Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Which hell is more scary, christian, muslim or hindu? From this description the hindu hell is more s

I didn't know hinduism was so puritanical!

Srimad Bhagavatam

Canto 5 Chapter Twenty-six

A Description of the Hellish Planets

The Twenty-sixth Chapter describes how a sinful man goes to different hells, where he is punished in various ways by the assistants of Yamaraja. As stated in the Bhagavad-gita (3.27):

prakrteh kriyamanani

gunaih karmani sarvasah


kartaham iti manyate

"The bewildered spirit soul, under the influence of the three modes of material nature, thinks himself to be the doer of activities, which are in actuality carried out by nature." The foolish person thinks he is independent of any law. He thinks there is no God or regulative principle and that he can do whatever he likes. Thus he engages in different sinful activities, and as a result, he is put into different hellish conditions life after life, to be punished by the laws of nature. The basic principle of his suffering is that he foolishly thinks himself independent, although he is strictly under the control of the laws of material nature. These laws act due to the influence of the three modes of nature, and therefore each human being also works under three different types of influence. According to how he acts, he suffers different reactions in his next life or in this life. Religious persons act differently from atheists, and therefore they suffer different reactions.

Sukadeva Gosvami describes the following twenty-eight hells: Tamisra, Andhatamisra, Raurava, Maharaurava, Kumbhipaka. Kalasutra, Asi-patravana, Sukaramukha, Andhakupa, Krmibhojana. Sandamsa, Taptasurmi, Vajrakantaka-salmali, Vaitarani, Puyoda, Pranarodha, Visasana, Lalabhaksa, Sarameyadana, Avici, Ayahpana. Ksarakardama, Raksogana-bhojana, Sulaprota, Dandasuka. Avata-nirodhana, Paryavartana and Sucimukha.

A person who steals another's money, wife or possessions is put into the hell known as Tamisra. A man who tricks someone and enjoys his wife is put into the extremely hellish condition known as Andhatamisra. A foolish person absorbed in the bodily concept of life, who on the basis of this principle maintains himself or his wife and children by committing violence against other living entities, is put into the hell known as Raurava. There the animals he killed take birth as creatures called rurus and cause great suffering for him. Those who kill different animals and birds and then cook them are put by the agents of Yamaraja into the hell known as Kumbhipaka, where they are boiled in oil. A person who kills a brahmana is put into the hell known as Kalasutra, where the land, perfectly level and made of copper, is as hot as an oven. The killer of a brahmana burns in that land for many years. One who does not follow scriptural injunctions but who does everything whimsically or follows some rascal is put into the hell known as Asi-patravana. A government official who poorly administers justice, or who punishes an innocent man, is taken by the assistants of Yamaraja to the hell known as Sukaramukha, where he is mercilessly beaten.

God has given advanced consciousness to the human being. Therefore he can feel the suffering and happiness of other living beings. The human being bereft of his conscience, however, is prone to cause suffering for other living beings. The assistants of Yamaraja put such a person into the hell known as Andhakupa, where he receives proper punishment from his victims. Any person who does not receive or feed a guest properly but who personally enjoys eating is put into the hell known as Krmibhojana. There an unlimited number of worms and insects continuously bite him.

A thief is put into the hell known as Sandamsa. A person who has sexual relations with a woman who is not to be enjoyed is put into the hell known as Taptasurmi. A person who enjoys sexual relations with animals is put into the hell known as Vajrakantaka-salmali. A person born into an aristocratic or highly placed family but who does not act accordingly is put into the hellish trench of blood, pus and urine called the Vaitarani River. One who lives like an animal is put into the hell called Puyoda. A person who mercilessly kills animals in the forest without sanction is put into the hell called Pranarodha. A person who kills animals in the name of religious sacrifice is put into the hell named Visasana. A man who forces his wife to drink his semen is put into the hell called Lalabhaksa. One who sets a fire or administers poison to kill someone is put into the hell known as Sarameyadana. A man who earns his livelihood by bearing false witness is put into the hell known as Avici.

A person addicted to drinking wine is put into the hell named Ayahpana. One who violates etiquette by not showing proper respect to superiors is put into the hell known as Ksarakardama. A person who sacrifices human beings to Bhairava is put into the hell called Raksogana-bhojana. A person who kills pet animals is put into the hell called Sulaprota. A person who gives trouble to others is put into the hell known as Dandasuka. One who imprisons a living entity within a cave is put into the hell known as Avata-nirodhana. A person who shows unwarranted wrath toward a guest in his house is put into the hell called Paryavartana. A person maddened by possessing riches and thus deeply absorbed in thinking of how to collect money is put into the hell known as Sucimukha.

After describing the hellish planets, Sukadeva Gosvami describes how pious persons are elevated to the highest planetary system, where the demigods live, and how they then come back again to this earth when the results of their pious activities are finished. Finally he describes the universal form of the Lord and glorifies the Lord's activities.

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 3 chp 30 TEXT 19


yama-dutau tada praptau

bhimau sarabhaseksanau

sa drstva trasta-hrdayah

sakrn-mutram vimuncati


yama-dutau--two messengers of Yamaraja; tada--at that time; praptau--arrived; bhimau--terrible; sa-rabhasa--full of wrath; iksanau--their eyes; sah--he; drstva--seeing; trasta--frightened; hrdayah--his heart; sakrt--stool; mutram--urine; vimuncati--he passes.


At death, he sees the messengers of the lord of death come before him, their eyes full of wrath, and in great fear he passes stool and urine.


There are two kinds of transmigration of a living entity after passing away from the present body. One kind of transmigration is to go to the controller of sinful activities, who is known as Yamaraja, and the other is to go to the higher planets, up to Vaikuntha. Here Lord Kapila describes how persons engaged in activities of sense gratification to maintain a family are treated by the messengers of Yamaraja, called Yamadutas. At the time of death the Yamadutas become the custodians of those persons who have strongly gratified their senses. They take charge of the dying man and take him to the planet where Yamaraja resides. The conditions there are described in the following verses.



yatana-deha avrtya

pasair baddhva gale balat

nayato dirgham adhvanam

dandyam raja-bhata yatha


yatana--for punishment; dehe--his body; avrtya--covering; pasaih--with ropes; baddhva--binding; gale--by the neck; balat--by force; nayatah--they lead; dirgham--long; adhvanam--distance; dandyam--a criminal; raja-bhatah--the king's soldiers; yatha--as.


As a criminal is arrested for punishment by the constables of the state, a person engaged in criminal sense gratification is similarly arrested by the Yamadutas, who bind him by the neck with strong rope and cover his subtle body so that he may undergo severe punishment.


Every living entity is covered by a subtle and gross body. The subtle body is the covering of mind, ego, intelligence and consciousness. It is said in the scriptures that the constables of Yamaraja cover the subtle body of the culprit and take him to the abode of Yamaraja to be punished in a way that he is able to tolerate. He does not die from this punishment because if he died, then who would suffer the punishment? It is not the business of the constables of Yamaraja to put one to death. In fact, it is not possible to kill a living entity because factually he is eternal; he simply has to suffer the consequences of his activities of sense gratification.

The process of punishment is explained in the Caitanya-caritamrta. Formerly the king's men would take a criminal in a boat in the middle of the river. They would dunk him by grasping a bunch of his hair and thrusting him completely underwater, and when he was almost suffocated, the king's constables would take him out of the water and allow him to breathe for some time, and then they would again dunk him in the water to suffocate. This sort of punishment is inflicted upon the forgotten soul by Yamaraja, as will be described in the following verses.



tayor nirbhinna-hrdayas

tarjanair jata-vepathuh

pathi svabhir bhaksyamana

arto 'gham svam anusmaran


tayoh--of the Yamadutas; nirbhinna--broken; hrdayah--his heart; tarjanaih--by the threatening; jata--arisen; vepathuh--trembling; pathi--on the road; svabhih--by dogs; bhaksyamanah--being bitten; artah--distressed; agham--sins; svam--his; anusmaran--remembering.


While carried by the constables of Yamaraja, he is overwhelmed and trembles in their hands. While passing on the road he is bitten by dogs, and he can remember the sinful activities of his life. He is thus terribly distressed.


It appears from this verse that while passing from this planet to the planet of Yamaraja, the culprit arrested by Yamaraja's constables meets many dogs, which bark and bite just to remind him of his criminal activities of sense gratification. It is said in Bhagavad-gita that one becomes almost blind and is bereft of all sense when he is infuriated by the desire for sense gratification. He forgets everything. Kamais tais tair hrta jnanah. One is bereft of all intelligence when he is too attracted by sense gratification, and he forgets that he has to suffer the consequences also. Here the chance for recounting his activities of sense gratification is given by the dogs engaged by Yamaraja. While we live in the gross body, such activities of sense gratification are encouraged even by modern government regulations. In every state all over the world, such activities are encouraged by the government in the form of birth control. Women are supplied pills, and they are allowed to go to a clinical laboratory to get assistance for abortions. This is going on as a result of sense gratification. Actually sex life is meant for begetting a good child, but because people have no control over the senses and there is no institution to train them to control the senses, the poor fellows fall victim to the criminal offenses of sense gratification, and they are punished after death as described in these pages of Srimad-Bhagavatam.



ksut-trt-parito 'rka-davanalanilaih

santapyamanah pathi tapta-valuke

krcchrena prsthe kasaya ca taditas

calaty asakto 'pi nirasramodake


ksut-trt--by hunger and thirst; paritah--afflicted; arka--sun; dava-anala--forest fires; anilaih--by winds; santapyamanah--being scorched; pathi--on a road; tapta-valuke--of hot sand; krcchrena--painfully; prsthe--on the back; kasaya--with a whip; ca--and; taditah--beaten; calati--he moves; asaktah--unable; api--although; nirasrama-udake--without shelter or water.


Under the scorching sun, the criminal has to pass through roads of hot sand with forest fires on both sides. He is whipped on the back by the constables because of his inability to walk, and he is afflicted by hunger and thirst, but unfortunately there is no drinking water, no shelter and no place for rest on the road.



tatra tatra patan chranto

murcchitah punar utthitah

patha papiyasa nitas

tarasa yama-sadanam


tatra tatra--here and there; patan--falling; srantah--fatigued; murcchitah--unconscious; punah--again; utthitah--risen; patha--by the road; papiyasa--very inauspicious; nitah--brought; tarasa--quickly; yama-sadanam--to the presence of Yamaraja.


While passing on that road to the abode of Yamaraja, he falls down in fatigue, and sometimes he becomes unconscious, but he is forced to rise again. In this way he is very quickly brought to the presence of Yamaraja.



yojananam sahasrani

navatim nava cadhvanah

tribhir muhurtair dvabhyam va

nitah prapnoti yatanah


yojananam--of yojanas; sahasrani--thousands; navatim--ninety; nava--nine; ca--and; adhvanah--from a distance; tribhih--three; muhurtaih--within moments; dvabhyam--two; va--or; nitah--brought; prapnoti--he receives; yatanah--punishments.


Thus he has to pass ninety-nine thousand yojanas within two or three moments, and then he is at once engaged in the torturous punishment which he is destined to suffer.


One yojana is calculated to be eight miles, and he has to pass along a road which is therefore as much as 792,000 miles. Such a long distance is passed over within a few moments only. The subtle body is covered by the constables so that the living entity can pass such a long distance quickly and at the same time tolerate the suffering. This covering, although material, is of such fine elements that material scientists cannot discover what the coverings are made of. To pass 792,000 miles within a few moments seems wonderful to the modern space travelers. They have so far traveled at a speed of 18,000 miles per hour, but here we see that a criminal passes 792,000 miles within a few seconds only, although the process is not spiritual but material.



adipanam sva-gatranam


atma-mamsadanam kvapi

sva-krttam parato 'pi va


adipanam--setting on fire; sva-gatranam--of his own limbs; vestayitva--having been surrounded; ulmuka-adibhih--by pieces of burning wood and so on; atma-mamsa--of his own flesh; adanam--eating; kva api--sometimes; sva-krttam--done by himself; paratah--by others; api--else; va--or.


He is placed in the midst of burning pieces of wood, and his limbs are set on fire. In some cases he is made to eat his own flesh or have it eaten by others.


From this verse through the next three verses the description of punishment will be narrated. The first description is that the criminal has to eat his own flesh, burning with fire, or allow others like himself who are present there to eat. In the last great war, people in concentration camps sometimes ate their own stool, so there is no wonder that in the Yamasadana, the abode of Yamaraja, one who had a very enjoyable life eating others' flesh has to eat his own flesh.



jivatas cantrabhyuddharah

sva-grdhrair yama-sadane


dasadbhis catma-vaisasam


jivatah--alive; ca--and; antra--of his entrails; abhyuddharah--pulling out; sva-grdhraih--by dogs and vultures; yama-sadane--in the abode of Yamaraja; sarpa--by serpents; vrscika--scorpions; damsa--gnats; adyaih--and so on; dasadbhih--biting; ca--and; atma-vaisasam--torment of himself.


His entrails are pulled out by the hounds and vultures of hell, even though he is still alive to see it, and he is subjected to torment by serpents, scorpions, gnats and other creatures that bite him.



krntanam cavayavaso

gajadibhyo bhidapanam

patanam giri-srngebhyo

rodhanam cambu-gartayoh


krntanam--cutting off; ca--and; avayavasah--limb by limb; gaja-adibhyah--by elephants and so on; bhidapanam--tearing; patanam--hurling down; giri--of hills; srngebhyah--from the tops; rodhanam--enclosing; ca--and; ambu-gartayoh--in water or in a cave.


