she is a puppy at around 6 months and just now around 7 am she ran and she peed a bit i think (not sure) but i think i saw her pee a good amount....neways when we start walking around the yard she tried squatting to pee but nothing cameout except for once in a while A drop of pee...Is she sick? But she is so jovial and playing with my other german shep puppy who is two months younger and also with my adult female mutt.....I mean she is so happy so they are no outward signs also lastnight she swallowed a piece of gunk...mostlikely hair and she vomited some lastnight food with a little you think that she has anymore gunk left in her and do you think the gunk is preventing her from peeing.....also she just a good amount of puri na puppy chow i dont suspect any illness....
Why wont my female german shephard pee?
She probably has a bladder infection. You need to take her to the vet.
Why wont my female german shephard pee?
I will of course pray for your puppy, but you need to take her to a vet as she will get very ill if she's not peeing. It could be one of many things. The earlier it's caught the better chance she has of a full recovery. Make that appointment now for her sake.
Why wont my female german shephard pee?
hey i'm probably 90% chance of being wrong but she may have a tumor in her bladder my dog did and he passed away fromi t a few months ago so you should go c a vet to see the real problem
Why wont my female german shephard pee?
Take her to the vet it can be bladder infection or nothing seriously but do take her - good luck she will be fine
Why wont my female german shephard pee?
I agree with all the answers above. Do take your puppy to the vet. Not peeing could be the first sign of a bladder infection and it happens to some dogs. Nothing to worry about, just make sure you get the right medication at the right time and things will be fine.
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