Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Has anyone seen the movie Hostel and can answer this question?

OK. Maybe I was drunk or something, but one bit of the film has been bugging me.

When the main character is captured. Some guy comes in to torture him but looks sick or nervous or tired or something. Then he cuts a piece of his hair. Then the main char starts to talk to him in some language I didn't recognise. The torturer then looks amazed and goes out of the room and comes back in with a guard. Then blah blah blah.


1. Why did the guy look sick

2. Why was he screwing around so much

3. Why was he so shocked when main char started talking the language

4. Why did he rush out to get the guard

5. What the hell happened next?

I dont know why I care, to be honest, but it has been in the back of my mind now for 3 weeks or so.

Anyone any ideas?

Has anyone seen the movie Hostel and can answer this question?

OK, hopefully i get this plain and simple...

The whole movie is about a CLUB of people who pay money to kill different people in strange ways!

Each person pays for what nationality why want to kill...and murdering Americans cost the most.

The Man who came into the room paid money to kill the main character...

It was his first time killing he was kinda nervous, and excited. he wanted to TOY with his capture.

he paid to kill an American...

When the Main Character started speaking German...because he recognized that the killer was German..., (As he was a college student, and could speak German) ...this upset the man (killer), as he paid alot more money to kill an American.

He went out to get a guard to complain that he was cheated out of his money.

So then the American guy, who could also speak German...escaped by killing both the Man and the Guard.

Has anyone seen the movie Hostel and can answer this question?

Natalia lures him inside where he witnesses the Dutchman sewing up Josh's lifeless body. As Paxton confronts Natalia, he is grabbed by two thugs and dragged to a cell. Along the way, he sees others being tortured and brutalized in other cells by various unidentified "clients" of the group. He is handcuffed to a chair and left to await his fate in the dark. Some time later, a German client (Petr Jani鎷? enters the room and begins toying with Paxton using scissors and pliers, however he appears nervous and hesitant. The American begs in English first, then switches to German. His lines are not subtitled, but translate as "If you kill me, it'll destroy your life. Every time you close your eyes, you'll see me. I'll be in your nightmares every night, your whole life. I will ruin it." The torturer has him gagged and holds a gun to his head, but then sets the pistol aside. When Paxton begins to vomit, the German removes the gag and begins to menace him with a chainsaw. Paxton tries to bite his tormentor's fingers, but loses two of his own when the German accidentally cuts through the handcuffs. The torturer charges forward, slips on the blood and vomit and, in an allusion to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, severs his own leg. Paxton breaks free, retrieves the gun and kills the other man. He then pretends to be the German and calls out for a guard, shooting him as well. He then attempts to escape from the factory, taking his severed fingers in his pocket.

after that....

Dressed in a surgeon's apron and horned helmet he finds in his cell, Paxton disguises himself as a torturer and flees. He comes upon a cart, piled with bodies, and hides himself under them. A butcher (Josef Bradna) takes the cart into the basement where the bodies are incinerated. Paxton's severed fingers fall out of his pocket and the butcher groups them together with other human remains. Paxton spots Josh閳ユ獨 corpse, then waits for the butcher to take another tray of parts to the incinerator. He then incapacitates the butcher with a hammer and continues his escape. On an upper level of the building, he finds a locker room and looks out the window to see police officers talking to the men outside, bringing him to realization that the police are part of the murder factory. He raids a locker and pulls on a suit and leather gloves to hide his mangled hand. In the pocket of the suit he finds a business card for "Elite Hunting," which is some kind of secret, worldwide, murder-for-profit organization. On the back of the card are handwritten prices for torture victims, ranging from $5,000 for Russians to $25,000 for Americans. Before he can leave, an American businessman (Rick Hoffman) arrives, and, believing Paxton to be another client, discusses his own victim and brings out a pistol he was given to "make it quick". When Paxton suggests he should do so, the other man disagrees, leaving the gun behind. Paxton claims it and escapes into the courtyard. But before he can drive away, he hears a woman scream. Earlier in the film, Paxton admitted to Josh that he was haunted by the scream of a mother who had found her child drowned and how he was powerless to help. Unable to ignore this scream, he returns to the factory and finds the very American he talked to earlier torturing Kana with a blowtorch to the face. He kills the man and saves the Japanese girl, whose injuries have resulted in her right eye dangling from the socket. In some cinematic releases of Hostel, this scene is edited to cut the shot of Paxton severing Kana's optic nerve with a pair of scissors to end her pain. The shot was restored for the uncut DVD release.

Paxton and Kana steal a car and flee the factory, with two guards in pursuit. During the chase, the pair come upon Natalia, Svetlana and Alexi loitering in town. Paxton hits the gas pedal hard and runs them down, apparently killing them instantly. However, Natalia is still alive but seriously injured. But as she attempts to get up she is run over and killed by the chasing guards. A short time later, their car is brought to a halt by the street gang; however, Paxton bribes them with a bag of bubble gum candy and the kids attack the couple's pursuers instead. Paxton and Kana escape to the railway station, where several corrupt policemen and the same thugs from the factory are waiting for them. The Japanese girl catches her reflection and decides to kill herself as Paxton looks for a way onto the waiting train without being noticed. In a virtual shot-for-shot recreation of the opening scene from the Japanese film Suicide Circle, Kana throws herself under a moving locomotive, creating the diversion necessary for Paxton to get away. During this time Paxton quickly boards the train.

On the train, Paxton hears the familiar voice of Josh's torturer, the Dutch businessman. When he alights in Vienna, Austria, Paxton follows him to a public restroom, where he, enraged, cuts off two of the man's fingers to replace the two he lost, then puts his head in the toilet bowl before finally giving him a look at his killer before coldly cutting his throat and quickly leaving on the next train.

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