Next his limbs are lopped off and torn asunder by elephants. He is hurled down from hilltops, and he is also held captive either in water or in a cave.



yas tamisrandha-tamisra

rauravadyas ca yatanah

bhunkte naro va nari va

mithah sangena nirmitah


yah--which; tamisra--the name of a hell; andha-tamisrah--the name of a hell; raurava--the name of a hell; adyah--and so on; ca--and; yatanah--punishments; bhunkte--undergoes; narah--man; va--or; nari--woman; va--or; mithah--mutual; sangena--by association; nirmitah--caused.


Men and women whose lives were built upon indulgence in illicit sex life are put into many kinds of miserable conditions in the hells known as Tamisra, Andha-tamisra and Raurava.


Materialistic life is based on sex life. The existence of all the materialistic people, who are undergoing severe tribulation in the struggle for existence, is based on sex. Therefore, in the Vedic civilization sex life is allowed only in a restricted way; it is for the married couple and only for begetting children. But when sex life is indulged in for sense gratification illegally and illicitly, both the man and the woman await severe punishment in this world or after death. In this world also they are punished by virulent diseases like syphilis and gonorrhea, and in the next life, as we see in this passage of Srimad-Bhagavatam, they are put into different kinds of hellish conditions to suffer. In Bhagavad-gita, First Chapter, illicit sex life is also very much condemned, and it is said that one who produces children by illicit sex life is sent to hell. It is confirmed here in the Bhagavatam that such offenders are put into hellish conditions of life in Tamisra, Andha-tamisra and Raurava.



atraiva narakah svarga

iti matah pracaksate

ya yatana vai narakyas

ta ihapy upalaksitah


atra--in this world; eva--even; narakah--hell; svargah--heaven; iti--thus; matah--O mother; pracaksate--they say; yah--which; yatanah--punishments; vai--certainly; narakyah--hellish; tah--they; iha--here; api--also; upalaksitah--visible.


Lord Kapila continued: My dear mother, it is sometimes said that we experience hell or heaven on this planet, for hellish punishments are sometimes visible on this planet also.


Sometimes unbelievers do not accept these statements of scripture regarding hell. They disregard such authorized descriptions. Lord Kapila therefore confirms them by saying that these hellish conditions are also visible on this planet. It is not that they are only on the planet where Yamaraja lives. On the planet of Yamaraja, the sinful man is given the chance to practice living in the hellish conditions which he will have to endure in the next life, and then he is given a chance to take birth on another planet to continue his hellish life. For example, if a man is to be punished to remain in hell and eat stool and urine, then first of all he practices such habits on the planet of Yamaraja, and then he is given a particular type of body, that of a hog, so that he can eat stool and think that he is enjoying life. It is stated previously that in any hellish condition, the conditioned soul thinks he is happy. Otherwise, it would not be possible for him to suffer hellish life.



evam kutumbam bibhrana

udaram bhara eva va

visrjyehobhayam pretya

bhunkte tat-phalam idrsam


evam--in this way; kutumbam--family; bibhranah--he who maintained; udaram--stomach; bharah--he who maintained; eva--only; va--or; visrjya--after giving up; iha--here; ubhayam--both of them; pretya--after death; bhunkte--he undergoes; tat--of that; phalam--result; idrsam--such.


After leaving this body, the man who maintained himself and his family members by sinful activities suffers a hellish life, and his relatives suffer also.


The mistake of modern civilization is that man does not believe in the next life. But whether he believes or not, the next life is there, and one has to suffer if one does not lead a responsible life in terms of the injunctions of authoritative scriptures like the Vedas and Puranas. Species lower than human beings are not responsible for their actions because they are made to act in a certain way, but in the developed life of human consciousness, if one is not responsible for his activities, then he is sure to get a hellish life, as described herein.



ekah prapadyate dhvantam

hitvedam sva-kalevaram


bhuta-drohena yad bhrtam


ekah--alone; prapadyate--he enters; dhvantam--darkness; hitva--after quitting; idam--this; sva--his; kalevaram--body; kusala-itara--sin; patheyah--his passage money; bhuta--to other living entities; drohena--by injury; yat--which body; bhrtam--was maintained.


He goes alone to the darkest regions of hell after quitting the present body, and the money he acquired by envying other living entities is the passage money with which he leaves this world.


When a man earns money by unfair means and maintains his family and himself with that money, the money is enjoyed by many members of the family, but he alone goes to hell. A person who enjoys life by earning money or by envying another's life, and who enjoys with family and friends, will have to enjoy alone the resultant sinful reactions accrued from such violent and illicit life. For example, if a man secures some money by killing someone and with that money maintains his family, those who enjoy the black money earned by him are also partially responsible and are also sent to hell, but he who is the leader is especially punished. The result of material enjoyment is that one takes with him the sinful reaction only, and not the money. The money he earned is left in this world, and he takes only the reaction.

In this world also, if a person acquires some money by murdering someone, the family is not hanged, although its members are sinfully contaminated. But the man who commits the murder and maintains his family is himself hanged as a murderer. The direct offender is more responsible for sinful activities than the indirect enjoyer. The great learned scholar Canakya Pandita says, therefore, that whatever one has in his possession had better be spent for the cause of sat, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, because one cannot take his possessions with him. They remain here, and they will be lost. Either we leave the money or the money leaves us, but we will be separated. The best use of money as long as it is within our possession is to spend it to acquire Krsna consciousness.



daivenasaditam tasya

samalam niraye puman

bhunkte kutumba-posasya

hrta-vitta ivaturah


daivena--by the arrangement of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; asaditam--obtained; tasya--his; samalam--sinful reaction; niraye--in a hellish condition; puman--the man; bhunkte--undergoes; kutumba-posasya--of maintaining a family; hrta-vittah--one whose wealth is lost; iva--like; aturah--suffering.


Thus, by the arrangement of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the maintainer of kinsmen is put into a hellish condition to suffer for his sinful activities, like a man who has lost his wealth.


The example set herein is that the sinful person suffers just like a man who has lost his wealth. The human form of body is achieved by the conditioned soul after many, many births and is a very valuable asset. Instead of utilizing this life to get liberation, if one uses it simply for the purpose of maintaining his so-called family and therefore performs foolish and unauthorized action, he is compared to a man who has lost his wealth and who, upon losing it, laments. When wealth is lost, there is no use lamenting, but as long as there is wealth, one has to utilize it properly and thereby gain eternal profit. It may be argued that when a man leaves his money earned by sinful activities, he also leaves his sinful activities here with his money. But it is especially mentioned herein that by superior arrangement (daivenasaditam), although the man leaves behind him his sinfully earned money, he carries the effect of it. When a man steals some money, if he is caught and agrees to return it, he is not freed from the criminal punishment. By the law of the state, even though he returns the money, he has to undergo the punishment. Similarly, the money earned by a criminal process may be left by the man when dying, but by superior arrangement he carries with him the effect, and therefore he has to suffer hellish life.



kevalena hy adharmena


yati jivo 'ndha-tamisram

caramam tamasah padam


kevalena--simply; hi--certainly; adharmena--by irreligious activities; kutumba--family; bharana--to maintain; utsukah--eager; yati--goes; jivah--a person; andha-tamisram--to Andha-tamisra; caramam--ultimate; tamasah--of darkness; padam--region.


Therefore a person who is very eager to maintain his family and kinsmen simply by black methods certainly goes to the darkest region of hell, which is known as Andha-tamisra.


Three words in this verse are very significant. Kevalena means "only by black methods," adharmena means "unrighteous" or "irreligious," and kutumba-bharana means "family maintenance." Maintaining one's family is certainly the duty of a householder, but one should be eager to earn his livelihood by the prescribed method, as stated in the scriptures. In Bhagavad-gita it is described that the Lord has divided the social system into four classifications of castes, or varnas, according to quality and work. Apart from Bhagavad-gita, in every society a man is known according to his quality and work. For example, when a man is constructing wooden furniture, he is called a carpenter, and a man who works with an anvil and iron is called a blacksmith. Similarly, a man who is engaged in the medical or engineering fields has a particular duty and designation. All these human activities have been divided by the Supreme Lord into four varnas, namely brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra. In Bhagavad-gita and in other Vedic literatures, the specific duties of the brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra are mentioned.

One should work honestly according to his qualification. He should not earn his livelihood unfairly, by means for which he is not qualified. If a brahmana who works as a priest so that he may enlighten his followers with the spiritual way of life is not qualified as a priest, then he is cheating the public. One should not earn by such unfair means. The same is applicable to a ksatriya or to a vaisya. It is especially mentioned that the means of livelihood of those who are trying to advance in Krsna consciousness must be very fair and uncomplicated. Here it is mentioned that he who earns his livelihood by unfair means (kevalena) is sent to the darkest hellish region. Otherwise, if one maintains his family by prescribed methods and honest means, there is no objection to one's being a family man.



adhastan nara-lokasya

yavatir yatanadayah

kramasah samanukramya

punar atravrajec chucih


adhastat--from below; nara-lokasya--human birth; yavatih--as many; yatana--punishments; adayah--and so on; kramasah--in a regular order; samanukramya--having gone through; punah--again; atra--here, on this earth; avrajet--he may return; sucih--pure.


Having gone through all the miserable, hellish conditions and having passed in a regular order through the lowest forms of animal life prior to human birth, and having thus been purged of his sins, one is reborn again as a human being on this earth.


Just as a prisoner, who has undergone troublesome prison life, is set free again, the person who has always engaged in impious and mischievous activities is put into hellish conditions, and when he has undergone different hellish lives, namely those of lower animals like cats, dogs and hogs, by the gradual process of evolution he again comes back as a human being. In Bhagavad-gita it is stated that even though a person engaged in the practice of the yoga system may not finish perfectly and may fall down for some reason or other, his next life as a human being is guaranteed. It is stated that such a person, who has fallen from the path of yoga practice, is given a chance in his next life to take birth in a very rich family or in a very pious family. It is interpreted that "rich family" refers to a big mercantile family because generally people who engage in trades and mercantile business are very rich. One who engaged in the process of self-realization, or connecting with the Supreme Absolute Truth, but fell short is allowed to take birth in such a rich family, or he is allowed to take birth in the family of pious brahmanas; either way, he is guaranteed to appear in human society in his next life. It can be concluded that if someone is not willing to enter into hellish life, as in Tamisra or Andha-tamisra, then he must take to the process of Krsna consciousness, which is the first-class yoga system, because even if one is unable to attain complete Krsna consciousness in this life, he is guaranteed at least to take his next birth in a human family. He cannot be sent into a hellish condition. Krsna consciousness is the purest life, and it protects all human beings from gliding down to hell to take birth in a family of dogs or hogs.

Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Third Canto, Thirtieth Chapter, of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, entitled "Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse Fruitive Activities."


Srimad Bhagavatam

Bhagavad Gita as it is

Krsna The Supreme Personality of Godhead

Life Comes From Life

Science of Self Realization

Caitanya Caritamrta

MP3s lectures/conversations

Author: His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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Which hell is more scary, christian, muslim or hindu? From this description the hindu hell is more scary!?

islam is causing Hell on earth, so right now I'd say that is the worst.

God Bless.

Which hell is more scary, christian, muslim or hindu? From this description the hindu hell is more scary!?

but i've never heard anyone brag about how horrible their religion can be, oh yeah that makes me think aren't you guys putting a bad name on your religion by saying all this? Report It

Which hell is more scary, christian, muslim or hindu? From this description the hindu hell is more scary!?




the myth


God, hates "hell"

http://trumpetcallofgodonline.... Report It

Which hell is more scary, christian, muslim or hindu? From this description the hindu hell is more scary!?

What is your question?

Which hell is more scary, christian, muslim or hindu? From this description the hindu hell is more scary!?

I found the Islamic Hell to be more terrifying

Which hell is more scary, christian, muslim or hindu? From this description the hindu hell is more scary!?

Next time I have 8 hours to spare I'll read this

Which hell is more scary, christian, muslim or hindu? From this description the hindu hell is more scary!?

Sorry.....that's just too much to swallow.

Long-winded questions are a turn-off

Which hell is more scary, christian, muslim or hindu? From this description the hindu hell is more scary!?

Wow, I totally just read your entire post. Not!

Which hell is more scary, christian, muslim or hindu? From this description the hindu hell is more scary!?

I just got back from the hell of eternal scrolling down.

I thought my last question was long.

Blessed Be!

Which hell is more scary, christian, muslim or hindu? From this description the hindu hell is more scary!?

Too bad we don't have thumbs down for questions. The Muslim hell would be the worse. Their god is on a different level than the people. Who wants to live in a heaven where god does not want fellowship with you.

Which hell is more scary, christian, muslim or hindu? From this description the hindu hell is more scary!?

sounds scary. I think when you get to the eternal gatekeeper it probably takes close to eternity just to decide which hell you get.

Which hell is more scary, christian, muslim or hindu? From this description the hindu hell is more scary!?

those are all false religon inspired by demons and devils and they are not from God.

Hell is the grave and the only one who wants us to think god is evil and tortures people is the demons.

Which hell is more scary, christian, muslim or hindu? From this description the hindu hell is more scary!?

Holy ****! Someone has time on their hands. Couldn't you have just summarized?

Which hell is more scary, christian, muslim or hindu? From this description the hindu hell is more scary!?

waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy toooo long

Which hell is more scary, christian, muslim or hindu? From this description the hindu hell is more scary!?

Who says , as far as i do not think no one has ever went to hell and came back, so all we know about either is what is said in a book ..........

