Saturday, April 14, 2012

Can you believe what the police did in my neighborhood?

They arrested a teenage girl (my daughter's good friend) in her own bedroom. She came home from an evening school event and her 13 YO brother who had been outside (parents were both out) came and heard her taking a shower so he freaked and called the cops. The cops go in and put the girl on the floor and cuff her (I would call that an arrest) in spite of the fact that she is in her jammies, wet hair and her pic of her first communion and many other pics of her are prominently displayed all over the home.

Of course they had to repond but can they not exercise reasonable judgement when they see a "perp" at home fresh out of the shower in her Hello Kitty jammies? Let me tell you they are lucky I wan't there, or maybe I am lucky I wasn't there I certainly would give them a piece of my mind! What a Barney Fife maneuver!

Can you believe what the police did in my neighborhood?

Wow. She's got a cool arrest story now. Lucky girl.

Can you believe what the police did in my neighborhood?

incredibly awkward....

Can you believe what the police did in my neighborhood?


Can you believe what the police did in my neighborhood?

I have heard it all now.

Can you believe what the police did in my neighborhood?

That's insane. I think police are way too zealous these days, and i bet these guys are a bunch of misogynists who really enjoyed tackling a teenage girl.. I'll tell you if that was our house and our girl, my man would hunt those guys down and lay a thrashing on them. Her parents should sue the crap out of that police station.

Can you believe what the police did in my neighborhood?

her parents shoud charge the police, and she should dump the boyfriend for ever.

Can you believe what the police did in my neighborhood?

So let her parents deal with the police. You weren't in on it, you weren't there, and I would venture to say you have made mistakes in your life as well. Just because they cuff her does NOT constitute arrest!! Detained her until they got the full story. Geez, stay out of it. I'm sure the parents will handle it with the brother AND the cops. If it needs to be handled. Oooh I'm sure glad you weren't there either or you would have been ARRESTED for Obstruction of Justice and rightly so!

Can you believe what the police did in my neighborhood?

at least they responded...that is better than most

Can you believe what the police did in my neighborhood?

Why aren't you upset with her brother? He is the one who called the police instead of checking to see if it was his sister.

Can you believe what the police did in my neighborhood?

I've had my fair share of run ins with law enforcement, and what you described is in line with what i myself have experienced, but I know enough to understand that they have to treat people that way. It's a dangerous job, and you never know what type of person poses a threat.

Can you believe what the police did in my neighborhood?

No, I can't believe it. In fact since you weren't there, you shouldn't believe it either. I guarantee there is more to the story than you heard. It is too much to pack into a few sentences. I will tell you this, it almost certainly didn't happen exactly that way, it's human nature to change the story a bit to your own advantage.

Having said that, it would be poor judgement if by some fluke it did happen that way.

Can you believe what the police did in my neighborhood?

Maybe that's just the story you were told, there may be more to it.

Some families will shift the blame to avoid embarrassment of a crime the child has been involved in.

Can you believe what the police did in my neighborhood?

Remember the movie "Psycho".

Home alone, shower, what was she thinking? Let her count her blessings.

Lucky it was the cops.

Can you believe what the police did in my neighborhood?

No, I don't believe it. There has to be more to the story.

Can you believe what the police did in my neighborhood?

On the other hand, what kind of a stooge is a thirteen year old who comes home and hearing someone in the shower calls the cops? Last i knew burglars don't take the time to shower in a target's house.

As to the rest of this story I'm highly suspect. Not saying something of this nature cannot happen because some pretty stupid stunts have been pulled before. however I'd really like to hear more on just what the story is here.

Can you believe what the police did in my neighborhood?

If a person believes he/she is the only one in a house and they hear someone, they should; safely look to see who it is - if it is someone who should not be there - then call the cops.

Since he did not check to see who it was - he had the right to call 911, therefore, the police did do what they were supposed to do.

When the police arrive - they are not to judge a person by the way they look/dress - they are only there to arrest someone.

Next time, I hope the boy checks to see who's in the house before he calls 911......................

Can you believe what the police did in my neighborhood?

Your story sounds like made up garbage.

Can you believe what the police did in my neighborhood?

First of all I would wonder if you are getting this info first hand or not.

Did they make an official arrest, like cuff her, put her in the squad car, and take her to the holding area or did they just cuff her?

If they just cuffed her that just means that the officers are seizing an individual and for their own safety cuffing that person. If they did all of the above I mentioned I think the officers need to bone up on procedures.

Also if you're mad because they didn't not arrest her because her hair was wet and she was in her PJs then obviously you don't know the strange things that officers have seen. For example, an intruder taking a shower and changing into clothes from a closet only to have the people in the house wake up and find a man in the husband's clothes freshly showered. Strange things happen. Cops are the front line to it all. Cut them some slack from time to time.

Can you believe what the police did in my neighborhood?

What can I say... Where they blind or something? They should have asked before acting... And the boy... he could be less hysterical and see first who was taking the shower in the first place...

And the parents, why where they out and left their 13 YO alone in the house?????????? I have a 12 YO big boy, and I NEVER leave him alone... I better bring him with me...

Both parents shouldn't have left him alone in the first place... That would have prevented the trouble in the first place...

But the damage has been done already.

Can you believe what the police did in my neighborhood?

If that happened to her the other day, who will it happen to tomorrow?

Sounds it is becomming more and more of a fascistgovernment we have in this country from the things like this as well as other stories I have read and heard over the past number of years.

Can you believe what the police did in my neighborhood?

Too many of the police running around have sub-standard reasoning capabilities.

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