Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What should I choose? millions or clear consciousness? I have invented a revolutionary communication

which is totally autonomous and independent of any network and therefore inexpensive for its use. It uses a sample of DNA (hair, blood, nail, a piece of skin) of the person you want to communicate. I have successfuly tested with my kids and it works perfect. Therefore this idea could bring me 閳ユ笗any閳?millions. 閳ユ窔t can bring bacon home閳?in big pieces. BUT, I am skeptical because someone with a big DNA database(government, secret services, terrorists) should be able to abuse it and gain control over people's lives without their consent. Unfortunately I can閳ユ獩 think anything as an antidote if this kind of misuse. So, the question remains. Shall I get the millions or get the secret in my grave with me when my time is due? I have destroyed already the device. My kids have no idea how or what did I do and they were getting the messages.

What should I choose? millions or clear consciousness? I have invented a revolutionary communication devise.?

I think that somewhere inside you, you know the answer, just follow your instinct im sure it'll be the right thing

What should I choose? millions or clear consciousness? I have invented a revolutionary communication devise.?

My recommendation is to take care of your compulsive lying habit. THEN make your decision.

What should I choose? millions or clear consciousness? I have invented a revolutionary communication devise.?

i don't think millions and clear consciousness are at loggerheads and one should be at the cost of the other

What should I choose? millions or clear consciousness? I have invented a revolutionary communication devise.?

take the money and make your kids the happiest kids on earth, if you arent yanking my chain that is. and the secret is ALREADY out!

What should I choose? millions or clear consciousness? I have invented a revolutionary communication devise.?

Yes, really....

L Ron Hubbard must be your idol.

What should I choose? millions or clear consciousness? I have invented a revolutionary communication devise.?

Take it to the grave with you. The world is corrupt enough as it is.

What should I choose? millions or clear consciousness? I have invented a revolutionary communication devise.?

If it somehow allows you to eavesdrop upon others then I suggest taking it to your grave, but if it only allows transmission to the subject, then the transmission method can be analyzed and you can create a 'white noise' generator that sends static using the same method to interrupt unwanted transmissions.

As far as making money off the item, DNA can be altered with viruses to prevent exact DNA databasing, so go for it, and if you can make it handheld, it could be something that destroys currently existing communication monopolies, and I wouldn't cry over that loss.

What should I choose? millions or clear consciousness? I have invented a revolutionary communication devise.?

If Einstein was still alive He would smack you behind the head and remind you Goverment used his famous formula for Nuke bombs! So if your own little *** is more important than human slavery, have a ball with Uncle Sam ,Uncle George.

What should I choose? millions or clear consciousness? I have invented a revolutionary communication devise.?

Money comes and goes and you can't take it to the grave. A clear concience is yours to keep forever and can last eternally.

What should I choose? millions or clear consciousness? I have invented a revolutionary communication devise.?

double you tee eff is this???revolutionary communication device?HA!ure not even smart enuf to lie...i bet the mental age of ur kids is higher than urs...way higher

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