Which hell is more scary, christian, muslim or hindu? From this description the hindu hell is more scary!?

You saying it.. because you are hindu.. ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.

Alif. Lam Mim.

Allah is. Beside Whom none is to be worshiped. Self-Living, Sustainer of others.

He sent down to you this true Book, confirming preceding Books, and He sent down Tawrat and Injil before this.

A for time guiding the people and sent down the criterion; No doubt, for those who denied the Signs of Allah is the severe torment and Allah the Mighty, is Possessor of the power of retribution.

Nothing is hidden from Allah, neither in the earth nor in the heaven.

It is He Who forms your shape in the wombs of the mothers as He pleases. Besides Whom none is to be worshiped the Dominant, the Wise.

It is He Who sent down upon you the Book, in which some verses have clear meaning, they are the substance of the Book, and others are those, in the meaning of which there is doubt. Those in whose hearts there is perversity pursue doubtful one desiring deviation and searching their own viewpoint of it, and its right interpretation is known to Allah alone. And those of firm knowledge say, 'We believed in it, all is from our Lord and none accept admonition save men of understanding.

'O our Lord! Let not our hearts become perverse after this that You guided us and bestow on us mercy from Yourself; no doubt, You are the big Bestower.

'O our Lord! No doubt You are the assembler of all people for the Day in which there is no doubt. Undoubtedly the promise of Allah changes not.

No doubt, those who became infidels; their riches and their children shall avail them nothing against Allah and it is they who are the fuel of the hell.

Like the people of Pharaohs and those before them, they belied our Signs; then Allah seized them for their sins and Allah's punishment is severe.

Say to the disbeliveers, 'soon you shall be overcome and be driven towards the hell and that is an evil bed'.

No doubt, there was a sign for you in two groups that encountered among themselves. One gang fighting in the way of Allah and the other disbeliveers that they understood them double of themselves in their eyesight; and Allah strengthens with His help whom He pleases. No doubt, in it there is teaching after seeing for the men of understanding.

Adorned for men is the love of these lusts, women and children and the stored up heaps of gold and silver and branded horses and cattle and crops. This is the capital of living world; and it is Allah with Whom there is an excellent destination.

Say you 'shall I inform you of something better than that.' For pious ones there are gardens with their Lord beneath which rivers flow therein shall they abide, and pure wives and Allah's pleasure. And Allah sees His bondsmen.

Those who say, 'Our Lord we did accept faith, then forgive us our sins and save us from the torment of the hell.'

The steadfast and truthful and humble and those who spend in the way of Allah and those who seek forgiveness in the latter part of the night.

Allah bore witness that none is to be worshiped save He, and the angels and the men of learning (too) standing with justice; none is to be worshiped save He, the most Reverend, Wise.

Verily, only Islam is the Din (Religion) before Allah, and the men of Book did not dissent but after the knowledge had come to them, because of their hearts burning. And whoso denies the signs of Allah; then no doubt Allah is to call to account very soon.

Again O beloved! If they argue with you, then say 'I have submitted my face before Allah and those who followed me; and say to the men of Books and to those who read not; 'have you submitted'? Hence if they submit, then they got the guidance and if turn their faces, then upon you it is only to convey the message, and Allah is seeing His bondsmen.

Those who deny the signs of Allah, and slay the Prophets unjustly and kill the men ordering justice; give them good tiding of painful torment.

These are they whose deeds have perished in this world and the next and they shall have no helpers.

Have you not observed those given a portion of the Book are being called to the Book of Allah that it may judge between them, then a faction of them turns away being opposed to it?

This boldness came to them because they say, 'The fire shall not touch us except for a number of days'; and the lies which they used to invent deceived them in their religion.

Then how will it be, when We shall gather them for a Day in which there is no doubt; and every soul shall be paid in full what it has earned and they shall not be wronged.

Say like this, 'O Allah Master of the Kingdom, You give the Kingdom to whom You please; and seize the Kingdom from whom You please. And you exalt whom You please and You abase whom You please; in Your hand is all good. No doubt You can do all things.

You cause the night to enter into day and cause the day to enter into night, and bring forth the living from the dead and bring forth the dead from the living, and provide whomsoever You please with out reckoning

Let not the Muslims takes infidels as their friends besides the Muslims and whosoever shall do that he has no connection with Allah, but this that have some fear of them; and Allah cautions you from His wrath; and unto Allah is the return.

Say, you, 'whether you conceal what is in your hearts or declare it, Allah knows all; and knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. And Allah has the authority over every thing.'

The day when every soul shall find presented whatever it did of good and whatever it did of evil; it will long, would there be a far distance between it and me. And Allah warns you of His torment; and Allah is Kind enough over His bondsmen.

'O beloved! Say you, 'O people! If you love Allah, then follow me; Allah will love you and forgive your sins and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

Say you, 'Obey Allah and the messenger; then if they turn their faces, then Allah loves not the infidels.

No doubt, Allah chose Adam and Noah and the family of Ibrahim and the family of Imran from over the entire world.

It is a race from one another. And Allah Hears and Knows.

When the wife of Imran said, My lord! 'I make a vow to You, for what is in my womb to remain purely in Your service. There fore accept this from me, no doubt, You alone are Hearing, Knowing.

Then when she gave birth to her, she said, 'O my Lord I have given Birth to a female. And Allah knows well whatever she had given birth to and that male whom she demanded was not like this female and I have named her Mary, and I give her and her off-spring under Your protection from Satan the rejected.

Therefore her Lord accepted her graciously and caused her to grow an excellent growth and gave her under the guardianship of 'Zakaria'. Whenever Zakaria went to her place of prayer, he found new provision with her. He said! O Mary! Whence came this to you? She spoke, 'that is from Allah,' No doubt, Allah gives whomsoever He pleases without measure.

Here Zakaria called his Lord, said, 'O my Lord! Give me from Yourself pure offspring; no doubt, You only are the Hearer of prayers.

Then the angels called him and he was offering prayer standing at his place of worship, no doubt Allah gives you glad tidings of Yahya who shall confirm a word from Allah, a chief and chaste and prophet from amongst Our righteous.

Said, 'O my Lord! From where shall I have a son, while the old age has reached to me and my wife is barren'. Said, 'Allah does so whatever He pleases'.

Submitted he, O my Lord! 'Appoint a token for me' Said, your token is this that you shall not speak to people for three days but with signals, and remember your Lord much and praise Him at a time nearing sunset and at dawn.

And when the angels said, 'O Mary; verily Allah has chosen you and purified well ' and today has chosen you from amongst the women of all worlds'.

'O Mary! Stand before your Lord humbly and prostrate for Him and bow down with those who bow down.

These are the tidings of unseen that We reveal to you in secret. And you were not with them when they drew lots with their pen that under whose guardianship Mary should be given, and you were not with them when they were disputing.

And remember when the angels said to Mary, 'O Mary! Allah gives you glad tidings of a word from Him, whose name is Masih, Isa son of Mary, he shall be dignified in the world and the Hereafter and of those nearest to Allah.

And he shall talk to the people in the cradle and in the ripe age (Maturity) and shall be of the righteous.

She said, 'O my Lord! From where shall I have a son no person has touched me. Said He, "Allah creates in such a way what He pleases". When He decrees any thing, then He only says to it 'Be! And it is.

And Allah will teach him the Book and wisdom and the Taurat and Injeel.

And he shall be a Messenger towards the children of Israel saying this, 'I have brought to you a sign from your Lord; that I make a form out of clay like a bird for you then again breathe in it and it becomes a bird atonce by the command of Allah; and I heal the born blind and the leper and I make the dead alive by the command of Allah and tell to you whatever you eat and what you store in your houses. No doubt, in these things there is a great sign for you if you believe.

And I have come confirming the book Taurat that was before me; and for this that I should make lawful some of those things which were forbidden to you; and I have brought to you a sign from your Lord then fear Allah and obey my command.

No doubt Allah is the Lord of me, of yours, of all so worship Him only. This is the straight path.

Then again when Isa found infidelity in them, said, 'who become my helpers towards Allah'. The disciples said, 'We are the helpers of the religion of God; We have believed in Allah and bear you witness that we are Muslims.

'O our Lord! 'We believe in what you have sent down and followed the Messenger, then write us among those who bear witness on truth.'

And the infidels plotted and Allah secretly devised for their destruction and Allah is the best of secret devisers.

Remember, when Allah said; O Isa! I shall cause you to reach to your full life and I shall raise you towards Myself and I shall purify you from the infidels, and shall give your followers superiority over the rejecters until the Day of Resurrection then you all shall come returning to Me: then I shall decide between you concerning that wherein you dispute'.

Then those who became infidels, I shall torment them with severe punishment in this world and the next and they shall have no helpers.

And to those who believed and did good deeds, Allah will pay them their rewards in full and the unjust are not acceptable to Allah.

Thus, We recite to you of some signs and wise admonition

The likeness of Isa with Allah, is like Adam. He created him of dust, then said, 'Be and 'he' was atonce.

'O Listener! This is the truth from your Lord; be not therefore of doubters.

Then O beloved! Whoever disputes with you about Isa after knowledge has come to you, then tell them, 'come, let us call our sons and your sons our women and your women and our souls and your souls, then let us pray earnestly, and so lay the curse of Allah upon the liars.'

This verily is the true Narrative; There is none worthy of worship save Allah; and verily only Allah is All Mighty, the All Wise.

Then if they turn back their faces, then Allah knows the mischief mongers.

Say you, O people of the Book! Come towards such a word which is common between us and you, that is we worship none but Allah and associate no partner with Him; and none of us make one another as Lord beside Allah; then if they do not accept then say, 'bear witness that we are Muslims.'

'O people of the Book! Why do you dispute about Ibraham? The Torah and Injil (Gospel) were not sent down, but after him, then have you no reason?

Behold! you are those who disputed in that of which you had knowledge, then why you dispute in that of which you have no knowledge, and Allah knows and you know not.

Abraham was neither a Jew nor Christian but was a Muslim separate from every falsehood and was not of the polytheists.

Verily, the more rightful claimant of Abraham than all people were those who followed him and this prophet and the believers, And Allah is the Protector of the believers.

A section of the people of the Book yearns that in any way you go astray and they make astray to themselves and they have no sense.

'O people of the Book! Why do you deny the signs of Allah, whereas you are yourselves witnesses.

'O people of the Book! Why do you confound truth with falsehood and why do you conceal the truth whereas you have knowledge?

A section of the people of the Book said, 'believe in that which has been sent down upon the believers at morning and deny at evening; perchance they may return'.

And believe not any but. Him who is the follower of your religion. Say you, 'The guidance of Allah is the only guidance of Allah. That may be given to any one the like of that was given to you', or anyone might argue you before your Lord. Say, you, 'the bounty is in the hand of Allah alone; He gives it to whomsoever He pleases; and Allah is All-Embracing All-Knowing.

He singles out with His mercy whomsoever He pleases and Allah is of exceeding bounty.

Among the people of the Book there is someone with whom if you keep a huge treasure in trust then he will pay it back to you, and in them there is someone, with whom if you keep in trust a single dinar then he will not repay it to you, except when you remain standing over his head. It is because they say, 'there is no responsibility over us in the matter of illiterates. And they utter a lie against Allah knowingly.

Yes, why not, one who fulfilled his pledge and feared God and verily, Allah loves those who fear God.

Those who accept mean price in exchange of their covenant with Allah and their oaths, they have no portion in the Hereafter, and Allah will neither speak to them nor look towards them or Resurrection Day, nor will He purify them; and for them there is painful torment.

And among them some are those who distort the Book by twisting their tongues; that you may think it is also in the Book, and that is not in the Book. And they say, 'It is from Allah, whereas it is not from Allah and they forge a lie against Allah purposely and knowingly.

It is not the right of any man that Allah should give him the Book and command and prophet hood, then he should say to people, 'Be my bondmen leaving Allah; Yes he will say this, 'Be men of Allah because you teach the Book and because you study it.'

And He would not order you this that you should take the angels and prophets as God. Would He order you to infidelity after it that you have become Muslims?

And remember when Allah took from the prophets their covenant whatever I should give you of the Book and wisdom then comes to you the Messenger confirming your Books, then assuredly you shall believe in him and assuredly you help him. He said, 'do you agree, and do you accept My heavy responsibility on it. All submitted 'We did affirm, He said, 'then be witness against one another and I am myself among witnesses with you.

Now whoso turns away after this, then they are the dis-obedients.

Then, do they like a religion other than the religion of Allah? And to Him has submitted whoso is in the heavens and the earth, willingly and unwillingly, and to Him shall they be returned.

Say like this, 'that We believed in Allah and in that which was sent down to us and in that which Was sent down to Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaque and Yaqoob and his children and that which was given to Moosa and Isa and prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them in believing and to Him we have bowed down our necks.

And whoso will desire for a religion other than Islam that shall never be accepted from him and in the next world he shall be among the losers.

How Allah shall wish to guide such a people who disbelieved after believing and had borne witness that the Messenger is true and to whom had come clear signs? And Allah guides not a people unjust.

Their meed is this that on them there is curse of Allah, and of angels and of men, all together.

They should abide thereunder. Neither the torment shall be lightened from over them and nor shall they be respited.

But those who repented thereafter and amended themselves, then necessarily, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

No doubt, those who disbelieved after believing then again wax in infidelity, their repentance shall never be accepted and these are they who have gone astray.

Those who disbelieved and died as infidels, there shall never be accepted an earth full of gold from anyone of them, though he offers it in ransom for himself. There is painful torment for them, and they shall have no helpers.

