Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I DOUBLE DOG DARE you to answer this question.?

What else do you remember?


All the girls had ugly gym uniforms?

It took five minutes for the TV warm up?

Nearly everyone's Mom was at home when the kids got home from school?

Nobody owned a purebred dog?

When a quarter was a decent allowance?

You'd reach into a muddy gutter for a penny?

Your Mom wore nylons that came in two pieces?

All your male teachers wore neckties and female teachers had

their hair done every day and wore high heels?

You got your windshield cleaned, oil checked, and gas pumped,

without asking, all for free, every time?

And you didn't pay for air? And, you got trading stamps to boot?

Laundry detergent had free glasses, dishes or towels hidden inside the box?

It was considered a great privilege to be taken out to dinner

at a real restaurant with your parents?

They threatened to keep kids back a grade if they failed. . .and they did?


I DOUBLE DOG DARE you to answer this question.?

My Mom used to cut chicken, chop eggs and spread mayo on the same cutting board with the same knife and no bleach, but we didn't seem to

get food poisoning.

My Mom used to defrost hamburger on the counter AND I used to eat it raw sometimes, too. Our school sandwiches were wrapped in wax paper in a brown paper bag, not in icepack coolers, but I can't remember getting e.coli ..

Almost all of us would have rather gone swimming in the lake instead of a pristine pool (talk about boring), no beach closures then.

The term cell phone would have conjured up a phone in a jail cell, and a pager was the school PA system.

We all took gym, not PE... and risked permanent injury with a pair of high top Ked's (only worn in gym)

instead of having cross-training athletic shoes with air cushion soles and built in light reflectors. I always had to tackle fat Mark by jumping at his legs so to let all of him fall down on top of my back when we played football. I can't recall any injuries but they must have happened because they tell us how much safer we are now..

Flunking gym was not an option... even for stupid kids! I guess PE must be much harder than gym.

Speaking of school, we all said prayers and sang the national anthem, and staying in detention after school caught all sorts of negative attention.

We must have had horribly damaged psyches. What an archaic health system we had then. Remember school nurses? Ours wore a hat and everything.

I thought that I was supposed to accomplish something before I was allowed to be proud of myself.

I just can't recall how bored we were without computers, Play Station, Nintendo, X-box or 270 digital TV cable stations.

Oh yeah... and where was the Benadryl and sterilization kit when I got that bee sting? I could have been killed!

We played 'king of the hill' on piles of gravel left on vacant construction sites, and when we got hurt, Mom pulled out the 48-cent bottle of Mercurochrome (kids liked it better because it didn't sting like iodine did) and then we got our butt spanked.

Now it's a trip to the emergency room, followed by a 10-day dose of a $49 bottle of antibiotics, and then Mom calls the attorney to sue the contractor for leaving a horribly vicious pile of gravel there it was such a threat.

We didn't act up at the neighbor's house either because if we did, we got our butt spanked there and then we got butt spanked again when we got home.

I recall Donny Reynolds from next door coming over and doing his tricks on the front stoop, just before he fell off. Little did his Mom know that she could have owned our house. Instead, she picked him up and swatted him for being such a goof. It was a neighborhood run amuck.

To top it off, not a single person I knew had ever been told that they were from a dysfunctional family. How could we possibly have known that?

We needed to get into group therapy and anger management classes? We were obviously so duped by so many societal ills, that we didn't even notice that the entire country wasn't taking Prozac! How did we ever survive?

I DOUBLE DOG DARE you to answer this question.?

yes i do , but it seemed to be a lifetime ago. i think 1970.

I DOUBLE DOG DARE you to answer this question.?

I remember students being held back in school. I remember when being taken out to dinner with my parents was a priveledge and a reward. I'm too young to have remembered any of the other things. I grew up in the 80's and early 90's.

I DOUBLE DOG DARE you to answer this question.?

i was born in 1964 %26amp; remember many of these things. it was a simpler time %26amp; people had respect for others,the corporate world was'nt so greedy,illegal immigrants was'nt even a term i was familiar with, %26amp; homosexuals were in the closet..all i can say is:it's not going to get any better...good luck.

I DOUBLE DOG DARE you to answer this question.?

O.o i dun remember none of dese haha i throw pennies instead of reaching into a muddy gulter for it

I DOUBLE DOG DARE you to answer this question.?

-and there were only 3 channels to chose from and none had nudity

-and music came on vinyl in 2 sizes (and you had to get an adapter for the middle hole of the smaller one)

-and a college education WAS enough to get a good job

-and stores generally specialized in one area

-gas was 33 cents a gallon

-and we didn't get a car until we could afford it

-TV's were black and white (really!!!)

-we left doors unlocked and didn't fear our nieghbors

-we could ride in the back of the pick up

-cars were the size of a mobile home

-bicycles had 1 or 3 speeds

-children were able to entertain themsoelves for hours and (here's the kicker) for FREE

-and the Red Sox had Yaz, Petrocelli, etc


I DOUBLE DOG DARE you to answer this question.?

Boys had greasy slicked back hair. Boys wore suits on dates.

Girls wore their hair teased and wore poodle skirts and bobby socks.

Children showed respect towards others

Female hardly wore slacks

Males gave up their seats on public transportation for elderly people.

Manners were important.

I triple dog dare somebody else to add to this.

I DOUBLE DOG DARE you to answer this question.?

I was just a kid. I'm 47 now. But I do remember many of those. How about looking at how many "wheatie" pennies were in your change? And my mother (who was a teacher in the district) had me held back in the third grade even though they would have otherwise advanced me.

I DOUBLE DOG DARE you to answer this question.?

when the center of a twinkie was smooth and tasted delicious,Woolworth's was like walgreens ,everyone watched one TV ,and it was in the living rm.your mother cooked every night,except on payday we went to McDonald's,their buns were thin and a little toasted,cookies were two for a penny at the corner store,slow love songs were the best,name brand clothes didn't exist,if it was new it was great,the corner store would squirt a mixture of hot sauce and water in your chips for a penny,every adult in the neiborhood told on you when you done something wrong.

I DOUBLE DOG DARE you to answer this question.?

Where I live we do have ugly gym uniforms, either a mom or a dad is at home when you get home from school, no one has purebred dogs most kids have an allowance of 4 dollars or no allowance all the male teachers wear ties and women teachers wear high heels, there is only 2 gas stations people come out pump your gas change the oil, and wash the windshield, but the gas and oil isn't for free, the air is free, people around here go out to dinner about once or twice a year, and if you fail, your staying back. I live in a very small town about 850 people

I DOUBLE DOG DARE you to answer this question.?

nope those good old days were only good for certain people.... so im glad they are gone

I DOUBLE DOG DARE you to answer this question.?

I remember when:

It was safe for kids to play outside, even little ones, as long as they were within calling distance (which in those days meant yelling distance).

We collected soda bottles that people had thrown away to get the deposit back on them from the grocery store.

If you had ball practice you had to walk to it.

The TV had rabbit ears or, if you were really lucky, some wires that ran outside to an antenna that was never turned the right way. (And you learned some new words when dad tried to get it right.)

Baggers at the grocery store never asked if you needed help out with your groceries, they just carried them for you, no questions asked.

Mom went to 'the beauty shop' once a week to get her hair made into a helmet.

Summer nights kids played games like 'Kick the Can' or 'Capture the Flag' in the dark on the street.

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