Saturday, May 5, 2012

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

I just ate a piece of my own hair. :-l

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

Snizzlebutt my snaardgaar.

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

bubble squat

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?


What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

otis the banana pie

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

enbaming is vital if you wish to display the deceased

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

blah, the incredible blah

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

the Filthy Sanchez.

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

ride the crippled horse! ride on!

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

My husband is shaking the cat by the neck and the cat doesn't leave!

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

"my washing machine overwhelms me with its options and sophistication. "

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

I don't care if it rains tomorrow.

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

My vagina is falling asleep ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh it tickles

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

This one time at band camp.......

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?


What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

My husband has a wrangler butt.

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

Eight-year olds, Dude...

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

s*m**n* w*nts s*x w*th y**

b*y * f*ck*n v*w*l *lr**dy

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

Back up off me Homer....

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

A tree branch is hanging down..sorry..I just looked out the window...

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

Did you know that nine of the ten most poisonous snakes

in the world live in Australia?

lol (i took that quote from the movie Kangaroo Jack, by the way)


What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

cornflakes are on the ceiling

don't know why i should have thought that.....

frightening really

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?


What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

I want some banana kielbasa.

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

hey, i can still hear a bird chirping

and its 10:12 PM ~

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

Gwiz that's because I logged on and I'm from europe, where it's 8 in the morning.....silly Gwiz

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

How much starch would you like in your undies?

What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

You love this question, dont you?

My oatmeal is bland.


What is the most random thing you can say to me right now?

Kumquats and gypsies.

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