Saturday, April 14, 2012

Honestly now, since joining Yahoo Answers, did it made you Smarter or Retarded?

You know what I'm saying.

When I joined this forum, I thought it was a serious forum (like the ones found in PC self-help sites) where you get real help.

Eventually though, I found out that only 5% of the Q%26amp;A thrown were of practical use, which means 95% were either garbage or outright stupid.

Lately, I myself got tired of throwing serious stuff like "are speed of light same as speed of sight?" and answering stuff like "why was Mona Lisa piece priceless". No matter how serious the topic, one gets a garbage answer (or question). Add to that the Abuse Report.

My regular question now degenerated into the likes of "What you think of suicide as a crime punishable by Death? Will it deter suicides?" And yes, who would miss those dumb blond jokes. I put up some myself.

Long story short, this forum are becoming like WWE wrestling, to enjoy it, one must have low IQ.

And I am now enjoying question like "what color is my hair today?" Have I degenerated or what?

How about you?

Honestly now, since joining Yahoo Answers, did it made you Smarter or Retarded?

I have learnt a few things, and yes I have helped others.

I find that the statement "There is no such thing as a dumb question" to be true, but that is because I have an interest in psychology... Not to the point I frequent that category. I prefer to spend my time in the philosophy area for answering... But I will surf around and see what others are asking, and saying. Yes some of my answers are playful jests. But I answer seriously as well when there is reason for it. You have to keep in mind that there are people of all ages, nationalities, with differing belief structures here. Sometimes a person just needs to escape, and still have a sense of human contact. This site provides the abilities to have a secret identity, where someone can vent, by being a 370455V, or be a complete dumb@55... And quite frankly, I say all the power to them. All in all, it boils down to whether YOU choose to join the crowd or not. Dumb questions, or questions that have an opening to have fun with, I will have fun with. But I do give answers that take thought.


Honestly now, since joining Yahoo Answers, did it made you Smarter or Retarded?

it's OK your just telling the truth

Honestly now, since joining Yahoo Answers, did it made you Smarter or Retarded?

At certain points, it becomes hard not to ask some vague question that you really arent that hard out to get an answer for. It seems that there is need for some real intellectual conversation or debate to be mixed in inorder to dilute the mundane, retarded, or 'vanman flat out doesnt care' questions.

Honestly now, since joining Yahoo Answers, did it made you Smarter or Retarded?

I never ever took it seriously, and like to answer questions depending on my mood: serious, sarcastic/facetious, playful, etc.

I ask serious questions and give serious answers, depending on whether the question merits either...

Honestly now, since joining Yahoo Answers, did it made you Smarter or Retarded?

Neither, but most of the questions are not worth reading much less answering.

Honestly now, since joining Yahoo Answers, did it made you Smarter or Retarded?

I have learned some things, and I hope I have given good advice as well. I've made a couple of friends due to this site and yes, there are still plenty of the never-ending ridiculous questions I pregnant..does he like do i tell her/him that i like should i wear/color my hair.........?

Honestly now, since joining Yahoo Answers, did it made you Smarter or Retarded?

It's just fun here, nothing more.

Honestly now, since joining Yahoo Answers, did it made you Smarter or Retarded?

You know what? It is hard to take you seriously when you do not use proper English. Therefore I must regard this question as a fake question. And in view of that, who are you to judge the others on this forum? I use it both for fun and enlightenment. And if you no longer like it here, then do not participate any longer. That is easy enough.

Honestly now, since joining Yahoo Answers, did it made you Smarter or Retarded?

*Right on the money, bro.*

If it's between smarter and retarded, I pick retarded. Most of the questions are stupid rants and questions that are just looking for support. (Colts are the best, right?) And I feel the urge to get into the fray. I think I'm getting better at resisting.

However, I'm ashamed to say that I'm addicted to Points. I tried to quit, but the when someone picks my answer as Best, I get hooked again. But really, all I do is surf, grab a link, and post it in my answer. I'm glad to help, but it's just surfing.

I agree with you: serious or practical questions compose only 5% of all questions.

It's sad.

Honestly now, since joining Yahoo Answers, did it made you Smarter or Retarded?

Actually, I have learned some things. I have also been able to help others with some of their problems, questions.

I was taught that the only dumb question is the one not asked, but I do agree that there is a lot of dumb questions. (Like what is my name). Not to mention the people that are taking up space for things that aren't even answerable ("just making a comment here").

There are some very good questions and very good answers (not just somebody's opinion.)

By the way people, if you don't know the answer to a question that is not asking for an opinion - DON'T ANSWER. Some questions are opinion question, so it is very applicable at that time and only that time to answer with your personal opinion.

If you go into the Christmas section you will find tons of holiday greetings with question marks (the system automatically converts to a question).

Oh, here is a scenario for you:

-You are given a puzzle to solve ("try this...")

-A best answer is selected (this person did not solve the puzzle)

-At no point is the solution given!

This is Yahoo! ANSWERS - no just guesses or comments.

Honestly now, since joining Yahoo Answers, did it made you Smarter or Retarded?

I answer them all, and the ones that are really bad, I give a saucy and tart andwer to

Honestly now, since joining Yahoo Answers, did it made you Smarter or Retarded?

Seriously, I got! I have been smart already and never been retarded.

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