Monday, May 7, 2012

My teacher scares me?

i have a math teacher who has a big nose, shes really pale, her hair is bright red, greasy, and short like a guy with longish hair. and her teach have a big gap theyre yellow. shes 50, looks around 60 and she is always patting me on the back. she has ocd everything has to be in order for her. every day shegoes around the classroom and picks up little pieces of trash, while stickingher butt in peoples faces. one time i had a piece of paper on my forehead and she tried to touch me and get it off. she squaks like a bird and talks to an umbrella. her "umbrella voice" is like a squeal. her umbrella is a elephant and she talks about how attractive it is. she believes in numerology and her skirts are above her wrinkly knees. people say shes a lesbian which i strongly believe is true. people also say she makes her own cllothes, her parents were clowns, she skateboards, someone asked her if she got her hair died and she hid under her desk and started crying. help she really freaks me out

My teacher scares me?

And They actually allow her to teach children. Have a talk with your school guidance councilor. Tell her your fears concerning this woman. You might be able to transfer to another class. This woman is really weird. She'd give me the heebie jeebies too.

My teacher scares me?

So she's weird and acts weird when people make fun of her for being weird. Thats not weird in this world. Deal with it.

My teacher scares me?

shes a freak. RUN!!

My teacher scares me?

Jump out of the cupboard and say BOO!

See how she likes it!

My teacher scares me?

im sure most of that stuff you hear is just rumors. people can be cruel, and she's probably dealt with that her whole life- because she looks different- and that's probably why her personality is how it is. she more than likely just never learned to fit in, and that's why she stands out so much now. if it really bothers you im sure you could talk to a guidance counselor and get transferred to another teacher, but don't try to tell them its just because you don't like her. Let them know you don't feel safe in her class and it makes you uncomfortable to be around her. But don't just say you think she's a freak and can't stand her, because they will just think you need to learn to be more accepting and make you stay in her class.

My teacher scares me?

How would you like it if you came into a room with a bunch of people who you were trying to help and they scoffed at you behind your back?

I sincerely hope that one day when you are older that people don't scrutinze you for how you look or judge you for what you believe in.

My teacher scares me?

People are the way they are, and sometimes that means they're kind of weird - especially with teachers. This lady can't help the way she is, and you can't really hold it against her. I would say just stick it out- unless she's mean to you or something. I mean, you might never have to see her again after this semester. Think of it that way.

My teacher scares me?

I thought Lucille Ball had passed on to her well-deserved reward! *:-)

Well, maybe it's not her.

Talk to your parents; also, call 1-800-232-6459 M-F business hours and ask for their Counseling dept. They are licensed, kind, people, and provide a free, one-time phone counseling service. Tell your story, let them make recommendations. They understand the "weird teacher" situation.

You might try calling 1-800-525-LOVE http://www.klove free 24/7 counseling service, listen to what they say, and

also look at

As for being in the class, do the homework, don't smile or stare at her, just keep your self neutral or stand-offish, and hope that you never act like that.

And, don't put any more paper on your forehead in that class.

For additional fun therapy, try reading "The Peterkin Papers," Lucretia P. Hale, as it has some clown-like silly characters; "Animal Farm," as she is described as acting like a disoriented and grumpy Napoleon on a Weight Watchers' diet; "A Wrinkle in Time" series, Madeline L'Engle; and "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis.

If you read serious books, "The Harsh Truth about Public Schools," Bruce N. Shortt, Ph.D., and "The Underground History of American Education," by NY state teacher of the year John Taylor Gatto, are good about describing such situations.

From your description, "Ms. Pushy" sounds like a somewhat "sick puppy." So, if you're not a Veterinarian, avoid most contact when possible, don't try to change her or heal her, and do pray to God on a daily/nightly basis to make you a better person, and to heal her.

My teacher scares me?

OMG LOL, this is soo funny.

i would get a schedual change.



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