Monday, April 23, 2012

Itchy Scalp!!?

I take a shower almost everyday to every other day. When I blow dry my hair ,or even air dry it after a couple of hours my hair/scalp starts to itch. When I scratch my hair/scalp little pieces of off- white colored substance is gathered underneth my nail.( it's deffintly not flakes of dandruff) It so annoying. Is there any shampoos or products that you recomend that i try? I don't know what it is!!!!!

thanks for your time!

Itchy Scalp!!?

Don't worry, its probably some shampoo or conditioner residue in your hair. I used to have that problem too until I switched to Head and Shoulders. But I've heard that Pantene also helps and another tip is to not wash it so much.

Good Luck!

Itchy Scalp!!?

If it isn't dandruff, it might be residue buildup. Make sure you rinse your hair thoroughly. Also, I notice that some shampoos make my head itch, so maybe that's the cause for you too. Maybe try something else...I use Pantene.

Itchy Scalp!!?

its sounds like dandruff to me, why not check whet its dandruff with the doc. I not maybe you are allegeric to some suff u use for ur hair. Hair products might also leave traces like white stuff. U have to check out what is exactly giving ou the prob.

All the best.

Itchy Scalp!!?

Hon, it may be dandruff! You could try using Head and Shoulders. If it really isn't dandruff that you have, the dandruff shampoo won't go to waste because you can use it on regular hair too.

Maybe you aren't rinsing all the shampoo out of your hair, so when you blow dry, it causes irritation.

OR maybe you wash your hair too much and just have a dry scalp now! I've heard it recommended SO many times not to wash your hair every day. If you do, over time your scalp stops producing it's own moisture, and as a result- dryness and flakes!!

I definiately think that blow drying or using heat would add to this irritation.

I almost always let my hair air dry. It's healthier for your hair anyway! I only blow dry when I don't have a lot of time.

Hope this helps.

Like the first comment says, I use Pantene as well! Love it!

Itchy Scalp!!?

dry sclap try using a different shampoo

Itchy Scalp!!?

Its probably build up. Once a week, wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo to remove the build up. Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special Shampoo and Conditioner works great. It remove build up and helps with itching. It smell like pepermint though, so that might bother some people.

If it continues, see a doctor. They should be able to tell you if its dandruff.

Itchy Scalp!!?

Well it really depends on your hair type

So if your African American you shouldnt wash you hair everyday and you should try Olive OIl Spray

And if your White try Using herbal essence

Itchy Scalp!!?

If its not dandruff of dry scalp you may want to think about psoriasis or eczema. There are several products over the counter that can help but usually you to see an MD for a prescibe liquid or lotion to clear it up.

Itchy Scalp!!?

Maybe you should try to use some Sulfur8 grease (grease your scalp with it). It's a yellow cylinder thing and says on it



Original Formula


hair %26amp; scalp conditioner

NET WT 4 OZ (113g).

You can find this grease in Wal*Mart, Cub Foods, and Target. Read the directions, Use, Drug Facts, Warnings, and Inactive Ingredients and more before using the grease.

Itchy Scalp!!?

Paul Mitchell's Tea Tree Oil shampoo and conditioner are wonderful for that. Aveda makes a product called Scalp Remedy (it's a leave in product) that I love too. I use all 3 and they work great.

Itchy Scalp!!?

i used to use a shampoo called caviar and it made my hair like that too but then i switched to pantien and i still used cavia conditionr and it works great!! the conditionare is in a purple bottle and it smell amazing!! also when ur rinsing ur hair i would run ur finger through it while rinsing and then when u think u r done scratch ur head/scalp and see it white stuff is still under ur nail and then if it is keep rinising ur hair

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