Saturday, April 14, 2012

Please Read! wut's going on??

this summer and these last 2 months of school i only have salad (just with olive oil, tomatoes and cheese) and 2 pieces of bread, after that i have coffe and after coffe i have an orange that it! i'm done for the it normal?? i lost extreme weight i'm 16 and only weight 110-111 i think* mayb be hair if falling everywhere..i can't comb my hair because i fill the house with hair! wut's going on?

any advice plz

Please Read! wut's going on??

See a doctor, the family doctor. Also...

You are too young to be losing hair. You should be eating more fruits, vegetables and more importantly, PROTEIN. Hair is protein, you need it everyday. You aren't getting enough. Protein doesn't mean "oh, now I am gonna be a body builder", no. You need calcium (yogurt yummy! 40% even the Fat free variety, add a banana or diced peach, make it different every day) and you need minerals and vitamins. Protein is so necessary, eat pinto beans if you or Mom, dad are vegetarians, eating a bit of cheese and that paltry salad is not enough. If you like salmon or tuna, get that onto that salad, topped w a boiled egg. You had better eat more fats as well good fats in salmon, etc. Sooner or later your young skin will look bad. Coffee is not good as a diuretic for you, drink tea or fruit juice (no sugar added) mixed with water, daily. Low fat milk has protein and calcium. right now doesn't a tuna sandwhich, lean beef, chicken or turkey sound good? NONE of those will gain you excessive weight. .Get some more protein soon! Walk and work out (mom dad have small weights?) if you fear being "fat" which you won't be if normally active. You need iron from red meat. There are a lot of things you aren't getting right now. Pump up that salad with pieces of protein and pump up your life with more veggies and fruits, some more dairy. Your hair will return.

FIRST off, though, see the family doctor. Good luck.

Please Read! wut's going on??

You might be losing your hair because you are not getting enought nutrition in your diet. You need to read up about proper diet or go talk to a nutritionist.

Please Read! wut's going on??

ur gunna end up dead. EAT SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Please Read! wut's going on??

Surely you know if your hair is falling out that something is drastically wrong. And you also know it's because you are starving yourself. Get some medical help soon before you have permanent injury from this crisis.

Please Read! wut's going on??

Go see your doctor immediately.

Please Read! wut's going on??

get a more balanced diet.. like more meat/poultry, fruit/veggies blah blah blah. if that dont help talk to a nutritionist/doctor

Please Read! wut's going on??

You have to eat or you will end up getting REALLY sick. Then ALL of you hair will fall out!!!! EAT!!!!!

Please Read! wut's going on??

get a healthy diet!! The salad is good as a part of the daily food, but not THE food itself! Also coffee isn't good for you, drink juices instead, or some juices with guarana, it works like cafeine but it's natural.

Go to a nutritionist! You need help!

Please Read! wut's going on??

You need to start eating more, especially meat that has protein in that you need to stay healthy, just eat more or you might end up in the hospital

Please Read! wut's going on??

i am not going to accuse you of any disorders but having that amount of per day is not healthy.and we both know it. so in oredr for us to sort this out i think i need to ask you some questions.

email me when ever you want to get started

hope to her from you soon

yours sincerly Conor Chaney

Please Read! wut's going on??

youre annorexic... you need help. Its SUPER unhealthy and once your hair starts falling out its even more dangerous.

Please Read! wut's going on??

make sure to get all your nutrients! seriously, theres safer ways to be thin.

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