Saturday, April 14, 2012

Jesus compared to Muhammod?

Jesus healed every person that he met, MuHammod healed none.

Jesus said do not evil and harm no one, MuHammod promotes murder.

Jesus said i and the father are one. Muhammod said Allah is one.

Jesus said if you have seen me you have seen the Father. MuHammod said Allah has no son.

Jesus only did good. MuHammod was a murdering pediofile.

Jesus feed thousands and did mericals that every one could see.

MuHammod said i have split the moon. Yeat the moon is in one piece.

Jesus said i came down from above i have seen the father and i know the father. MuHammad said woman must shave there pubic hair.

Jesus said it is writen the two shall be one flesh, refering to marriage and said from the beginning one man and one wife are the marriage unit. MuHammod was married to 11 woman as once there fore being a flesh driven beast.

No prophet is known to have had more then one wife in all history.

Jesus is God in the flesh. MuHammad is a pervert in th flesh.

How did MuHammad die.

Jesus compared to Muhammod?

Mohammad was poisoned by a Jewess whose family he had killed. What goes around comes around.

Jesus compared to Muhammod?

So what is your ******* point?

Jesus compared to Muhammod?

a flesh driven beast? A pervert? Jesus drove demons? healed everyone? How do you know? Just because some books say stuff doesnt mean theyre true

Jesus compared to Muhammod?

Both Jesus and Muhammad(pbut) are prophets of God.

One thing i have gathered from your post that you are obviously of the christian faith but you do not follow the actions of Jesus as abusing others is another thing Jesus did not do.

Jesus compared to Muhammod?

What's a mirical, and since when did Mohammad not heal people? As far as what Jesus said, you were not there so you have no knowledge of what Jesus said. You aren't stupid enough to believe what others who also weren't there tell you, are you?

Jesus compared to Muhammod?

Where have you gotten your info? Watch what you say about because you obviously dont know what your talking about. Muslims love Jesus AND Muhammad. They are both prophets. Dont be disrespectful.

Jesus compared to Muhammod?

Big problem: there is no evidence of any kind that jesus is or did any of the things you mentioned.

You *do* know that the gospels were written 40-100 years after jesus died, and that none of the writers ever met him or heard him speak, don't you? So how can they accurately "quote" him, or write accurate accounts of things he supposedly did, when they never saw any of them?

You're judging things that happened 2000 years ago by a book written by people who never saw any of the things they write about happen.

You also say things like, "no prophet is known to have had more than one wife" -- which is completely incorrect (read your old testament), even if there "prophets" were real.

If you'd stop worrying about mythical and superstitious characters from thousands of years ago, and instead spent your time trying to make the world a better place, we'd have a lot less hatred and religious wars. Try knowledge and logic instead of superstition and myth -- you'll like it :)

Jesus compared to Muhammod?


you don't know anything.

Jesus compared to Muhammod?

WOW!!! Not only are you an extemely prejudiced bigot, but apparently you're not a particualrly bright one either since your spelling and grammar are attrocious! Where do you get your facts from here? Not only are you using the fact that "Jesus said....." as proof that it's true...... and we all know that neither Jesus or any of his contemporaries actually wrote the bible so who knows what they actually said...... but you write some things about Mohummad being a pedophile and that he says women must shave their pubic hair??? Where did you get that from quote me some verses here, don't just say it and expect me to believe it. Stop trying to promote hatred along religious lines, because as I am sure you must be aware Jesus says love they neighbour as thy self. There is enough hatred and misery in the world without crackpots like you trying to cause more problems.

Your "question" is pathetic, and I expect you are too!

Jesus compared to Muhammod?

1. Muhammad (pbuh) healed none- so? did other prophets before Jesus (pbuh) heal people? islam says Jesus (pbuh) was sinless. also, it isn't a competition. stop this tug and war fight over Jesus. He's part of our religion also.

2. Muhammad (pbuh) does not promote murder. In the Quran it says that you can fight someone if they fight you first. He knew about the wars in the future. what do you think he'd suggest, sit back and let people kill you? in hadith there is a quote by him that says

'The strong is not the one who overcomes the people by his strength, but the strong is the one who controls himself while in anger.'

doesn't seem very violent does it?

3. I believe Allah is one, and i dont believe Jesus (pbuh) is God or God's son. lets leave it at that.

4. Muhammad (pbuh) did not murder. you would not call a soldier a murder so why call him one.

he wasn't a pedophile. Aisha (pbuh) had reached puberty at 9 and that was considered womenhood at that time.

