i share a room with a person who naturally gives off a very distinct smell. i've used febreeze, oust air sprays, odor eliminating air fresheners, and even put pieces of wood in my closet. the smell then clings onto my clothes, hair, body since i can't find anything that works. i get used to it but once i stay over at another place, the smell is really distinct on my clothes, hair, and belongings.
are there any odor eliminating products out there that can help me? air purifiers? odorless sprays? anything that doesn't mask or blends with the smell. something thats odorless. thanks.
What the best odor eliminating product out there?
Fabreeze and all other odor neutralizers suck, they just have perfumes to maks the scent. If you want some GOOD stuff you have to go to a sporting goods store, go to the hunting section and get a product called Scent Killer. It is made for bowhunters, and it works GREAT. Even on dof urine, it only takes one application. Don't settle for anything but Scent Killer products The even make clothing detergent, and Body soap.
What the best odor eliminating product out there?
Fabreeze is great.
What the best odor eliminating product out there?
Try getting them to wash, I really feel for you. There are few things worse than someone elses' funk
What the best odor eliminating product out there?
I would wonder why this person has a distinct smell - maybe solve the problem at the source lol? Strange smells can be a sign of a medical problem. Maybe you could keep an oust can behind your back and spray them down several times a day. If oust doesn't work I don't know what will because it does a nice job of eliminating cat box odor - if this person smells worse than two litterboxes in a 1 bedroom apt they must have a problem.
If this is a college dorm you could ask the dean of housing if you can switch to another room.
What the best odor eliminating product out there?
That's very unusual that all of those products don't work on the odor. Oust and Febreeze I love the best. I think they work the greatest. Maybe if you asked a professional about air fresheners (if there really is one). It really sucks that odor wont go away for ya. Sorry I couldn't give ya more help that this.
What the best odor eliminating product out there?
Have u tryed a soy wax candle they work good for ordors put in the room and let in burn for a few hours
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