Monday, May 7, 2012

Salon tonight!?

Ok guys here are some pictures of me.

The middle one is probably the most recent. But my hair is closer to the first picture in length+color

Options im considering:

1. chemically straightening my hair: I straighten my hair with an iron and it seems like it would be a good idea

2. highlighting. blonde. not faint blonde pieces, but big chunks of blonde

3. A trim. I have little hairs that curl even after straightening due to them being dead and/or split ends.

4. there is a spot on the right side of my head that's missing a patch of hair. its kind of hard to see, but mastercuts ****** it up when they tried to thin my hair. what should i do about that?

Suggestions? This will be my first time going to somewhere different then great clips. They ****** up my hair last time

Salon tonight!?

It's really cute. Ask the haristylist at the salon what they think about chemically straightening your hair. Your hair doesn't look that thick. I wouldn't want to take a chance on burning it up.

You have great teeth and a great smile! :)

Good luck! :)

Salon tonight!?

I think you should cut it all off, Go short and spikey! I dont understand what is wrong with our young society wanting to look like girls!

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