You shall never attain good unless you spend your favourite things; and Allah knows whatever you spend.

All food was lawful to the children of Israel; save what Yaqoob had made unlawful for himself before the Taurah wee sent down. Say you, bring the Taurat and read it if you are truthful?

Then after that, whose forges lie against Allah, those are the persons unjust.

Say you, 'Allah is true therefore follow the religion of Ibraham Who was separate from every falsehood, and was not of the polytheists.

Verily, the first House among all marked for the worship o, the people is that which is in Mecca abounding in blessing and a guide of all world.

Therein are clear sighs; the place where Ibraham stood and whosoever enters it, is in security. And for the sake of Allah, the people is to perform pilgrimage to this House, who could find a way thither. And who denies, then Allah is independent of entire world.

Say you, 'O people of Book! Why not you accept the signs of Allah while your works are before Allah.

Say you, 'O people of the Book! Why do you hinder those who accepted the faith from the path of Allah, you desire to crook it and you are yourself witness thereof? And Allah is not unaware of your doings.

'O believers! If you obey some of the people of the Book, then they would render you infidels after your belief.

And how would you commit infidelity, (whereas) to you are recited the signs of Allah; and in your midst has come the Messenger of Allah? And he who sought the support of Allah has been directed to a straight path.

'O believers! Fear Allah, as rightly He is to be feared, and do not die ever save as Muslims.

And hold fast, all together, by the rope of Allah, and be not divided among themselves. And remember Allah's favour upon you. Remember when there was enmity among you, He joined your hearts together then, by His grace, you became brothers together and you were upon the brink of a pit of Fire, then He rescued you from it; Thus Allah explains to you His signs; that haply you may act guidance.

And let there be such a group among you, that they may call towards goodness and command what is just and forbid evil. And the very same attained to their goals.

And be not like those who were divided (in sections) and disagreed among themselves, after this that bright signs had come to them and for them there is mighty torment.

On the day when some faces shall be white, and some black. Then those whose faces: have been blackened, (they will be told) 'did you become infidels after accepting faith? Then now taste the torment, the recompense of your infidelity.

And as for those, whose faces are whitened, they are under the mercy of Allah; they shall abide in it.

These are the signs of Allah that We recite unto you correctly, and Allah intends not injustice to the people of the worlds.

And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth and unto Allah is the return of all matters.

You are the best among all those nations appeared unto mankind, you command! To good, and forbid evil, and keep faith unto Allah. Had the people of the Book believed, then it was good for them. Some of them are Muslims and most of them are infidels.

They will not harm you save annoying; and if they fight with you, they will turn their backs from you, then again they will not be helped.

Ignominy has been pitched on them, wherever they are, they shill get no security save a rope from Allah and a rope from men, (they may get protection). They became worthy of the wrath of Allah and on them destitution have been pitched. This is because they used to reject the signs of Allah and slay the prophets unjustly. This is because they were disobedient and transgressors.

All are not alike. Among the people of the Book some are those who stand right, recite the signs of Allah in the hours of night and prostrate.

They believe in Allah and the Last Day and command good and forbid evil and run for good works, and they are righteous.

And those who will do good, their rights shall not be denied and Allah knows the God fearing.

Those who became infidels, their riches and children shall not avail them at all against Allah and they are the men of hell and shall abide therein.

The example of that which they spend in the life of this world is like a wind in which there is intense cold; that strikes the harvest of such a nation which wronged themselves, therefore it destroyed that, and Allah wronged them not, but yes, they wrong unto their own souls.

'O believers! Do not make strangers as your confidants; they leave no stone unturned in harming you. They yearn for what distresses you: Hostility appeared from their utterances and what they have concealed in their breasts is yet greater. We have made you hear Our signs clearly, if you have wisdom.

Behold, it is you who love them, and they love you not. Though you believe in all the Books. And when they meet you, they say, 'we accepted faith', and when they are alone, then they bite their fingertips at you out of wrath. Say you, die in your passion' Allah knows well the thoughts of the hearts.

Anything good befall you it vexes them; and an evil be fall you, then they are happy at it, and if you have patience. And fear Allah, then their guile will not hurt you at all. Verily, their all doings are under the' circumference of Allah.

And remember O beloved! When you came out from your house in the morning, I am assigning to the Muslims their positions for battle. And Allah is All-Hearing All-Knowing.

When two of your groups intended Cowardice, but Allah is their supporter, and upon Allah should the Muslims rely.

And verily, Allah did help you at Badr, when you were resourceless. So fear Allah that perhaps you may be thankful.

When O beloved! You did say to Muslim 'Is it not enough for you that your Lord should assist you by sending down three thousand angels?

Yes, why not, if you have patience and fear God, and the infidels came upon you instantly, then your Lord will send five thousand angels with marks for your help.

And this victory Allah did not make, save for pleasing you and so that your hearts might get rest with it, there is no help except from Allah, the Dominant, the Wise.

In order that He might cut a portion of the infidels or abase them, so that they may go back dis-appointed.

This matter is not in your hand, whether He shows His graciousness to them for repent fence or torment them, for they are unjust.

And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. He Forgives whomsoever and torments whomsoever He pleases; and Allah is For giving Merciful.

'O believers! Devour not interest, doubled and redoubled; and fear Allah, in the hope that you may get prosperity.

And Ward off the Fire which is already prepared for the infidels.

And remain obedient to Allah and Messenger, in the hope that you be shown mercy.

And run towards the forgiveness of your Lord and to such a paradise whose width covers all heavens and earth is already prepared for those who are pious.

Those who spend in the path of Allah in prosperity and adversity and who restrain anger and who pardon men. And virtuous people are dear to Allah.

And those who, when they have committed indecency or wronged their own souls, beg forgiveness for their sins remembering Allah, and who forgives sins save Allah? And do not persist knowingly in what they have done.

For such the recompense is their 'Lord's forgiveness and Gardens with rivers flowing underneath, they shall remain for ever therein, and what an excellent reward is for workers.

Some systems have already been experimented, before you, then see, going through the earth, how was the end of the beliers! (Who did deny)?

This is to state to people and to guide and is admonition to those who are pious.

And be not sluggish and neither be grieved, you are the very same who shall overcome if you have faith.

If any distress has come to you, then they too have already received a similar distress. These are the days in which we have fixed turns for the people and that is because Allah may make one to distinguish the believes and may assign some of you the position of martyrs. And Allah loves not the unjust.

And so that Allah may purify the Muslims and wipe out the infidels.

Are you in this supposition that you shall enter the paradise and yet Allah has not tested your warriors and neither has experimented the steadfast?

And you used to long for death before meeting it, so now you have seen it with your eyes.

And Muhammad is only a Messenger. There have been many other messengers before him. Will you then, if he departs or be slain, turn back on your heels? And he, who will turn back on his heels, shall not harm Allah at all. And very soon Allah will recompense the thankful.

And no soul can die save by the leave of God - the time of all is already recorded. And whoso desires the reward of the world, We gave to him of this, and he who desires the reward of the Hereafter, We give to him of this, And it is very soon, We may recompense the thankful.

And many a prophet fought, with them there were many god-men, they fell not sluggish with the miseries they faced in the path of Allah, and neither became weak nor gave in. And the steadfast are dear to Allah.

They did say nothing save this prayer, 'O Our Lord! Forgive our sins and our excesses that we committed in our affairs, and make firm our steps and help us against these disbelieving people.

So Allah gave them the reward of the world, and goodness of the reward of Hereafter. And the good-doers are dear to Allah.

'O believers! If you follow the line of infidels, then they will turn you upon your heels, and you will be back after losing.

Whereas Allah is your Patron; and He is the best Helper.

Soon We shall cast terror in the hearts of infidels, because they associated partners with Allah for which He sent down not any understanding and their abode is Fire, and what is the evil abode of the unjust.

And verily, Allah did prove the truth of His promise to you when you were killing the infidels by His leave, until when you showed weakness and quarrelled about the order and Dis-obeyed after He had shown you the thing you desired for. Of you some one desired the world and of you some one desired the Hereafter, then He turned your faces from them that He might; test you; and no doubt, He forgive you and Allah is Bounteous over Muslims.

When you were going up and did not look back towards anyone and Our Messenger was calling you in another group, therefore He gave you, sorrow in recompense for a sorrow, and forgave in order that you might not grieve for what sent out of your hand and what befell you. And Allah is informed of your doings

Then after sorrow, He sent down to you slumber that had surrounded a party of you, and another party was anxious about themselves, suspected of Allah unjustly; like the suspicion of Ignorance. They say, 'Have we any power in this affair'? Say you, 'entire authority is of Allah. They conceal in their hearts that they reveal not unto you; they say, 'if we had any power, then we would not have been killed here." Say you, 'If you had been in your houses, even then those for whom killing was already written would have gone forth to the place of their slaughter; and in order that Allah might test the feelings of your breasts, and whatever is in your hearts might purge it. Allah knows the thoughts of your hearts.

No doubt, those of you who turned back on the day when two armies met. It was Satan who made them slip because of their certain actions, and surely Allah forgave them. Verily, Allah is Forgiving, Gentle.

'O believers! Be not like those infidels who told about their brothers when went on journey or on holy war; that had they been with us, they would not have died and not been slain, in order that Allah may make it a cause of regret in their hearts. And Allah gives life and causes death and Allah is seeing your works.

And undoubtedly, if you are slain in the way of Allah or die, then the forgiveness of Allah and His mercy are better than their entire wealth.

And if you die or be slain, certainly you are to gather towards Allah.

Then, it is of the mercy of Allah that O beloved! You became gentle for them and if you had been hot headed, hard hearted, then they certainly would have dispersed from your circle, so pardon them and intercede for them and consult them in the affairs; and when you have made up your mind for any thing, then put your trust in Allah. Undoubtedly the trustful are dear to Allah.

If Allah helps you, then none can overcome you; and He forsakes you, then who is such that can help you again. And Muslim should have trust unto Allah alone.

It cannot be thought about any prophet that he hides away something and whatever he hides away, he shall come with his hidden thing on the Day of Resurrection; then every soul shall be paid in full what it has earned, and there shall be no injustice unto them.

Will then he who follows the pleasure of Allah be like him who has earned the wrath of Allah and his abode is hell? And what a bad place of returns it is.

They are according to their ranks near Allah and Allah sees their works.

Undoubtedly, Allah did a great favour to the Muslims that in them from among themselves sent a Messenger who recites unto them His signs and purifies them and teaches them the Book and wisdom, and necessarily before that they were certainly in apparent error.

What! When any calamity reaches you, though double of which you had caused to reach (to them), you began to say, "Whence it came". Say you; 'It is from your own side'. Undoubtedly Allah can do everything.

And that calamity which befell you on the day the two armies had met was by Allah's leave, and thus He might make known the believers.

And that He might make one to distinguish the hypocrites and it was said to them, "come, fight in the way of Allah or drive out the enemy". They said, "If we knew fighting, then certainly we would have sided you." And they on that day were nearer to apparent infidelity than to expressed faith. They say with their mouths, what is not in their hearts. And Allah knows what they are concealing.

Those who said about their brothers and while them selves remained behind, 'Had they obeyed us, they would not have been killed.' Say you, 'then avert your own death if you are truthful.'

And those who have been slain in the way of Allah never think of them as dead; but they are alive with their Lord, get their subsistence.

They are happy because of that which Allah has bestowed upon them of His Bounty and are rejoicing for their successors who have not yet joined them that on them there is not any fear, nor any grief.

They rejoice at the favour of Allah and His bounty, and that Allah wastes not the reward of Muslims.

Those who responded to the call of Allah and Messenger after the wound had smitten them There is great reward for their righteous and reverent people.

Those to whom people said, 'the people have gathered against you, 'therefore fear them; but this increased their faith and said, 'Allah is sufficient for us and what an excellent Disposer of Affairs.

Hence, they returned with a favour from Allah and His Bounty, no evil touched them and followed the pleasure of Allah. And Allah is of great, Bounty.

It is only the Satan that threatens you of his friends: so fear them not and fear Me if you have faith.

And (O beloved) you grieve not of them at all, who run after infidelity, they will not harm Allah at all. And Allah intends not to assign any position for them in the Hereafter and for them, there is great torment.

Those who purchased infidelity for faith will not harm Allah at all, and for them is the painful torment.

And let never the unbelievers suppose that the respite, We grant them is some thing good for them. Certainly, We grant them respite only because they may further increase in sin. And for them is the degrading torment.

Allah is not to leave the Muslims in the present state of affairs in which you are, until He separates unpure from the pure. (Wicked from the good) And it is not befitting to the dignity of Allah that O general people! He let you know the unseen. Yes, Allah chooses from amongst His messengers whom He pleases. Then believe in Allah and His messengers. And if you accept faith and fear, then there is great reward for you.

And let not those who are ********* with respect to what Allah has given them out of His bounty think that it is good for them; on the contrary it is bad for them. Soon that for which they were ********* shall be their necklace on the Day of Resurrection. And only Allah is the Heir of heavens and earth and Allah is aware of your doings.

Undoubtedly Allah heard those who said, "Allah is needy and we are rich." Now We shall put their sayings and their slaying of the prophets unjustly in writing; and We shall say, 'taste the torment of the fire.'

This is the compensation of what your hands have sent forth. And Allah does not oppress their bondsmen.

Those who say, 'Allah has covenanted with us that we believe not in any messenger until he brings an order of such sacrifice which the fire consumes; say you, 'Many messengers came to you before me bearing clear signs and with this order which you speak of, then why did you kill them, if you are truthful?

