Monday, April 23, 2012

Braiding Help?

When i get my hair braided i usually have pieces of hair that stick out of the braids. Is this because the hair is to short or is there a strategy to help prevent this from happenin. Also i was wondering if there are any sites you can get tiny rubber bands for free whether they are samples or not. Lookin for some help. Thanks y'all

Braiding Help?

The sticking out hairs are shorter that the others, either by leg nth or the hair not being combed smooth enough. The best way to prevent that is to apply a small amount of palm ade or some kind of hair gloss before braiding and a light shot of aerosol spray after braiding.

The rubber bands are a sin ch!! Go to the orthodontists office! If you don't have braces, get a friend! They can grab tons and all different sizes!

Good luck!

Braiding Help?

That happens when your hair is a little too dry

Braiding Help?

It's because your hair has layers in it. The only solution is to let the short layers grow out or cut the rest of your hair to their length. Stores like CVS will have little rubber bands cheap.

Braiding Help?

Yes, if some hair is shorter than the rest, it will stick out. I guess you could wet it or put something in that will make it stay.

Braiding Help?

well its probably because you have breakage (so yes the hair is too short)

try braiding your hair when its wet so that you dont have this problem.

then use hairspray to hold the little pieces down.

as for the little rubberbands, i have no idea.

Braiding Help?

Well... your hair is probably too short and that results in to hair not wanting to do anything. Believe me, its happened to me. I dont think you can get rubber bands anywhere tho.

Braiding Help?

it's just that you're hair is probably layered. or just some pieces are shorter than the rest of your hair just tuck the pieces that stick out right back into the braid. you can hairspray it for better stick.

Braiding Help?

my hair does it too, i usually put mousse in my hair so when i take the braids out in the morning they are wavy (of course my hair is wet when it's braided haha)

you can buy little elastics at most stores like walmart and walgreens.

Braiding Help?

This happens to my hair too! I think it's becuase I have layers, so the shorter layers stick out of the longer braids. You could try some sort of hairspray to keep the hairs in the braids.

Braiding Help?

that means u have short hair there or ur not getting them all the weay. u could use hairspray or a clip to stop it!! idk if theres a site 4 free hairties!

Braiding Help?

I don't know why it happens but here's a strategy

you can spray a little water on your hair before you braid it (the portion you want to braid) and comb or brush and braid

=] hope this helps

Braiding Help?

it's probably because you have split ends or layers.

the best way to prevent it it to twist the sections before you braid, and then rub some de-frizz stuff on your hands and run your hands down the braid when you're done.

and you can usually pick up small rubber bands at gymnastics or dance places.

Braiding Help?

the pieces that stick out are dead ends. you should be getting your hair trimmed every can also oput a little mouse on the hair after it gets braided. the rubber bands are 2.99 for a tub of 500 at the beauty supply store.

Braiding Help?

That happens when your hair is growing . You put moose on your hair to keep it down. Then put a scarf on your head. and to get free rubber bands .

Braiding Help?

wow please dont listen to any of these people i am african american i no what im talken bout. It is not because your hair is short if your hair touched the flore it would still happen it because not all of are hair is even so when you braid it some peices stick out. how to prevent it is to wear a du rag when you go to sleep at night.

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