Monday, May 7, 2012

If this isnt the MOST EMBARRASING thing to happen to a girl....ughh?

im not sure if my hair is damaged or not

but i dont really straighten m hair everyday

i used to do it back then like once every 3 months or something

and now i noticed i have LAODS of split ends

and my hair is SHEDDING A WHOLE ****** LOT

and its serious. i run my hand through my hair and i have lik layers of hair falling out!

i used to have such thick nice hair and now its so weak and damaged

also there are white little things at the tip of my hair

it sounds nasty and embarrasing but im scared

i hope it not LICE...i doubt it is but its probably dandruff

but it sticks to my hair, doesnt move however,

so i have no idea what the heck it is.

and my split ends are like crazy... like split into 3-5 different pieces

and i dont know whats going on

i take a shower everydy buut i stopped brushing because im scared

itll fall out

EVERYTIME i brush my hair, after i look in the drain in the shower its clogged

and the tub is overflowing cuz my hair all fell out

this is weird. please help me because i feel so sad.

i do not want to cut my hair becayse ALSO i trimmed my hair recenelyt

and it DIDNT help


If this isnt the MOST EMBARRASING thing to happen to a girl....ughh?

is your hair curly? if so, it is perfectly natural to have a lot of hair (100 strands a day in average) fall out regularly.

and it's not lice, i had it twice when i was little, and no hair ever fell out. lice suck you blood, not pull out your hair. also, there are always little white things one the end of you hair if the whole hair comes out. that's like the hair follicle or something.

don't brush it (brushes are evil for curly hair). only use a comb if you hair is curly or damaged, and only comb it while it's wet (with lots of conditioner in it too).

in addition, don't use a lot of shampoo. why? because like soap, in order to take away the dirt an dust in your hair, it also strips it of its natural oils. which makes it drier.

hope this helps!

If this isnt the MOST EMBARRASING thing to happen to a girl....ughh?

and there are way worse things that could happen to you

If this isnt the MOST EMBARRASING thing to happen to a girl....ughh?

How awful!

Visit a dermatologist a.s.a.p.: If it's a scalp problem, the dermatologist will know just what to do. If it's simply a hair-treatment problem, she'll know that, too, and will have good advice.

Good luck!

If this isnt the MOST EMBARRASING thing to happen to a girl....ughh?

u need 2 go to the beauty shop and if u had lice it wouldn't fall out it would jus be itchin

If this isnt the MOST EMBARRASING thing to happen to a girl....ughh?

well i would go to a doctor about that prob. or better yet a dermotologist

If this isnt the MOST EMBARRASING thing to happen to a girl....ughh?

Here is good info. Try to stay calm, stress makes hair fall out. See a dermatologist.

If this isnt the MOST EMBARRASING thing to happen to a girl....ughh?

that doesn't sound like head lice especially since the little white things are at the tips of your hair.... your avatar appears to have corn rows, maybe there is some stressed placed on your hair from that, or if you are stressed or if you are malnourished are lost a lot of weight recently,also if your hair has been died and is black it sometimes seems like there is more hair falling out than usual due to the color

If this isnt the MOST EMBARRASING thing to happen to a girl....ughh?

Im sorry to hear this. Im not sure if it is lice or not but i do know that lice like clean hair. But im not sure. You really really need to see a professional hair salonist because NO ONE on this yahoo thing can tell you exactly what to do so dont buy any products they suggest. Go see a salonist and a dermotologist and they should know. If they dont you need to see a doctor. See the dermotologist for the skin part, the salonist for the split end part. and a doctor for the hair loss part. He can probably proscribe you a antibiotic to help your hair roots inside your scalp from defrewaofmafbiao (temporary hair loss syndrome) Dont worrry all of these things can be fixed. You just need to see proffesionals not people on the computer. :) I hope everything turns out good and im sure it will.

Whoa. I just noticed you have corn rows??? Thats the problem. My classmate had this.

You must have had corn rows for a while. When corn rows are left tight in your hair for like a week it slowly in process pulls your hair out of your scalp. gross. not to minchon you cant wash your hair good when those things are left in there for like week/s and thats where the white stuff came from. the split ends are from your hair not being conditioned enough. My bad. This is the problem. But still you need to see all those people i listed. Everything will turn out fine. Be patient.

If this isnt the MOST EMBARRASING thing to happen to a girl....ughh?

see ur doctor bcuz my cousin did the same things to her hair but then her hair started to fall out and it turns out it was bcuz of stress!!

If this isnt the MOST EMBARRASING thing to happen to a girl....ughh?

how is this EMBARRASING ? it sucks but i dont think its EMBARRASING

If this isnt the MOST EMBARRASING thing to happen to a girl....ughh?

what type (eg.curly){naturally}and colour hair do u have? did you visit the dermatologist?more details..and ummm since you straighten your hair...or used to do it alot..i think that the strenght in yer hair is gone and the only way to get the strenght back is to go bald...which means shave off your head abt 3 times and you'll have perfect hair

If this isnt the MOST EMBARRASING thing to happen to a girl....ughh?

Ok! Calm down. Make every 11 breaths a deep one. You need to some research to figure out why this is happening. In the mean time you should deep condition and oil your hair. The damage caused by the straightener must be bad. this is normal for you since you have been straightening. straightening if done improperly can cause hair to fall out, and you'll have to wait for healthy hair to grow back. Frequent relaxing using straighteners can cause permanent hair loss. Go to a hair stylist or your doctor. They'll probablly give you tips. Don't worry this is something you can make better. All it needs is LOTS of care.

If this isnt the MOST EMBARRASING thing to happen to a girl....ughh?

use that sunsilk shampoo ... for plit ends... i straighten my hair every single day my hair used to be like that too.... but the sunsilk REALLY workd... Also pantene

If this isnt the MOST EMBARRASING thing to happen to a girl....ughh?

your gonna have to go to a doctor .

If this isnt the MOST EMBARRASING thing to happen to a girl....ughh?

The white things your talking about is probably just the tips of the broken split hair,that happens when the hair gets really damaged. I honestly think you should go to a dermatologist to find out exactly why your hair is falling out and then you can take a plan of action. You may want to consider getting a different hair cut to get rid of all the damage too. Get some biotin,it is good for the health of yor hair and can help stop hair fall . Good Luck

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