Then O beloved! If they belie you even, so the messengers before you, who had come bearing clear signs and the scriptures and the shining Book have already been belied.

Every soul is to taste the death; and you will get your compensation in full only on the Day of Resurrection. Whosoever is saved from the Fire and made to enter into Paradise, attained to his goal. And the life of this world is but the goods of deception.

Undoubtedly, you shall certainly be tested in your property and in your lives. And undoubtedly, you shall certainly hear a good deal of bad things from the people of the Book before you and from idolaters. But if you endure and guard yourselves (against evils), then it is the work of strong determination.

And remember when Allah took a covenant from those who were given the Book that, 'you shall necessarily make it known to the people and congeal it not, but they threw it behind their backs, and took a mean price in Exchange of it, then how an evil Purchasing it is!

Never think of those who rejoice on their doings and wish that they may be praised without doing. Never think of such people away from the torment and for them is the painful torment.

And to Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and earth; and Allah is Potent over every thing.

Undoubtedly, in the creation of heavens and earth and in the mutual alternation of night and day, there are signs for men of understanding.

Who remember Allah standing and sitting and lying on their sides, and contemplate in the creation of heavens and earth; (saying) "O our Lord! You have not made it invain, Hallowed be You, You save us from the torment of the Hell.

'O our Lord! Verily whomsoever you cause to enter the Hell, him You have surely humiliated, and the unjust have no helpers.

'O our Lord! We heard a proclaimer that he calls for believing, that believe unto your Lord; then we believed. O our Lord! Forgive us our sins and wipe off us our evils and cause us to die along with the righteous.

'O our Lord! And give us that what You have promised to us through Your Messengers; and disgrace us not on the Day of Resurrection. Undoubtedly You do not break the promise.

Then their Lord heard their prayer that I certainly waste not the labour of any worker from amongst you, be a male or female, you are one among yourselves. Hence those who emigrated and were driven out from their homes, and were tortured in My way and fought and were killed. I shall surely wipe out all their sins and shall surely cause them to enter into the gardens beneath which flow rivers, a reward from Allah. And with Allah only there is good reward.

'O Listener! Let not deceive you the strutting about of the infidels in the cities.

A brief enjoyment; their abode is the Hell and what an evil bed!

But those who fear their Lord, for them there are gardens beneath which flow rivers. They shall abide therein; an entertainment from Allah and that, which is with Allah, is still better for the righteous.

And undoubtedly, some among the men of the Book are such that they believe in Allah and in what has been sent to you and what have been sent down to them, their hearts are bent towards Allah, do not accept mean price for the signs of Allah. These are those whose reward is with their Lord; and Allah is swift in taking account.

'O believers! Be patient, and excel in patience with the enemies and guard Islamic country on the border and remain fearing Allah that haply you may be successful.

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.

Alif-Lam Mim (Individual Letters of Arabic Alphabet).

That high ranked Book (Quran) whereof there is no place of doubt, in it there is guidance to the God-fearing.

Who believe without seeing, and establish prayer and spend in Our path, out of Our provided subsistence.

And who believe in what has been sent down towards you, O beloved prophet! And what has been sent down before you and are convinced of the Last Day.

They alone are on the guidance from their Lord and they alone are the gainers.

Surely, as to those who are destined to infidelity, it is alike whether you warn them or warn them not, they will never believe.

Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their ears, and over their eyes there is a dark covering, and for them is great torment.

And some people say, 'We have believed in Allah and the Last Day' yet they are not to believe.

They seek to deceive Allah and the believers, and in fact, they deceive not but their own souls, and they perceive not.

In their hearts is a disease, so Allah has increased their disease and for them is a painful torment, the recompense of their lies.

And when it is said to them, create not disorder on the earth, they say, 'we are but reformats'.

Be-ware! It is they who are the mischief-makers, but they perceive not.

And when it is said to them 'believe as others have believed,' they say, 'shall we believe as fools', believe, Beware! It is they who are the fools, but they do not know.

And when they meet believers, they say, 'we believe', and when they are alone with their devils, they say, 'we are with you, we are only mocking'.

Allah mocks at them (Befitting His Dignity) and leaves them to wander about in their contumacy.

They are those people who purchased error for guidance but their trade earned them no profit, and they indeed knew not the way of trading.

Their example is like the one who kindled a fire, so when it lit up all around him, Allah took away their light and left them in darkness where nothing is seen.

Deaf, Dumb, blind, so they are not to return.

Or like a rain pouring from the sky. Wherein is darkness and thunder and lightning, they thrust fingers in their ears because of the thunderclaps for fear of death and Allah has encompassed the disbeliveers.

It so "seems that the lightning, would snatch away the, sights whenever there is some flashing they walk therein and when it is dark, they stand still, and if Allah willed He would have taken away their ears and sights, surely Allah can do everything.

O Mankind! Worship your Lord Who has created you and those before you, haply you may become pious.

And Who made the earth a bed for you, and the sky a structure and caused water to come down from heaven hence brought forth therewith some fruits for your food, therefore do not set up equals for Allah knowingly.

And if you are in some doubt, concerning what We sent down upon Our special devotee, then bring one chapter like it, and call upon all your helpers beside Allah, if you are truthful.

Then if you cannot bring and We declare that you can never bring, hence dread the fire whose fuel is men and stones, is prepared for the disbeliveers.

And give glad tidings to those who accepted faith and did good deeds, that for them there are gardens under which flow streams. Whenever they would be provided with a fruit to eat, they would say seeing its shape this is the same substance which we got before and that was given to them resembling in shape, and for them there are pure mates and therein they will abide for ever.

Surely, Allah not ashamed of describing any thing for illustration, be it a gnat or above it, hence those who accepted faith, they know that it is the truth from their Lord, and those who are disbeliveers they say, "What does Allah mean by such a similitude". Allah sends astray many by it and guides many and Bends astray those by it who are disobedient

Those who break the covenant of Allah after its confirmation and sever that which Allah ordered to join and spread disorder in the earth, they are the only losers.

How you will disbelieve in Allah, whereas, you were dead, He gave you life, then will cause you to die then again will give you life, then towards Him you will return.

He it is Who created for you all that is in the earth, then turned toward the heaven, then formed seven heavens correctly and He knows all and every thing.

And recall when your Lord said to the Angels, I am about to place a vice-generate in the earth, they said, "will You place such who will spread disorder and shed blood'? And We praise You commending You and sanctify You; He told, 'I know what you know not'.

And Allah the Exalted taught the names of all things to Adam. Then presenting all shines before the Angels said, "Tell the names of these, if you are truthful."

They said 'Sanctity to You", We know nothing, but what You Taught us, no doubt, You alone are the Knower and the Wise.

He "said, "O Adam tell them the names of all shines, when Adam had informed them of the names of all, He told, had I not told you that I know all the hidden things of the beavers and earth, and I know whatever you disclose and whatever you hide.

And recall, when We ordered the angels to prostrate before Adam, then all prostrated save Iblis. He refused, boasted, and became disbeliever.

And We said, "O Adam dwell you and your wife in this (paradise) and eat freely thereof where you will but do not approach this tree lest you become of the transgressors.

Then Satan made them slip and got them out from the place where they lived, and We said, "get down, one of you is the enemy of the other and you have to stay in the earth and to make use of it for a time.

Then Adam learnt certain words from his Lord so Allah accepted his penitence. Surely, He is the alone most Relenting, Merciful.

We said, "you all get down from the paradise then if any guidance comes to you from Me, then who-so-ever followed My guidance, they have no fear nor any grieve.

And those who disbelieve and shall belie My signs, they are the people of the hell, they have to live in it forever.

O Children of Yaqoob recall My, that favor which I bestowed upon you and fulfill My covenant, I shall fulfill your covenant and dread Me alone.

And believe in what I sent down confirming that which is with you and be not the first rejecter of it and accept not small price for My signs and dread Me alone.

And confound not the truth with falsehood and conceal not the truth knowingly.

And establish prayer and pay the Zakat (Poor due) and bow with those who bow.

Do you order righteousness to mankind and forget yourselves whereas you read the Book? Then, have you no sense?

And seek help in patience and prayer, and surely, the prayer is hard indeed save to those, who lean towards Me with their hearts.

Who are sure that they have to meet their Lord and to return unto Him alone.

O Children of Yaqoob recall My favor, which I bestowed upon you, and exalted you over the entire world in your time.

And fear the day, when no soul shall be a substitute for another, and nor any Intercession be accepted for the infidels and nor his soul be freed for any compensations and nor shall they be helped.

And recall when We delivered you from the Pharaoh's people that afflicted you with grievous torment, slaughtering your sons and keeping your daughters alive and in this, there was a great trial or great reward from your Lord.

And when We divided the river for you then saved you and drowned pharaohs' people before your eyes.

And We made a promise of forty night' with Moses, then after him, you began worshipping a calf and you were unjust.

Then We pardoned you after that, so that you might be grateful.

And when We gave the Book to Moses and Criterion to judge between right and wrong, so that you might be on right path.

And when Moses said to his people, "O my people, you have do" injustice to your souls by taking the Calf, turn therefore towards your Creator then kill amongst your selves each other. That is better for you with your Creator, so He accepted your penitence. Surely, He is alone the most Relenting, Merciful.

And when you said, "O Moses, we shall never believe you, until we see Allah manifestly, then the thunder bolt overtook you, while you were looking.

Then We made you alive after your death, so that you might be grateful.

And We made cloud your shade and sent down on you Manna and Salwa, eat of Our good things, provided by Us, and they did no harm to Us, yes they had harmed their own souls.

And when We said, "Go into this town, then eat freely there from wherever you will, and enter the gate prostrating and say, 'forgive our sins', We shall forgive your sins end it is possible that more be given to the right doers.

Then the unjust changed the words beside that which had been told, so We sent down upon them a scourge from heaven, in lieu of their disobedience.

And when Moses asked water for his people, then We said, "Strike this rock with your staff," atone, there gushed forth twelve springs therefrom. Each group knew its drinking place. Eat and drink of what Allah has provided and do not wander in the earth raising mischief.

And when you said, "O Moses, we will not remain content with one food, pray then to your Lord, that He bring forth for us of what the earth grows, some vegetables and cucumbers and wheat and lentils and onions," said, "Do you demand inferior thing in exchange of the superior?" Well get down in Egypt or in any city, there you shall get that which you demanded, and humiliation and poverty were stamped upon them and drew-in the wrath of Allah. This was in lieu of their refusal of the Signs of Allah and slaying the prophets unjustly. This was due to their disobedience and transgression.

Surely, those who believe, and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians, whoever have faith with true hearts in Allah and in the Last-day and do good deeds, their reward is with their Lord, and there shall he no fear for them nor any grief.

And when We took a covenant from you and raised high above you the mount Toor, hold firmly to what We give you, and remember what is therein, in the hope that you may become God-fearing.

Then you turned back thereafter, so if there had been no Grace of Allah and His mercy upon you, then you would have been among the losers.

And, undoubtedly, you surely know, those among you who rebelled in the matter of Saturday (Sabbath). So We said to them, "Be Apes, despised."

Thus, We made this event of that town a warning to those of the present and to those after them and a lesson to the God-fearing.

And when Moses said to his people, "Allah commands you to slaughter a cow". They said, "you make us a laughingstock". He said, "refuge of Allah, that I be among the ignorant".

They said, "pray to your Lord that He tell to us, what kind of the cow, is," he said, "says He, she is a cow, neither old nor immature, but in between both", so do what you are commanded.

They said, "Pray to your Lord that He tell to us what her color is," he said, 'says He, she is a yellow cow, whose color is intensely deep, delightful to the beholders.

They said, "Pray to Your Lord that He explain clearly to us, what kind of cow is that. Certainly, we have become dubious about cows, and if Allah wills, we shall get the guidance.

(Moses) said, "Says He, that she is a cow, no service is taken from her nor she ploughs the earth, nor water the filth, unblemish in which there is no spot. They said, "now you brought the truth, then they slaughtered her and were not willing to slaughter.

And when you shed blood, then began accusing for it each other and Allah was to disclose what you were hiding.

Then We said, "strike with a part of that cow to the slain. Allah thus will give life to the dead and shows you His Signs, so that you may understand.

Then, thereafter your hearts hardened, then they are like stones, but harder than these; and of stones there are some from which rivers gush forth and some are those which split, then water comes therefrom and there are some which fall down for fear of Allah, and Allah is not unmindful of your doings.

Then O Muslims! Do you covet that the Jews would believe you? And one group of them was that which used to hear the words of Allah, then used to pervert it knowingly after having understood it.

And when they meet Muslims, they say, 'we accepted the faith', and when they are alone among themselves, then they say, "Do you explain to Muslims that knowledge which Allah disclosed to you, that they thereby argue with you before your Lord. Have you no wisdom?

Do they not know that Allah knows all that they conceal and all that they disclose?

And some of them are illiterate who do not know the Book, but oral reading or their own false notions and they are in mere supposition.

Then there is woe for them who write the Book with their own hands and then say, "this is from Allah", so that they may gain small price in lieu of it. Then there is woe for them for the writings of their own hands and woe to them for such earning.

And they said, "the fire shall not touch us except for numbered days", Say then, have you taken a promise from Allah, then Allah, will never break His Promise. Or you say about Allah that which you do not know.

Aye, why not, who so earns vice and his sin encompasses him, he is one among the people of the hell, they have to remain therein forever.

And those, who accepted faith and did good works. They are the people of Paradise. They have to remain therein forever.

