Saturday, April 14, 2012

I really don't understand.....?

what is she trying to say????!!!!!! VERY CONFUSED!!!

(please not it's long!!)

Dear Pete,

I'm writing you this note to express the truth. About how I truly feel about you and a few things you should know. I can't keep these things from you any longer. I am deeply in love with you. I love everything about you from running my fingers through your curly black hair to the way you can make me smile even in the worst of situations to the way you pick me up and squeeze me. Though this is all great I feel latley there have been more tears in my life then happyness. I feel worthless to you. I feel like I am so meaningless to you. I want to matter to you. I am your girlfriend and i want to be just that YOUR GIRLFRIEND. I don't want to feel like I'm not loved. I cry almost every single night over the way you treat me. Over the things you have said in the past. I know we agreed to let go of the past but it's so difficult. It's so painful for me. Those things you said to me were something no girl espically myself would wish to hear from any man. I feel as if sometimes deep down I'm being nothing more then used by you. I love you I truly LOVE YOU with all my heart but to be honest I do not feel that you feel the same way about me. The only time you truly seem to be happy is when we are making love. That's the only time I feel I make you happy and even THEN I don't feel that I'm making you that happy! I just want to feel like your princess. To be taken out on dates nice dates and to be bought flowers every once in awhile or a nice necklace or something. I'm not asking for every single day you giving me money or you paying. I'm willing to chip in I understand that the money is tight right now but I still want to feel like I'm important to you. Even if you just cook me a nice romantic dinner something to show me you care. I cry all the time because deep down I feel like you don't care at all about me. You wouldn't care if I dumped you stayed with you never spoke to you. I honestly feel deep down you wouldn't care. You rarley ever tell me you love me, you haven't written me any "long notes" in months, we haven't really been happy since April. I just want us to be happy again. I need to be honest with you about something else too....I do have feelings for someone else. It kills me inside but by the way you've been treating me you've just been pushing me away! I'm not saying I'm going to "jump into a relationship" and just dump you to the curb I would never do that to you. But, the more you treat me bad the more he is there to pick up the pieces. I don't want him to be there to pick up the pieces of my broken heart I want you to be there! I want you to be there on my big events like graduation, birthdays etc. not some other guy! I chose you to come with me up to New York because you are the one I felt I would have the best time with not these other guys! I chose YOU to come to that beach house with me not these other guys! Why do you think I choose you? Because I love you! Because I want to spend time with the person I love thus being you! I don't want any other man to have all my time I want you. I chose you because I love you. I put up with your **** because I'm truly in love with you. You mean my world. I feel like everything has changed though. Everything! The way it used to be! We were so happy so free we had so much fun together! I miss all of that! I miss us! We aren't us anymore were just "You" %26amp; "Me" I miss the "US" I can't take crying anymore. I don't know if you'll ever realize how hurt you have made me or how happy you have made me at the same time (if that makes any sense) I don't want to cry. I just want love! That's all I've ever wanted from you was love! All I ever wanted was to be that girl who could turn your frown into a smile and wipe away your tears the way you have mine. I just want you to love me!

I really don't understand.....?

Thats like reading the bible twice.

I really don't understand.....?

hmm, you have a problem dude....don't know what you did to her, but your girl is very hurt. I think you need to sit down and have a long talk. If you lover her and want to be with her, you're gonna have to start showing it more!

I really don't understand.....?

to me sounds like someone is in love with you

I really don't understand.....?

It's not long? What do you consider long dear?

I read a bit, sounds like so much drama. Sorry but I've got other ways to waste my time than a novel from your gf...if you've got issues with her, discuss them with her. If you two cannot communicate, then there's a BIG problem in your relationship.

I really don't understand.....?

to me it sounds like she really cares about you and shes not getting the same attention back from you. show her some love man. show her you care by doing little things for her.

I really don't understand.....?

You should well think of it!

I really don't understand.....?

She wants you bad, only if you change your ways and treat her like she wants!

I really don't understand.....?

She cares about you a lot, just wished you would go out of your way to treat her better and show her how much you love her-if you do. which she doesn't think you even care about her because of your actions.

I really don't understand.....?

This girl may 'love you' but I read that whole letter, and I see signs that she is a 'controller' who wants you to be or become the person SHE wants with no acknowledgement of who you are or what you want. She's 'threatening you' with her talk of these 'other guys' and the one in particular to hope you feel 'desperate' and don't want to lose her. My advice is to tell her that you are 'done with her' and wish her well, but that you don't want to see her, talk to her, or socialize with her ever again. I've 'written' similar letters, but have NEVER mailed them because I know that sometimes I have 'feelings' that are wrong for both me and the guy I am with and want to 'examine them' in privacy. This letter is bordering on the 'insane' and I really do think you need to get this 'girl' out of your life, ASAP.

I really don't understand.....?

what she is trying to say is you dont treat her the way you used to. u said some men things to her she cant get over. she feels that u arent happy with her anymore. u r hurting her a lot but she really loves you so she is willing to try and work things out. the way you r treating her is making her seek attention from other men because she feels that they appreciate her more then u do and they are actuallly there for her. she doesnt want to break up beccause u r the one she love, she doesnt love anyone else but you. things between you and her has changed a lot and she want things to be back to the way it was when yall were happy to be together and she felt that you were happy to be with her. she sees that you two are growing apart and she wants to be close again. all she really is asking for is some attention. she wants you to be there for her and show her you love her. she doesnt feel that you love her anymore.

I really don't understand.....?

This is going to be long, but you asked for help, and if I read yours you can read mine. :D

Your girlfriend is in essence saying that if you don't shape up and start showing her that you love her and want her to be your world like you are her's, she will move on the man she referred to in this letter as the one who is always there to "pick up" the pieces of her broken heart.

If I could put in my own two cents, even though she never states why she feels you are treating her badly, I have to be frank and say she sounds extremely manipulative in this letter. As a woman who knows how to twist people's emotions, I know that she is manipulating you to force you into loving her if you閳ユ獧e not ready. If you two have been together for 3 years or longer, this note is understandable, but if it's only been a couple of months--from experience, she's playing you with the emotion card. She's making it clear to you that she loves you--even though she has found someone else--but she still loves you--but if you don't make yourself know that your universe revolves around her and she doesn't feel that it does--though she "loves" you, she WILL leave you.

I like I said, if you two have been together for years, this letter is understandable and valid, because most women want to be married to a guy if they have invested 3 or more years in him. But if it's only been months, which is what it sounds like to me, she's trying to wrap you around her fingers. Don't let her, she's being manipulative. If what I think she is doing is true, I say that she will leave you for "one of those other guys", notice the plural form--guys!!! If she ends up leaving you, go on to something better, I'm sure you deserve it. Good luck and I hope I helped. *u*

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