Monday, April 23, 2012

Mange on cat?

my cat has a dry spot on its ear that almost looks like feline Psoriasis...pieces of hair has already fell out. im afraid that this may be an early stage of mange. but i dont know much about stuff like that. what do you think? am i right? or should i research something else?

Mange on cat?

1st it could be just a patch of hair falling off where there was an injury. Our cats get that all the time. The hair usually leaves with a scab, but the skin under looks normal.

If it is mange or ringworm, and just the one spot, no need for a vet trip. Just get some clotrimazole cream (at Walgreens, WalMart, etc) in the antifungal section of first aid items. Rub a bit on the bare spot for a few days. If the hair starts to grow back in, and no other spots show, you are good to go. If you notice other new bare patches. Then you will need to go to your vet to get LymDyp. Be forewarned though, this stuff is NASTY. It stinks and you have to dip the whole cat, with exception of face, which the cats really don't like. We used a bucket in the yard, or locked ourselves in the bathroom with the cat. Not fun. So, if you can get the cream to work, you are 100% -no 300% better off.

We have a cat community here on the farm, so the initial outbreak was rather widespread and required the dip. After that individual spots were treated as they showed, and after about a month, they stopped showing and we've been mange/worm free.

We had a mange problem here with several cats, and did the dip first, because we didn't catch it soon enough. But, then the vet told us about the cream when spots would keep coming back, and that worked much better.

Oh, and if you see ringworm spots on yourself, use the same cream. It passes back and forth spread by contact, so try not to scratch.

BTW- we use a well-care vet who doesn't see sick animals in the office, so she answers our questions over the phone with a description. She gives us great tips and advice and saves a lot of loading up cats and taking them in to be seen. Whenever we see a suspcious bare patch on a cat now, we just reach for the tube of anti-fungal cream. Works great.

Mange on cat?

More likely that it is Ringworm, a fungal infection. See vet for correct diagnosis.

Mange on cat?

I agree probably ringworm and you can get and spread ringworm!!

Mange on cat?

Take it to the vet!! Your veterinary has taken classes to learn about stuff like that and has more resources than you do.

Mange on cat?

if it's mange, i think you will have to bring your cat to the Vet, or it might just be ringworms... i would suggest you research on animal skin diseases it might help...

or you could look at this website i researched for you about ringworm... Ringworm has hair fall like you described

but I safeto say that you should bring your cat to the vet...

Mange on cat?

ok this could lead to you gettin it bad take it to the vet and they can cure you and it

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