And when We took covenant from the children of Israel that worship none save Allah and do good to parents and to kindred, and orphans and the needy and speak good to people and establish prayer and pay the poor-due (Zakat); then you turned back, except a few among you and you are back-sliders.

And when We took a covenant from you, that shed no blood of your own and turn not out your own people from your own towns, then you affirmed it and you are witnesses.

Then it is you who began slaying your own people and turn out a group of your own people from their homeland, provide help to (their opponents) against them in sin and transgression, and if they come to you as captive, you ransom them, and their expulsion is unlawful for you. Do you then have faith on some commandments of God and refuse some other. Then whose of you do such, what is the reward of it, save disgrace in the world, and on the day of Resurrection, they shall be driven towards severest torment, and Allah is not unaware of your doings.

These are the people who purchased the life of the world for the life of Hereafter, so neither the torment shall be lightened from over them nor they shall be helped.

And verily, We gave Moses the Book and after him send Messengers one after another, repeatedly, and gave clear signs to Jesus son of Mary and helped him with the Holy Spirit. Then, do you grow arrogant; when any Messenger came to you with what your soul desires not? So belie you a group of them (Prophets) and slay another group.

The Jews said, "our hearts are wrapped with covers, Nay Allah cursed them because of their blasphemy, so little of them accept faith.

And when there came to them, that Book (Quran) of Allah, which confirms the Book (Taurat) with them, and before that they were asking for victory over the infidels by means of the same prophet. Then, when came to them that known and recognised one, they rejected him. So Allah's curse on those who reject.

They sold their souls, for what a miserable price that they deny what Allah has sent down, with this jealousy that, Allah of His grace send revelation on whomsoever of His devotees He pleases. Thus they became worthy of wrath upon wrath and there is humiliating torment for the infidels.

And when it is said to them, "Have faith in what Allah has sent down," then they say, 'We have faith in what has been sent down to us and reject the rest, though it is the truth confirming what is with them. Say you, 'why did you then kill former prophets, if you had faith upon your Book'?

And assuredly, Moses came to you with clear signs, then after that you made the calf a god and you were unjust.

And recall, when We took a covenant from you and raised above your heads the mountain Tur, hold what We give to you with firmness and listen. They said, 'We heard and did not accept,' and the calf was permeating in their hearts because of their infidelity. Say then! 'What a vile command is given to you by your faith, if at all you have faith'.

Say you: 'if the last home near Allah be for you solely, not for others, then well long for death, if you are truthful.

And they will never long for it ever, because of their evil deeds, which they have done before, and Allah knows the unjust well.

And undoubtedly, you will find them that they are necessarily most covetous of life even more than of all the people. And of idolaters, one is desirous of having a life of thousand years, and that will not keep him away from the torment, even being granted such life. And Allah is seeing their doings.

Say you, 'whoever be the enemy of Jibril- then he (Jibril) caused to descend on your heart this Quran by the Command of Allah, Confirming the former Books, and there is guidance and glad tidings to Muslims'.

Whoever be the enemy of Allah and His angels and His Messengers and Jibril and Mikael, then Allah is the enemy of infidels.

And undoubtedly, We sent down towards you manifest Signs; and none would be denying them but the disobedients.

And is it that whenever they enter into a covenant, one party of them throws it out' Nay; most of them have no faith?

And when came to them a Messenger from Allah confirming their Books. A party of the people of the Book threw away the Book of Allah behind their backs, as if they had no knowledge.

And they followed that which was being recited by the devils in the reign of Suleman and Suleman did not disbelieve, yes; the devils disbelieved. They teach magic to people and that (Magic) which was sent down unto the two angels Harut %26amp; Marut in Babel. But both did teach nothing to anyone till they did not say this, "We are nothing but trial", then do not therefore lose your faith. They learnt that from them by which they might cause separation between man and his wife, and they can not harm anyone, but by the command of Allah. And they learn that which will harm them, and will not profit. And undoubtedly, they know that one who took this trade, has no share in the hereafter and undoubtedly, what the evil thing is that for which they sold their souls, had they known!

And if they had accepted faith and kept themselves aloof from sins, then there is better reward from Allah, had they known.

O Men of faith do not say. Raina, but say humbly, respected Sir. "Look upon us" and from very beginning listen carefully, and for the disbeliveers is a grievous torment.

Those who are infidels, whether people of the book or idolaters, do not desire that any good should be sent down to you from your Lord and Allah chooses for His Mercy, whomsoever He pleases, and Allah is of Exceeding Bounty.

When any verse We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, then shall bring one better or the like thereof. Do you not know that Allah can do all and every thing?

Do you not know that the sovereignty of heavens and earth is only for Allah and beside Allah, you have neither any supporter nor helper?

Do you wish to question your Messenger as Moses was questioned before and whoever exchanges faith for unbelief, he rightly has gone astray from the right path?

Many of the people of the Book desired, had you been turned back towards infidelity after faith! Out of sheer envy of their hearts, after it that the truth has become manifest unto them, so leave them and overlook, till Allah brings His command. Undoubtedly Allah is powerful over every thing.

And keep up the prayer and pay Zakat (poor due) and whatever good you shall send forth for your souls, you shall find it with Allah. Undoubtedly Allah is seeing your doings.

And the people of the Book spoke, 'None shall enter paradise, but he who be a Jew or Christian. These are their vain desires. Say, you 'Bring your proof, if you are truthful'.

Yes, why not, who submitted his face for Allah and is the doer of good, then his reward is with his Lord and they have neither any fear nor any grief.

And the Jews spoke, '`The Christians are nothing," and Christians spoke; "The Jews are nothing," though they read the Book. Even thus the illiterates said the like of their saying. Then Allah will judge between them on the Day of Judgement regarding that wherein they are disputing.

Who is more unjust than he who prevents the mosques of Allah from being mentioned the name of Allah, and strives to ruin them, it was not proper for them to enter the mosques but with fear. For them, there is disgrace in the world and for them, there is great torment in the hereafter.

And east and west all is for Allah, then whichever side you turn your face there is the face of Allah (The mercy of Allah inclined towards you). Undoubtedly Allah is all Embracing, all Knowing.

And they say 'Allah has taken unto Himself a son', sanctity is for Him. Nay, whatever is in the heavens and is in the earth is His possession. All are unto Him subservient.

The Originator of the heavens and the earth, and when He decrees any thing, then says to it only, 'Be and it becomes at once."

And the illiterates spoke, 'Why Allah speaks not to us or any sign is being given to us. Likewise said those before them, similar to their saying. The hearts of these people and of those are alike. Undoubtedly, We manifested the signs for the persons of firm faith.

Assuredly, We have sent you with the truth; bearer of glad tidings and a Warner and you shall not be questioned about the inmates of Hell.

And never the Jews and Christians will be pleased with you unless you follow their Din (creed). Say then! 'The guidance of Allah is the only guidance', (O listener who he may be) if you become follower of their desires, after the knowledge that has come to you, then no one will be your protector from Allah and no helper.

Those who have been given the Book by Us, they recite it as it ought to be, they alone have faith unto it and those who disbelieve it, they alone are the losers.

O Children of Yaqoob! Remember My favour which I bestowed upon you and that I exalted you above all people of that period.

And fear the day when no soul shall be a substitute for another and nor it shall be freed for any compensation, and nor any intercession will profit the infidels and nor will they be helped.

And when his Lord tested Ibrahim with certain words then he fulfilled them. Said He "I am to make you leader of the people," submitted he" and from my off springs". Said He, "My covenant does not reach to the unjust".

And recall! When We made this house a place of assembly for the people and a place of safety, and make the station of Ibrahim a place of prayer and We enjoined strictly upon Ibrahim and Ismail to purify well My house for those who go around it and those who stay therein for devotion and those who bow down and prostrate.

And when Ibrahim submitted "O my Lord make this City a region of peace and feed the inhabitants of it with varied fruits to such of them who believe in Allah and the Last Day,' said He, "and who became unbeliever, to him also I will give a little to use, and then shall force him towards the torment of the hell and that is an evil place of return.

And when Ibrahim was raising the foundations of this house and Ismail (too) praying, O Our Lord accept from us, undoubtedly, You alone Hear and Know'.

'O Our Lord! Make us submissive to You and of our offspring a nation submissive to You, tell us our ways of worship, and turn to us with Your mercy. Surely, You alone are most Relenting and Merciful.

'O Our Lord, and send in them a messenger from among themselves, who may recite to them Your signs and teach them Your Book and wise knowledge and may purify them well. Surely, You are alone the Predominant, the Wise.

And who will turn his face from the religion of Ibrahim, save one who is a foolish in heart, and undoubtedly, We necessarily, chose him in the world and surely he is among the people having ability to gain Our special proximity in the hereafter.

When his Lord said to him, "Surrender", submitted he, 'I surrendered to Him, Who is the Lord of all the worlds'.

And Ibrahim left the legacy of the same religion to his sons and Yaqoob too; that 'O my sons, surely Allah has chosen this religion for you, therefore die not, but as Muslim.

On the contrary, some of you were present, when death came to Yaqoob, when he said to his sons, 'whom you will worship after me', said they 'we shall worship He Who is your God and of your fathers Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaque, the one God and to Him we have submitted ourselves'.

This is a community that has passed away, for them what they earned and for you are what you earn and you shall not be questioned for their deeds.

And the people of the book spoke, 'Be Jews or Christians, you will get guidance'. Say you, 'on the contrary, we take the religion of Ibrahim who was away from every falls-hood and was not among the polytheists'.

Say like this, 'we believe in Allah and what has been sent down towards us and what was sent down on Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaque and Yaqoob and on his son and what was given to Moses and Christ and what was given to the rest of the prophets from their Lord: we do not differentiate between any of them in the matter of faith and we have submitted ourselves to Allah.

Then if they believe too, as you have believed then they are guided, and if they turn back their faces, then they are but in total schism. So, O beloved, prophet! Soon Allah will suffice you on behalf of them. He is alone Hearing and Knowing.

We took the dye of Allah and whose dye is better than Allah and We worship Him alone.

Say you! 'Do you dispute about Allah, though He is our Lord and yours too; and our doings are with us and your doings with you, and we belong totally to Him alone.

On the contrary, you say like this, that Ibrahim, and Ismail and Ishaque and Yaqoob and his sons were Jews or Christians; say then, 'have you more knowledge or Allah,' and who is more unjust than he who conceals' the testimony and Allah is not unmindful of your doings.

That is a community that has passed away, for them is their earning and for you is your earning and you shall not be questioned of their works.

Now the fools will say: 'who has turned the Muslims from their Qibla on which they had been? Say you: 'East and West all belong to Allah; He guides whom He likes to the right path.

And thus We made you exalted among all nations that you may be witnesses to the people and this Messenger your guard and witness. And O, beloved! We had not made that Qibla upon which you had been before, but to see who follows the Messenger and who turns back upon his heals. And verily, indeed it was hard, but to those who were guided by Allah. And it does not behave Allah that He might waste your faith: Verily Allah is very Kind and Merciful to human beings.

We are seeing the turning of your face towards heaven repeatedly; necessarily then We will turn you towards that Qibla which pleases you. Turn your face towards the sacred mosque (Kaaba) just now; and O Muslims! Turn your faces towards the same, whenever you be. And those who; have been given the Book know necessarily, that this is the truth from their Lord, and Allah is not unaware of their doings.

And even if you should, bring every sign to those people of the Book, they would not follow your Qibla: And you follow not their Qibla; and they are not followers of each other Qibla among themselves too. And (O listener, whoever he may be) if you should follow their desires after the knowledge that has been given to you, then at that time, you shall surely be of the transgressors.

Those whom We gave the Book recognise this prophet as man recognises his sons and no doubt, a group of them conceal the truth knowingly.

(O Listener) It is the truth from your Lord (or the truth is that which is from your Lord) then beware! Doubt not.

And there is a direction of inclination for every one towards which, he turns his face; then desire that you may surpass others in good deeds. Wherever you be, Allah will bring you all together. No doubt, Allah has the power to do all that He wills.

And from where so ever you come forth turn your face towards the sacred Mosque (Kaaba) and that is necessarily, the truth from your Lord and Allah is not unaware of your doings.

And O beloved! When so-ever you come forth turn your face towards the sacred Mosque (Kaaba) And O Muslims! Turn your faces towards the same, wherever you be, so that people may have no argument against you, but those among them who do injustice, so fear them not and fear Me. And it is for this that I may perfect My favour upon you and that you may be rightly guided.

As We sent in you Messenger from among you, that he recites Our signs to you and purifies you and teaches you the Book and mature knowledge and teaches you that which you did not know.

Therefore remember Me, I shall remember you, and accept My right and do not be ungrateful to Me.

O Believers! Seek help with patience and prayer; no doubt, Allah is with the Patients.

And say not those who are killed in the path of Allah as dead; but they are alive yes, you are unaware.

And necessarily, We shall put you to test with something of fear and hunger and with some loss of wealth and lives and fruits; and give glad tidings to the patient.

That when any calamity comes to them, then they say "We are belongings of Allah and we are to return to Him alone."

These are the people on whom are the benediction from their Lord and mercy; and they are only on the guidance.

No doubt, Safa and Marwa are among the symbols of Allah, then whose makes pilgrimage to this House or performs "Umra", there is no sin for him that he may go round both, and who so does any good voluntarily, then Allah is Appreciating and All-knowing.

No doubt, those who conceal what We have sent down of clear signs and guidance after that We have made it clear in the Book for the people, on them there is the curse of Allah and the curse of those who curse.

