Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Somebody please help me get back to work on my sculpture?

i just cant seem to get myself to work on this piece, its the hair always the hair . I eat i answer other peoples questions I make phone calls, i walk the dog but please can someone say the one phrase to reignite me into working please.

Somebody please help me get back to work on my sculpture?

Honey, you're trying to hard to make if perfect. Nothing is perfect, everything has some defect, that is what makes life interesting and entertaining. Please continue your art, it's very important.

Somebody please help me get back to work on my sculpture?

Okay, you could make your sculpture wear a hat. :) Or you could live by the Bob Ross philosophy of having happy accidents. Here are a few quotes I found that might suit your situation:

An artist must be free to choose what he does, certainly, but he must also never be afraid to do what he might choose.

~ Langston Hughes (1902 - 1967) US poet, writer, editor

"The ***** Artist and the Racial Mountain," The Nation, 1926.

There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion.

~ Francis Bacon

Creativity is allowing oneself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

~ Scott Adams, The Dilbert Principle

I hope that you are never satisfied, because that way you'll always strive to do better. Satisfaction breeds complacency, and complacent people make very bad artists.

~ Got this one from another board attributed to an unknown old lady.

Somebody please help me get back to work on my sculpture?

If you are really struggling on a piece, I find their are three things one can do to help get one over the hump.

1; sometimes its best to leave it alone for a while, put it in a hiding place in your studio and start another piece (I often put my paintings to the wall for a few days while working on another paintings) I know its hard, but really try not to sneak a peak during this time.

2; this is similar to one in some ways, again put the piece away somewhere, but dont start any new work. I firmly believe the amount of input equals the amount of output (production). During this hiatus do things to inspire yourself, go to museums, concerts, dance performances, plays, read books, art and otherwise. Do things that inspire you.

3. The third approach is the most direct; have somebody that you admire ( an art teacher or artist friend perhaps) look at it. It is important for this person not to have seen it before. Have them critique you. They will look at it with fresh eyes.

I know how hard and frustrating it is to get over a creative hump. I wish you the best of luck with all your work

Somebody please help me get back to work on my sculpture?

Look at tons and tons of hair magazines and celebrity photos until you want to tear your own hair out. Then just do it and live with whatever you do. I specialize in justifying my own crappy art. You might be really good and not need this however. Imagine that you are a customer service rep somewhere and are really miserable, and that it would make you feel great just to do bad sculptured hair. I think the answer to your problem is perspective.

I am currently working on a painting that I used too much oil on, you know, to thin my paint, and I have to not touch it for about a week. Lots of justifying happening. It might be crappy.

Somebody please help me get back to work on my sculpture?

I am sure that whatever your sculpture is....it is the best one, most unique one, and one of a kind! Good Luck!

Somebody please help me get back to work on my sculpture?

Lord, grant me the strength to complete my work in Thy name.

Somebody please help me get back to work on my sculpture?

The Art knows of no excuses.

Somebody please help me get back to work on my sculpture?

what's the hold up on that sculpture child, hop to it for i won't get done till you do it...

i know the feeling, you may just need to rest from it and when you get back to it in a few days (or weeks or months, i haven't delayed more than that myself) it will be ready and you will be ready...these things do sometimes seem to take on their own lives and sometimes we have to quit them for a spell. work on something else in the meantime. i've been known to have 2 or three pieces going at the same time...i'm not busy with all of them, some are on "hold" (or i am on "hold" with it). but they do eventually get done. stop guilting yourself, dear child.

Somebody please help me get back to work on my sculpture?

Ummm. Just do it? Or maybe try something different with the hair. Try a different technique. Or go with bald or a hat. The hair can be frustrating, but I have only done three miniature sculptures, so working on a larger scale would be quite difficult hair-wise.


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