I have really black hair and I got a piece of my hair bleached, i did not come out right and it ended up being brown. When will the highlight stop being there?
When do higlights come out?
Since you made your hair lighter, it will not change to darker on its own. By bleaching your hair, you took color out, so the only way to make it black again, is to color over it. However, having stated that, it will grow out. But it will take a long time, so if your hatin it, color it back to black, or do something cool with it and make it bright red. that would be cool. Good luck!
When do higlights come out?
if it's permanent dye, it'll only come out when it grows out. if it's not, then i have no idea- i've never used that kind before. sorry i couldn't help more.
When do higlights come out?
When it grows out or you cut it.
If you bleached your hair, you stripped some of the color away, so you either have to re-dye it over and over, or just wait until your hair grows out, then cut it.
When do higlights come out?
It depends on how fast your hair grows. You should wash it a few times. That usually makes the brashness or difference of color not as noticeable. You just have to play a waiting game after that.
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