hair back in place

2 little babies

both needing me

not sure of my strength

but I know where I'll be

diapers and spittup

messy trips out

bottles and laundry

and babies that pout

hands and feet

fingers and toes

every so tiny

like the small button nose

watching them play

helping them learn

the name "mommy"

I promise to earn.

For anyone who sat up at night worried about there kids, or if they were doing the right thing, you are a true blessing to your child. They might not know it yet, but they are very lucky.

For all the moms who were nervous or scared...?

Your poem is lovely and shows a serious concern for being a parent to your babies.

I found in talking with lots of people when I was pregnant, that the women who have a concern such as yours will always manage to be the kind of mommy each child deserves.

You are so fortunate in that you have a lump of clay in your children to mold any way you wish. If you put good, solid values into your children and they turn out to be generous people, in spirit and mind, then you did your job. Unfortunately, their growing is one day at a time and you are their model.Your kids are the lucky ones - they have you.

For all the moms who were nervous or scared...?

I love that!!! My kids are 51 weeks apart and I see what you

For all the moms who were nervous or scared...?

I really like this poem my daughter will be 4 in december and Iam currently 6 months pregnant.

For all the moms who were nervous or scared...?

Too Cute!! I have a 4 1/2 yr old and a 9 month old...I know exactly what you mean!!!

For all the moms who were nervous or scared...?

that is sons are 18 months apart.....

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