Wednesday, May 2, 2012

GIRLS SOCCER GOALIES: Would YOU do this muddy fundraiser (I'm gonna get plastered in mud for ch

alright gurls, so with the weather getting warmer i'm thinking of doing a fundraiser for charity. picture this:

- I collect pledges

- mudpit with sticky brown mud up to my midshin (the kind that CLINGS)

- me in a two-piece swimsuit and hair in a ponytail (at first; of course it'll come down later :P)

- people pay $3 to take a penalty kick

- if they score, they can pour a bucket of mud or flour on me

- I keep doing PKs until I'm too tired to stand or no one wants to pay anymore

- the audience heckles "GOALL" when I miss :P they can throw and pour mud on me for $1 a go.

end result = me lying in the pit exhausted and completely coated!

so... answer THESE questions:

1. would YOU do it?

2. how many dives would you last? how coated could you get?

3. how would you feel abt the hecklers and their buckets? would you throw mud back?

4. how would you feel at the end, lying there exhausted and completely mud coated?

5. wear a swimsuit?

6. hair up? how would i clean it up? ;)

GIRLS SOCCER GOALIES: Would YOU do this muddy fundraiser (I'm gonna get plastered in mud for charity!?)?

1. Yeah I would totally do it!!!!

2. I would probably last for a long time, and I would be coated a little but not a lot

3. Not intiminated, no but it would be fun to be covered in mud

4. I would feel sticky, and exhausted

5. Yeah, I would wear a swimsuit

6. Yeah for sure, with tons of shampoo

I'm ready to get down and dirty, I'll do it!!!!!

GIRLS SOCCER GOALIES: Would YOU do this muddy fundraiser (I'm gonna get plastered in mud for charity!?)?

i dont know, but that sounds fun lol

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