But those who repent and amend and make manifest then I shall accept their repentance and I am the only Relenting Merciful.

No doubt, those who disbelieved and died as disbeliveers on them is the curse of Allah and of Angels and of men combined.

They will ever remain in it, neither the torment shall be lightened from them and nor shall they be granted respite.

And your God is one God, there is no God but He most Gracious and Merciful.

Verily, the creation of heavens and earth and coming of night and day alternately, and the boat that sails in the river for the benefit of the people, and that which Allah sends down of water from heaven, and revives the dead earth thereby and scatters all kinds of beast therein, and the change of winds and the cloud that is obedient between heaven and earth, in all of them, necessarily there are signs for the wise people.

And some people set some other deities of worship other than Allah that they love them as they are to love Allah and the believers love not anyone equal to that of Allah. And what would be the condition, if the transgressors see the time when the torments would come before their eyes, because all power belongs to Allah and because the torment of Allah is severe.

When those who were followed would be disgusted with their followers and would see the torment and all their ties shall be cut asunder.

And the followers will say, 'Would that for us there were a return (in the world) then We would have broken with them as they have broken with us. Thus will Allah show them their works as anguish for them, and they are not to come out from the Fire.

O, Mankind! Eat of whatever is in earth lawful clean and follow not the steps of the Devil, no doubt, he is your open enemy.

He will only command you to evil and indecency and that you should say of Allah what you do not know.

And when it is said to them, 'follow what Allah has sent down, they say, 'Nay We shall follow that whereon we found our fathers, what! Even if their fathers had no sense at all and no guidance?

And the saying of disbeliveers is like him who calls unto that who hears nothing except a shout and cry; deaf, dumb, blind, so they have no sense.

O, believers! Eat our good things provided to you, and be grateful to Allah, if it is He whom you worship.

He has only made unlawful to you the Carrion, and blood and the flesh of swine and the animal that has been slaughtered by calling a name other than Allah. But he who is driven by necessity, eat neither desiring not, exceeding the need then there is no sin on him, no doubt, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

Those who conceal the Book sent down by Allah and in exchange of it accept mean price; they fill-in their bellies with fire only and Allah will not talk to them on the Day of Resurrection and nor will He purify them and for them is painful torment.

Those are they who purchased error in exchange of guidance and torment for forgiveness. Then to what degree is their endurance for fire.

This is because Allah sent down the Book with truth, and no doubt, those who began to put difference in the Book, they are necessarily, brawlers of highest degree.

The real righteousness is not this that you turn your face towards East or West; yes, the real virtue is this that one has faith in Allah and the Last day and the angels and the Book and the Prophets and gives his dear wealth for love of Allah to kindred and orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and the beggars and for redeeming necks, and establishes prayer and pays poor due (Zakat); and the performer of their promises when make promise and the patients in tribulation and adversity and at time of crusade;-These are they, who proved truth of their talks and they are only God-fearing.

O, believers: It is obligatory upon you to take retaliation of the blood of those who are killed innocently, the. Free for free and the slave for slave and woman for woman. Then as for him who is forgiven something by his brother, there should be demand for payment with kindness and the payment be made satisfactorily well. This is to ease your burden from your Lord and a mercy upon you. Then after this one who transgresses for him there is painful torment.

And there is life for you in retaliating for blood, O men of understanding! So that you may save yourselves.

Made obligatory on you that when death approaches any of you, if he leaves some property, then he should make a will for his parents and near relatives according to usage. This is an obligation on those who fear God.

Then who so changes the will after hearing, the sin thereof is only on those who change it. No doubt, Allah knows and hears.

Then who feared, that the testator has done certain injustice or sin, then he made peace between them, there is no sin for him no doubt Allah is Forgiving Merciful.

O Believers! Fasting have been made obligatory upon you as were made obligatory upon those before you, so that you may become pious.

The days are counted. Then who so among you is ill or on a journey then same number of fasting in other days, and those who have no strength, they should give in ransom meal to a needy: then who so does more good voluntarily, then that is better for him, and fasting is better for you if you know.

The month of Ramzan in which Quran was sent down, the direction for the people and guidance and clear signs of judgement; that whoso of you finds this month, necessarily, he should fast in it, and whoso is ill or on a journey then same number of fasting in other days; Allah desires facility for you and desires not hardship and for this, that you should complete the counting and speak of the Greatness of Allah, as He guided you and so that you may be grateful.

And O beloved, when My bondsmen ask you about Me, then I am indeed near, accept the call of the caller when he calls upon Me; then they should obey My Commands and believe in Me, so that they may get the way.

It was made lawful for you to go near your women in the nights of fasting. They are your garments and you are their garments. Allah know that you used to put your souls in defalcation, then He accepted your repentance and pardoned you; then now copulate (Intercourse) with them and seek what Allah has written in your destiny and eat and drink until white thread becomes distinct to you from the black thread at the dawn; then complete the fasts till coming of night, and do not touch the women when you remain in the mosques, for devotion. These are the limits of Allah, do not approach them. Allah thus describes His Signs to the people, so that they may become pious.

And do not eat up unjustly the property of each other among yourselves and nor' convey their cases to the authorities for devouring unlawfully some portion of the property of the people knowingly.

They ask you about the new moons. Say you, 'They are the signs of time for the people and pilgrimage (Haj). And it is no virtue that you enter your houses by the backs thereof, yes, the virtue is piety, so come in houses by their doors and fear Allah in the hope that you may get prosperity.

And fight in the way of Allah, those who fight against you and do not transgress, Allah does not love the transgressors.

And kill the infidels wherever you find and turn them out from the place where from they turned you out; and their mischief is more grievous than killing. And if they fight them near the sacred mosque unless they fight you therein, and they fight against you then kill, them. This is the only punishment of infidels.

Then if they desist, then no doubt, Allah is Forgiving Merciful.

And fight them until there is no mischief and be there worship of one Allah, then if they desist, there is no violence save against oppressors.

There is forbidden month in exchange of forbidden month and elegant manner in exchange of elegant manner Whoso does violence against you, do violence against him in the same measure as he did, and remain tearing Allah and know that Allah is with the God-fearing.

And spend in the way of Allah, and cast not yourself in destruction with your hand and be good-doers; no doubt! Good doers are the beloveds of Allah.

And fulfil the Haj and Umra for Allah. Then if you are prevented, send sacrifice which you may get easily and shave not your heads, unless the sacrifice reaches its destination; Then whoso is ill of you or there is some ailment in his head, then he should keep fast in exchange or give alms or sacrifice, then when you are at ease, then whoso takes advantage by combining Umra with Haj, on him there is sacrifice which may be obtained easily. Then whoso cannot afford. He should fast for three days during Haj and seven days when he returns back home, these are ten days complete. This Command is for him who is not the dweller of Mecca and remains fearing to Allah and knows that the torment of Allah is severe.

The months of Haj are known; then whoso determines to perform Haj in these months, then there should be no mention of Copulation before women nor any sin nor quarrelling with anyone till the time of Haj; and whatever good you do, Allah knows it. And take necessary provision with you, the best provision is piety and remain fearing Me, O Men of under standing!

There is no sin unto you that you seek the bounty of your Lord. Then when you return back from 'Arafat' remembers Allah near Mashhare-Haram (Qazah Mountain) and remembers Him as He guided you and no doubt, you had gone astray before.

Then the thing is this that O Men of Quraish, you also return back from the same place whence the people return back and seek forgiveness from Allah: no doubt Allah is Forgiving Merciful.

Then when you have completed the acts of Haj, remember Allah as you used to remember your fathers, but more than that, and some one says like this, 'O our Lord give us in the world and there is no share of him in the Hereafter.

And someone says like this, 'O our Lord give us good in the world and give us good in the Hereafter and save us from the torment of the Hell

To such people there is share from their earning and Allah is swift at reckoning.

And remember Allah during Numbered days. Then whoso hastens to leave in two days; there is no sin unto him and whoso stays behind, then on him is no sin for the God fearing, and remain fearing God and know that you have to be raised unto Him.

And some one of men is he whose talk seems pleasing to you and bring Allah as a witness on what is in his heart, while he is the greatest disputer.

And when he turns his back then wanders spreading mischief in the land and destroys the crops and lives and Allah agrees not with the mist chief.

And when it is said to him, 'fear Allah' then he becomes more persistence in sin, to such the hell is enough and that is necessarily, a very bad bed.

And some one of men sells his life in seeking the pleasure of Allah and Allah is Merciful over his bondmen.

O People of Faith! enter into Islam as a whole and do not follow the footsteps of Satan (devil); no doubt, he is your open enemy.

And even after this, that clear commands have come unto you, you slip, then know that Allah is Mighty, Wise.

What they are waiting for but for this that the torment of Allah should come in the coverings of clouds and the angels should come down and the affairs be completed and to Allah are all affairs returned.

Ask children of Israel, how many clear signs We gave them and whoso changes the favour of Allah after it has come, then no doubt, the torment of Allah is severe.

The life of the world has been decorated in the eyes of infidels and they laugh at Muslims and those who fear would be above them on the Day of Resurrection; and God bestows without counting whomsoever He pleases.

People were on one religion thereafter Allah sent prophets giving good tidings and warning and sent down with them the true Book that it should judge between people in their differences. And only those differed in the Book to whom it was given after clear commands had come to them, through refraction among themselves. Then Allah showed the truth to the believers in which they were quarrelling by His Command, and Allah shows the straight path whomsoever He pleases.

Do you imagine that you will enter Paradise, and yet the incidents like of your forerunners did not come unto you? The affliction and adversity reached to them and they were badly shaken until the messenger and believers along with him said, 'when will come the help of Allah Listen: no doubt, the help of Allah is nigh.

They ask you what they should spend. Say: whatever wealth you spend in good, then that is for parents and near relatives and orphans and the needy and the wayfarer. And whatsoever good you do, no doubt: Allah knows it.

It was made obligatory upon you, to fight in the path of God and though it is disliked by you, and it may happen that any thing may be disliked by you and that may be in your favour, and it may happen that anything may be liked by you and that may not be in your favour, and Allah knows and you do not know.

They ask you the precept for fighting in the sacred month. Say you: 'Fighting therein is a great sin; but to prohibit from the way of Allah, and not to have faith in Him and to prevent from the sacred Mosque (Haram) and to oust its dwellers, are greater sins than it with Allah; and their mischief is more grievous than killing. And they will remain fighting against you always, until they turn you back from your faith, if they can. And whoso among you turns back from his faith, then dies as an infidel, then their works shall go in vain in the world and in the Hereafter, and they are the people of Hell and will abide in it.

Those who believed and those who left their home and hearth for Allah and fought in the way of Allah, they are the aspirants of the mercy of Allah and Allah is Forgiving Merciful.

They ask you the precept of wine and gambling. Say you, 'in both there is great sin and also some worldly profit for the people but their sin is greater than their profit and ask you what they ought to spend, say you, 'that which is saved after your needs'. Thus, Allah explains to you His Signs so that you may do after reflecting,

The works of the world and the Hereafter. And they ask you, the precept about orphans. Say you, 'To do good to them is better, and if you intermix your and their expenses then they are your brothers; and Allah knows well the mischief-maker from the reformer. And had Allah so willed, He would have put you into hardship, no doubt, Allah is Mighty, Wise.

And marry not idolaters until they accept faith and no doubt, a Muslim bondman is better than an idolater is though she may please you. And give not in marriage to idolaters until they accept faith, and no doubt, a Muslim bondman is better than an idolater, though he may please you. They call towards Hell and Allah call towards Heaven and forgiveness by His Command and explain His Signs for the people so that they may accept admonition.

And they ask you the precept about menstruation. Say you: - that is a pollution, so keep away from women during menstruation and do not approach them until they are roach them until they are clean. Then when they are clean, go in unto them whence Allah has commanded you. No doubt, Allah likes the constant repentance and likes cleansers.

Your women are tilths for you, then come in your tilth as you will, and do first the work for your good, and remain fearing Allah and know that you are to meet Him. And O beloved! Give glad tidings to the believers.

And make not Allah the target of your oaths that you may take oath for not doing good and nor fearing Allah and nor making peace between men; and Allah Hears, Knows.

Allah does not call you to account for your such oaths as they come out from your tongs unintentionally, yes, He calls you to account for what your hearts have done, and Allah is Forgiving, For" bearing.

For those who swear off from going to their wives is an awaiting of four months; hence if they go back in this period, then Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

And if you decide firmly to divorce, then Allah Hears, Knows.

And divorced women should keep their souls away till three menstruations, and it is not lawful to them that they conceal what Allah has created in their wombs. If they have faith in Allah and the Last Day. And their husbands have the right to take them back during that period provided they will to rejoin. And the women have rights similar to those over them according to law, and men have superiority over them and Allah is Dominant, Wise.

This divorce is for two times only; then is to retain with good or to release with kindness, and it is not allowed to you to take back something of what you have given to the women, but if both fear that they could not keep the limits of Allah. Then, if you fear that the Twain shall not remain just on the same limits then there is no sin on them for that with which the woman ransoms herself. These are the limits of Allah, do not transgress them, and whoso transgresses the limits of Allah, then they are the oppressors.

Then if she is divorced for the third time, then that women will not be lawful to him, until she lives with another husband, then if that second one divorces her, then there is no sin on the twain if they come together again, if they think that they will observe the limits of Allah, and these are the limits of Allah. He explains them for the learned.

