Monday, April 16, 2012

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

each insults. the thing I found ridiculouse was Trump saying that Rossy Mcdonald was not an attractive person and that he felt sorry for her girlfriend. Has this man taken a look at himself lately.

Why do old, obviously highly unattractive rich men think the woman on his arm is whith him because he is irristable? The hair piece is a thing of fascination and wonder. Does Trump think he is in a position to criticise another persons looks? What the blazes is he sueing her for? sorry bout the spelling..

Any woman he has on his arm ...Rosey can all comes down to money

For those in the UK and I am in the UK. Miss America went wild..part, drugs and lesbian deeds. Trump has strict rules regarding Miss Americas behaviour. He did not take away her crown but gave her another chance. Rosey Mcdonald had a go at him and he very childishly responded that she was ugly etc and can't imagine anyo

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

Everyone is overlooking the real story here.

Rosie is Rosie, an outspoken commedianne as always. She provided the Donald with more free air time to promote his best subject, "Himself."

He blew it when he called her a "fat azz and pig face." With all his education, upbringing and money he only proved he is thin skinned.

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

Rosie is completely right. Trump has cheated on his wives, hence he has no moral high ground in this issue. Secondly, Trump need to resort to childish name calling because he doesn't have a decent agument to counter her claims. Report It

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

Money and fame doesn閳ユ獩 change a mean person to a gentleman. Donald Trump is an example. Report It

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

He's right.

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

who's Rosy McDonald?

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

She's a fat, ugly lesbian!

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

And ugly to.

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

Rosie started the whole thing by bashing him first and he in turn retaliated.

She is obnoxious and meddles in other business

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

thats what rich people see

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

Who gives a damn? Let the man have his opinion and leave us the hell alone about it! What are we going to solve by complaining about it? Rosy O'Donnell (or however it's spelled) is even more full of it than he is. Have a nice day!

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

Donald Trump is much more ugly and unattractive than Rosie O'Donnell. Rosie was totally correct in everything she said about the bastard.

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

he is a very ugly man :) :) :)

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

these 2 individuals are larger than life figures. they are both unattractive to me. (but with $ yes you look more better than the average guy)

rosey can say what she wants. and he has the right to sue.

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

i agree with you.

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

Who cares what he thinks --if we were all so worried about how others see us none of us would ever leave our homes---plus the fact that its wrong to ever judge on looks alone --the real beauty is in the spirit of ones soul--

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

do you mean rosy O'donnel?

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

I don't care for the look of either one of them....but I sure hate the way Rosie talks. She's not funny...people are laughing at her. I think The Donald is right .

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

It is not the question that who is right or wrong! but definitely the miss america was wrong! Under age drinking is so much dangerous to young people. Being in miss america she should represent all young people who look up to her! Instead she goes on drinking, partying, dumping her fiance... She should not be given second chance... What tommorrow if any under age young one's drink and drive and kill some people should they be given 2nd chance.. No way!

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

Rosie's endeavors (her talk show, her magazine) have been outstanding failures. Trump has been successful in everything he does. Rosie is just a C list fringe celebrity that is 1/4 of a failing day-time talk show. Trump has multi-billion dollar businesses around the world. Rosie has a big mouth and has publicly insulted people (excluding Tom Cruise) for a very long time. Trump is not going to allow her to insult him.

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

He's probably right, but where is the quote?

Rosie *O'donnel doesn't smile much and she has a pretty mean smirk most of the times I have seen her.

Attraction has nothing to do with money.

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

Like it or not when it comes to women its all about looks and when it comes to men its all about money. He knows he's not attractive and I'm sure he knows why women are with him. Men are so simple that it doesn't matter to them why she is there as long as she is. Men are pathetic what can I say ?

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

Well she IS ugly, but I am sure he was responding to being attacked by her. It was childish on both their parts. I don't know why Rosie cares so much what happens with the Miss USA pagent. It doesn't effect her life. It just gave her an opportunity to sound off on a national stage and get attention. She needs to worry about herself and not get so worked up over something that really isn't important. All the pagents are stupid and who cares what these girls do. How many times do you hear about a pagent winner after they have the crown, unless they become an actress, or entertainer. Look what happened to Vanessa Williams. Do you think she would have had the success she did if she had not been stripped of her crown? It got her the attention and public interest she needed to propel her to something more significant than just a pagent winner. They are people just like everyone else. Should we denounce every person from the human race just because they get drunk and act like a s l u t or an a s s? Let these girls be human and focus on real life for a change people.

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

He left out ... no talent, not entertaining, not funny, not intelligent, .... and a ton of other stuff missing from this ugly *********.

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

1. Her name is Rosie O'Donnell.

2. Donald Trump's hair is real.

3. Rosie O'Donnell is an out of control lesbian; she surreptitiously hits on other women by attacking their apparent enemies in public. She did this with Britney. She's doing this with Miss U.S.A.

4. She makes remarks that are libelous and she should be held accountable for these remarks in a court of law.

5. Recently, her only form of income derives from doing this on a regular basis on broadcast television; her persona as a television personality is largely formed by these actions, much like Michael Moore.

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

His wallet makes the ugly factor in him to be overlooked. Take him to the street with a crumpled up wig and everyone will notice. Whats with all the ****** ing.

Ugly or not we all deserve respect.

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

The wealthy do not have to be good looking.They are rich. The only reason "UGLY ROSIE" has a chick is because she is wealthy.Miss America is Hot ,I would give her another chance too. I think Donald Trump is at least kind of 'Cool' ,Rosie is just fat and annoying.

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

I don't usually agree with The Donald, but he hit this one out of the park. Rosie is ugly on every level. She pretends to be all for acceptance and inclusiveness, when in fact, she is one of the meanest people I have ever seen. Very intolerant and fast to call others names. She is pretty disgusting and has virtually ruined a decent show (The View)

Trump says Rosy McDonald is ugly...why do men think....?

Rosie is an ugly person meaning she is ugly to people. She makes fun of him for being the moral compass. She's got her nearve, is she claiming to be the moral compass? you've got to be kidding me! Rosie?

She makes fun of him because he gives someone a second chance? I think she's jealous because Miss America is a beautiful girl. I believe Rosie is being a bully!

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