Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Help with a Fauxhawk, pwease!?

Hiya!I've decided to do something daring for the last day of school, and- while that is a bit aways, I wanted some help.

I have black hair, the kind that waves and twists in all the wrong places (%26gt;%26lt;'), that reaches to my shoulder blades. My bangs are unevenly cut, and the shortest cannot be tucked behind an ear. I'm thinking of a fauxhawk that is mainly in the back, leaving me to do a side part in my bang. Dye the tips red, stick some fake flowers on with super glue; and bam. All I need are suggestions and tips on exactly HOW to make a mohawk/fauxhawk. I've tried it before with some gel on one long piece of my hair, and I tried to dry it by hanging my head of the bed so gravity would do the work. When I thought it was dry, I stood up, and it /slowly/ lagged to my head. Any gel brands to use? Tips for a good sleek look? Here's what I'm trying for- (please ignore the horrible manner it which is is illustrated...) http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i25/de...

Help with a Fauxhawk, pwease!?

Don't use super glue, that's for sure. Use Elmer's glue, mixed with a little bit of water. The best way to do it is as follows:

First straighten your hair, so that is is nice and smooth, if you don't have a straightening iron, use a regular iron in a low setting working with small sections of hair. At least 15-20 sections so it goes quickly. when you've done so, start by working with a small area behind your bangs at the top of your hair, dip a comb into the glue/water and comb through. Blow dry it a little- while holding your hair up with your hand. Lay a towle on a flat surface, with your cheek laying on it, so the hair is how you you want it to be, and keep blow drying til it holds. Continue over and over... staring at the top middle of your head and working around it. It's gonna take you a while, but if you really want it.... It doesnt hurt to put mad amount of Aquanet hair spray on it as well. have fun!

Help with a Fauxhawk, pwease!?

You need for someone to help you do it because you cannot do all those pony tails by yourself.

Help with a Fauxhawk, pwease!?

That, my dear, would be liberty spikes.

You'll absolutely need help to do liberty spikes.

Try using super hold hairspray[Like the brand Bed Head], and hair glue [got2b glued is a decent brand]

You WILL need help, and A LOT of time to get it done.

You might even want to get it cut up a bit shorter, and ask your hairdresser if they know how to do it.

This link might help:


Good luck!


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