And when you divorce women and their period are completed, then, till that time either retain them kindly or release them kindly, but there should not be retention to hurt them so that you may transgress the limit and whoso does this, he wrongs his own soul, and do not make jest of the signs of Allah and remember the favour of Allah upon you and the Book and Wisdom which He has sent down to you for admonishing you, and remain fearing Allah and know that Allah knows all things.

And when you divorce women and their period are completed, then O guardians of women! Prevent them not from marrying their husbands, when they agree among themselves according to law. This counsel is given to him who among you have faith in Allah and the Last Day. This is cleaner and purer for you, and Allah knows and you do not know.

And mothers should suckle their children for complete two years, for him who intends to complete the period of suckling, and to whom the child belongs, on him there is feeding and clothing of the women according to convention. No soul shall be burdened but within his capacity, the mother should not be made to suffer because of her child and nor father because of his child or (the mother should not make the child to suffer, and nor father to his child, and the same is incumbent on the father's heir. Then if the mother and father both try to wean by mutual consent and consultation, there is no sin on them; and if you wish that your children should be suckled by nurses, then too there is no blame on you, provided what was agreed to pay is paid by you with kindness, and remain fearing Allah and know that Allah is seeing your works.

And those of you who die and leave behind wives, they should keep themselves apart for a period of four months and ten days, then when they complete their period, then O guardians! There is no blame on you in anything, which the women do with regard to themselves according to law. And Allah is aware what you do.

And there is no sin on, you regarding this, that you sent offer of marriage to women by giving obscure hint or hold it in your hearts. Allah knows that now you will remember them. Yes, make not with them secret contract, but say that much only which is known in law. And do not resolve wedding-tie until the written term reaches to its period and know that Allah knows what is in your heart, then fear him and know that Allah is Forgiving, Forbearing

There is no any demand against you if you divorce the women while you have not touched them or have fixed any dower. And give them something to carry on with the men of resources according to his means and the poor according to his means some" thing to carry on with, this is incumbent on the well doers.

And if you divorced women without touching them and for them you had already fixed some dower, then what much was agreed half of it is incumbent but if the women forgo something or he gives more in whose hand is the tied of the marriage, and O men your giving more is nearer to' piety. And do not forget doing good to each other among! Your selves. No doubt, Allah is seeing your works.

Watch over all your prayers and the middle prayer and stand before Allah with devotion.

And if you are in fear then, on foot or riding, as you can, then when you are secure remember Allah as He taught you that which you did not know.

And those of you who die and leave behind them wives, they should bequeath for their women to provide them maintenance for a year without turning them out; then if they themselves leave, you are not accountable regarding any proper thing which they did in their matters and Allah is Dominant, Wise.

And for a divorced woman too there is proper maintenance, it is incumbent on the God fearing

Thus Allah explains His signs for you so that you may understand.

O beloved! Had you not seen those who came out from their homes and they were in thousands for fear of death? Then Allah said to them. "Die" and thereafter made them alive. No doubt, Allah is Gracious to people but most of the people are ungrateful.

And fight in the way of Allah and know that Allah Hears Knows.

Is there any who should give a goodly loan to Allah so that Allah may increase many times for him. And Allah scants and amplifies, and you are to return unto Him.

O Beloved! Did you not see a group of the children of Israel after Moosa? When they spoke to a prophet of theirs, 'raise for us a king that we may fight in the way of Allah'. The prophet told, 'Are your style like this that if the fighting is made obligatory on you, thereafter you may not fight'? Spoke they, 'what happened to us that we should not fight in the way of Allah whereas we have been driven away from our homeland and from our Children? But when fighting was made obligatory! On them, they turned their faces but a few of them, and Allah knows very well the, unjust.

And their prophet said to them. 'Verily Allah has sent Talut as your king.' Spoke they 'How can there be kingship of him over us, whereas we are more entitled for the kingship than he, and nor he has been given abundance of wealth too'. Said the prophet "Allah has chosen him over you, and has increased him abundantly in knowledge and body, and Allah gives His kingdom to whom He will and Allah is All-Embracing All-knowing.

And their prophet said to them: 'the sign of his king ship is that there would come to you an ark in which there is ranquility of hearts from your Lord, and there are something left of the relics of the respectable Moosa and the respectable Haroon, the angels raising it would bring. No doubt, in it there is great sign for you if you believe

When Talut aparted taking the armies from the City spoke he: 'no doubt Allah is to test you with a stream. Then whoso drinks he is not mine, and whose drinks not, he is mine, but he who takes a sip with his hand, then all drank of it except a few of them. Again when Talut and the Muslim with him went across the stream spoke, 'we have no power against Jalut and his armies'. Those who were sure to meet Allah spoke, 'that often a small party has triumphed over a large party by Allah's Command, and Allah is with the steadfast.

Again when they came across Jalut and his armies, they submitted: 'O our Lord pour forth steadfastness upon us and make our steps firm, and help us against disbelieving people.

Then they routed them by the Command of Allah and Daud slew Jalut and Allah gave him Kingdom and wisdom and taught him what He pleased. And if Allah would not repel some of them by some others among people, then necessarily the earth, would have been ruined, but Allah is Munificent to entire, world.

These are the verses of. Allah, that O beloved! We recite correctly to you and you are no doubt one of the Messengers.

These are messengers! That in them We caused one to excel upon the other: to some of them Allah spoke: and some one is he who was raised high in degrees over-all, and We gave clear signs to Isa son of Marium and aided him with holy spirit and had Allah so willed, then those who came after them would not have fought among themselves after the clear signs had come to them. But they differed, some of them remained faithful and some became disbeliveers and if Allah so willed, they would not have fought; but Allah does whatever He desires.

O Believers! Spend in the way of Allah out of what We have given you before coming of the Day in which there is neither trafficking not friendship and nor intercession for infidels and the infidels are themselves the persons unjust.

Allah is; none is to be worshiped save Him, He is Himself Alive and Sustainer of others. Slumber seizes Him not, nor sleep. To Him belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever in the earth. Who is he that would intercede with Him save by His leave. Knows He what is before them and what is behind them and they get nothing of His knowledge save what He desires. The heaven and earth are contained in His Throne and their guarding is not a burden for Him and He is the only Exalted, the Supreme.

There is no compulsion in religion; no doubt the virtuous path has become clearly distinct from the erring; then whoso does not accept devil and believes in Allah, he grasped a very firm knot which is never to open and Allah Hears and Knows.

Allah is the Protector of Muslims; brings them out from darkness towards light and the supporters of infidels are devils, and they bring them forth from light towards darkness. They are the people of hell, they are to abide therein.

O Beloved (Prophet)! Had you not seen him who quarrelled with Ibrahim about his Lord because Allah gave him Kingdom? When Ibrahim said, my Lord is He who gives life and causes death, said he, 'I give life and cause death'. Ibrahim said, 'Well, Allah brings sun from East: bring it you from the West. 'Thereupon the infidels were confounded and Allah guides not the unjust people.

Or like him who passed by a town and it was laid down fallen upon its roofs. Spoke he, 'How Allah shall give life to it after its death. Then Allah kept him died for a hundred years; then gave him life. Said, He! 'How long you stayed here, submitted he 'I would have stayed a full day or a little less.' He said, 'No you have passed a hundred years, and look at your food and drink; they are not stinked as yet and look at your *** whose bones even are not safe. And this is that We may make you a sign for the people. And look at these bones how, We set them up, then cover them with flesh. When this matter became clear to him, said, 'I know very well that Allah is Potent over all things.

And when Ibrahim submitted, 'O my Lord, show me how You shall give life to the dead.' Said He, 'do you not believe.' Submitted he, 'why not, but I like that my heart may be at rest. 'Said He, 'then well, taking four birds, make them familiar to you, then put a part of each of them on each hill, thereafter call them they will come to you running with their feet. And know that Allah is Mighty, Wise.

The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like that of a grain which caused to grow seven ears and in each ear one hundred grains and Allah may increase more than that for whomsoever He pleases; and Allah is Bountiful, All-knowing.

Those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah, then after spending neither boast of favours conferred nor injure, their reward is with their Lord, and they shall have no fear, nor any grief.

To speak kind word and to forgive is better than that; charity followed by injury. And Allah is above want, Clement.

O Believers! Void not your charities by boasting of your favours conferred and injuring, like him who spent his wealth for showing to people and believes not in Allah and Last Day. Then the example of him is like that of a smooth rock on which is dust of earth; now a heavy rain fell upon it leaving it a bare stone. They shall have no control on anything of what they have earned and Allah guides not the infidels.

And the example of those who spend their wealth in seeking the pleasure of Allah and for strengthening their hearts is like that garden which is on an elevated ground; a heavy rain fell upon it then it brought forth its fruits two fold; again if a heavy rain reaches it not, then dew suffices. And Allah is seeing what you do.

Would any one of you like it that he would have a garden of dates and grapes beneath which rivers would have been flowing; for him, there is every kind of fruit in it, and old age came to him and he has weak children, then came a whirlwind on it in which there was fire, so it was burnt? Thus Allah explains to you His signs, so that you may ponder.

O Believers! Give something of your pure earnings and of what We produce from the earth for you; and intend not to give especially vile of it, whereas if you get of it, you will not accept unless you close your eyes in it. And know that Allah is free of all wants, Praiseworthy.

The devil dreads you of destitution and commands you of lewdness, and Allah promises you forgiveness and abundance. And Allah is All-Embracing All-Knowing.

Allah grants wisdom to whom He pleases and he who got wisdom indeed got abundant good; and none accepts counsel but men of under" standing.

And whatsoever you spend or vows Allah knows it and the unjust have no helpers.

If you give charity openly then what a good thing it is; and if you give to beggars hidingly it is better for you than every thing, and He will remove some of your sins. And Allah is Aware of what you do.

To guide them is not your responsibility; yes Allah guides whomsoever He pleases. And whatsoever good thing you give it is for your own good, and it is not proper for you to spend but for seeking pleasure of Allah and whatever of wealth you give, you will get back in full and you shall not be wronged.

For those beggars who are detained in the way of Allah, they cannot move about in the earth. The ignorant man thinks them wealthy because of their restraint. You shall recognise them from their faces; they do not beg of men importunately. And whatever you give in charity Allah knows it.

Those who spend their wealth (in charity) in the night and in the day secretly and openly. They have their reward with their Lord. There is neither any fear nor any grief to them.

Those who devour interest shall not stand on the Day of judgement, but like the standing of one whom the evil spirit has by touching made mad. This is because they said 'The trade too is like interest,' and Allah made trade lawful and made interest unlawful. So he, who received admonition from his Lord and refrained, then whatever he took before is lawful to him, and his affair is with Allah. And now whoever shall commit such. Fault, they are men of hell, they will live therein for longer period.

Allah destroys interest and increases charity and Allah loves not any ungrateful big sinner.

No doubt, those who accepted faith and did good deeds and established prayer and paid the Zakat, (poor-due) their reward is with their Lord and there is neither any fear nor any grief to them.

O Believers! Fear Allah and leave what remains of interest if you are Muslims.

But if you do not do like this, then be sure of war from Allah and the Messenger of Allah. And if you repent then take your principal sums, neither you wrong any one nor be wronged yourselves.

And if the debtor is a man in hardship then give him time till it is easy, and to remit the debt fully is better for you if you know.

And fear the day in which you shall be made to return to Allah and shall every soul be paid in full what it has earned and they shall not be wronged.

O Believers! When you enter in the transaction of any debt for a fixed period, then write it down. And a scribe should write between you justly; and the scribe should not refuse to write as he has been taught by Allah, then he should write and let him on whom. The liability falls dictate and fear Allah Who is his Lord and leaves not behind something out of the liability. Then again he on whom liability falls be of low understanding or be weak or be unable to dictate; then let his guardian dictate justly. And make two witnesses from among your men, then if two men be not available then a man and two women such witnesses, as you like, so that either of the two women errs in memory, then the other may remind to that one. And when the witnesses are called, they should not refuse to come. And do not take it as a burden, the liability be it small or big, write it down along with its fixed period. It is juster in the sight of Allah, in it the evidence will be more suitable and it is nearer to it that you may not be in doubt; save a ready merchandise which you give or take from hand to hand, there is no sin on you, if you write it not. And when you trade, make witnesses. And neither any scribe be harmed nor the witness (or neither the scribe do harm nor the witness). And if you do such then it would be your insubordination. And fear Allah and Allah teaches you and Allah knows everything.

And if you are on a journey, and you find not a scribe then let there be pledge with possession. And if in between you one entrusts the other, then let he whom he trusted deliver his trust and fear Allah Who is his Lord and conceal not evidence; and whosoever would conceal evidence, then his heart is sinful from inside, and Allah knows your deeds.

To Allah belongs what" ever is in the heaven and whatever is in the earth; and if you disclose whatever is in your heart or keep it hidden, Allah will call you to account for it; then He will forgive whomsoever He pleases and punish whomsoever He pleases, and Allah is Potent over every thing.

The Messenger believed in that which was sent down to him from his Lord and the believers all accepted Allah and His angels and His Books and His messengers saying this, 'that we do not differentiate in the matter of having faith in any of His messengers' and submitted that we heard and obeyed. Let there be your forgiveness, O our Lord! And to you is our return.

Allah places not burden on any soul but to the extent of his strength whatever good it earned is useful for it and whatever bad it earned is a loss for it. O our Lord! Catch not us if we forget or miss the mark! O our Lord! And place not heavy burden on us as you had placed on those before us. O our Lord! Put not that burden on us of which we have no strength to bear! And pardon us and forgive and have mercy on us. You are our Master; then help us against the infidels.

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