5. Muhammad (pbuh) split the moon and then connected it again. and he did feed thousands. he later had so much money and yet he lived like he didn't. he gave so much money away to the poor. do some research.

6. Muhammad (pbuh) gave advice on everything in life. thats not only for women, but also for men. islam says you need to stay clean.

7. Muhammad (pbuh) was married to his first wife when he was around 20. she was much older than him and he loved her very much. During her lifetime he did not marry again. Afterwards he married widows that had no homes to give them homes. Aisha (pbuh) was the only virgin he married.

Jesus (pbuh) taught to love and respect didn't he? how can you call yourself a christian after talking this way? what then if you take this away, is left to being a christian please tell me?

Jesus compared to Muhammod?

This is actually pretty funny. You said that "No prophet is known to have had more then one wife in all history".

Here's enlightenment for you pal:

John L. Esposito, Professor of Religion and Director of the Centre for International Studies at the College of the Holy Cross, says that most of these marriages had "political and social motives" (Islam: The Straight Path, Oxford University Press, 1988, p. 19). This he explained as follows: "As was customary for Arab chiefs, many were political marriages to cement alliances. Others were marriages to the widows of his companions who had fallen in combat and were in need of protection" (John L. Esposito, Islam: The Straight Path, pp. 19-20). Esposito reminds us of the following historical fact: "Though less common, polygyny was also permitted in biblical and even in postbiblical Judaism. From Abraham, David, and Solomon down to the reformation period, polygyny was practiced" (p. 19).

Another non-Muslim Caesar E. Farah writes as follows: "In the prime of his youth and adult years Muhammad remained thoroughly devoted to Khadijah and would have none other for consort. This was an age that looked upon plural marriages with favor and in a society that in pre-Biblical and post-Biblical days considered polygamy an essential feature of social existence. David had six wives and numerous concubines (2 Samuel 5:13; 1 Chronicles 3:1-9, 14:3) and Solomon was said to have had as many as 700 wives and 300 concubines (1 Kings 11:3). Solomon's son Rehoboam had 18 wives and 60 concubines (2 Chronicles 11:21). The New Testament contains no specific injunction against plural marriages. It was commonplace for the nobility among the Christians and Jews to contract plural marriages. Luther spoke of it with toleration" (Caesar E. Farah, Islam: Beliefs and Observances, 4th edition, Barron's, U.S. 1987, p. 69). Caesar Farah then concluded that Muhammad's plural marriages were due "partly to political reasons and partly to his concern for the wives of his companions who had fallen in battle defending the nascent Islamic community" (p. 69).

Be enlightened!

God knows best.

Peace and Love.

Jesus compared to Muhammod?

Muhammed(PBUH*) had 12 wives. Anyway Isa and Muhammed(PBUT*) were both prophets of ALLAH.

Jesus compared to Muhammod?

we muslims respect all the prophets that allah had sent to mankind... so we respect jesus as well as we respect muhammed may peace be upon them.

so shut ur mouth!

Jesus compared to Muhammod?

I have a few more.

-Islam is the only religion which has "Shariaat book" which plays the

constitution to implement its political agenda to a nation.

--Islam is the only religion which holds that other religions must pay its

followers an extortionary tax (Jiziya or poll-tax) in "humiliation."

--Islam is the only religion which preaches that reform of its doctrine and

dogma to adapt to changing circumstances is a grave sin ("bida")

--Islam is the only religion which divides the world up into two spheres

Land of Warfare "Darul harb" (non-Islamic nations) and "Darul Islam" (Land of Peace),

and encourages the Land of "Peace" to fight against the Land of Warfare until it is

completely "subdued".

--Islam is the only religion which expressly forbids separation of church (or

masjid) and state.

--Islam is the only religion which extracts the death penalty from any of its

followers who wish to leave it (apostate) -- a law which, again is unchangeable.

--Islam is the only religion which holds up a single form of government -- a

non-democratic theocracy headed by a Khalifa -- as the only legitimate form

of government allowable on earth.

--Islam is the only religion that upholds an extensive code of jurisprudence

(unchangeable and barbaric and draconian in many cases) that governs every

aspect of human life, both spiritual and temporal.

--Islam is the only religion that largely forbids the free practice of other

religions in its midst.

Jesus compared to Muhammod?

How do you know what Muhmmad did and what jesus did? Are you some sort of Muslim/Christian combination.

There is only one truth and that is Athiesm

Jesus compared to Muhammod?

Christianity is of God. It is a God of love. A God of all. All other religions, Gods worships etc are of Satan.

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