Saturday, May 5, 2012

Can someone interpret this dream for me?

in my dream that happened last night i was three months pregnant,my grandma was 8,and my aunt(who just had a miscarraige)was 5.

my boyfriend came over to hang out but for some reason i could speak but no one could hear me. so to commujnicate with him i'd write out the words on my mirror.

so we headed to our highschool to look for the school nurse to bsee if she knew what was wrong, our school had the same exact layout except instead of a second floor when you went up the stairs you were on top of a cruise ship.

we couldnt find the nurse so we ended up searching around the deck for someone to help. but only certain people could see me, than some guy who was wearing a white tux black shirt and red tie who had black hair with a red piece hit on my boyfriend and danced with him than got upset when he found out he wasnt gay,

than we went back downstairs and someone grabbed me and pulled me into a peerleadership(a club im in at school) meeting and they had cake to celebrate for me.

Can someone interpret this dream for me?

just your mind reminding you that if you have kids now you will not be highly regarded by others anymore, also that you never know what life has in store for you. your aunt and grandmother being young could be a sign that you think you know more than the adults in your life. and the gay guy hitting on your boyfriend could mean that he might not be as faithful as you think.

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