i trusted my dad cuz he said he was just going to make my layers of my hair even cuz i had short pieces and long pieces so yeah he was doin fine until i noticed he was cutting almost my whole hair i used to have it up to my waiste now its up to my shoulders and i hate hate it...wat should i do to make it better any ideas girls...
Girls please help me out???
theres only two things you could do. One is get it cut a style you like or wait till it grows back. I know its hard but it's not the end of the world. it will grow back besides you might get noticed more with it shorter. I understand it's out of your comfort zone but i say give it a few days to grow on you and if you still hate it get it dyed and vut into a style that you can live with. Honelsty there are poeple out there that would die to have their hair to their shoulders especailly ones with cancer who lost all their hair so you got to be thankful that you still have hair.
Girls please help me out???
Go to a professional and see if they can do anything to fix your hair, you might be able to get extensions.
Girls please help me out???
do different style like tie it up or try to do braids untill it grow out a little, u can also use pins
Girls please help me out???
Ummm . . . Extensions? Or go to the salon asap! There's nothing worse than having a hair cut you hate!
Girls please help me out???
find a pic. of a hairstyle u like and take it to a salon. they can fix nearly anything dads mess up lol! ~xoxox
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go to your hair dresser and have her put in some cute short layers and long bangs. it will look cute and your hair won't feel as short. then just let it grow out.
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anyway, i suggest you get down your nearest salon A.S.A.P.!
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until.....ur hair growns ot or until u get use to it....u should porbably use extensions or make a really cute style......a updo so u cant see it
Girls please help me out???
first go to a salon
highlights usually help make thing look better
extensions maybe??
Girls please help me out???
your best bet is to go to a professional, and if you want long hair get extensions
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tie it up til it grows out
than go to a salon to get it done
Girls please help me out???
go to a hair salon .. they can fix it.
but if you liked your hair long .. just get extensions on your own hair. until its as long as you want it .. then just take them out.
Girls please help me out???
i love long hair but girl they can be hard to manage so in a way it might be good and u know if u have short hair it takes years off of how old u look no matter what age but if u r having a prob still i have to say either get a weave, a wig , or extentions so i hoped i helped
Girls please help me out???
You have seen this already but, see your/a stylist ASAP. Try to get it done before the begening of school starts. I would recomend finding a picture of a style you like and bring it. Hope this helps!
God Bless,
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