Monday, April 16, 2012

Too all the balding folically challaged men (& ladies too) out there......?

would you consider wearing a hair piece / wig / whatever?

I am starting to lose a few hairs on top and have come to the decision to lop the lot off. I think a bald head is far superior to the man made alternative.

Are there any advantages to wearing a wig - keeping the head warm or is a wig just a wig. Have the made one that even remotely looks like the real thing yet?

Too all the balding folically challaged men (%26amp; ladies too) out there......?

shave the noggin, I shaved mine years ago no regrets. Keep the rugs on the floor where they belong.

Too all the balding folically challaged men (%26amp; ladies too) out there......?


I love Bald men! Go Natural baby!

Too all the balding folically challaged men (%26amp; ladies too) out there......?

To me, bald can be sexy, wigs never are.

Too all the balding folically challaged men (%26amp; ladies too) out there......?

Shave it off mate - Most of the guys i know spend 15 mins every morning looking in the mirror to see how many more hairs have fallen out and stressing about it. Once you shave it you never have to worry and your face seems to age less because in ten years time you'll still look exactly the same as you do now

Too all the balding folically challaged men (%26amp; ladies too) out there......?

Do not do it!

Too all the balding folically challaged men (%26amp; ladies too) out there......?

No for me. Then again I'm a male and most of the men in my family are bald or balding and they don't wear hair pieces. I'm almost 30 and pretty much bald. With a lot of people shaving their heads these days, I think being bald has become more acceptable for men.

I can see balding a much larger issue with women, and I have not seen a women wear a ""bad" hairpiece.

To each his own really, do whatever make YOU feel comfortable.

Too all the balding folically challaged men (%26amp; ladies too) out there......?

During the 70's %26amp; 80's, going bald was a curse.

But after Michael Jordan and Bruce Willis, to name a few, made it a fashionable look, even the non-bald started shaving their heads off.

Wearing a wig is a maintenance nightmare. Getting implants is a pocket drainer.

Stop reading beauty mags. Being natural is being honest.

People will like you as you are.

Too all the balding folically challaged men (%26amp; ladies too) out there......?

There are other alternatives to wigs. (Yes I agree, they look fake.) Of course there are ones that are really expensive and actually made of human hair that look pretty good on women. If you can afford it, there are transplants, some topical applications do work, and there are shampoos that actually make your hair appear thicker. But when it comes to the point that you only have "whisps" of hair on top, PLEASE do not, I repeat, DO NOT, do a comb over. That has to be the dumbest looking thing ever. I would rather see a man bald on top. As to being totally bald, that has never been a turn off to me. It's just that some men's heads are not shaped right for bald, or maybe it's just the way their heads look to the rest of them!! Anyway check out all your options before you make the decision to cut it all.

Too all the balding folically challaged men (%26amp; ladies too) out there......?

There are other options, You don't need to stay bald, or wear a silly wig

Hair root Surgrey


Farrell Hair Replacement


Too all the balding folically challaged men (%26amp; ladies too) out there......?

Shave it! Fake hair is for nobody. There is nothing more uncool that trying to be something you're not. Besides no worries on a windy day, right?

Too all the balding folically challaged men (%26amp; ladies too) out there......?

please don't get a wig!!! lol even the best just look like a dead rat on a mans head, shave it off that is soooooo sexier!!! be proud and confident you will look great xxx

Too all the balding folically challaged men (%26amp; ladies too) out there......?

Bald is best...xox

Too all the balding folically challaged men (%26amp; ladies too) out there......?

you know price charles had some extensions for his wedding

they do that for men too

try that option

Too all the balding folically challaged men (%26amp; ladies too) out there......?

Don't even think about a wig.

Any girl worth knowing is well aware that it's only the most masculine individuals who go bald.

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